10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. 1. As I’m sure it has been mentioned, Jacob was brought out way after Sirius Black was. And Sirius isn’t a werewolf. He is an animagus.
    2. The boxsets. Must you try and argue so PATHETICALLY? The Harry Potter Boxset is modeled after a Hogwarts trunk and looks like you could actually use it for other things to. The “Twilight” one is stupid. I mean, chess and apples. WTF is that about?
    3. The Harry Potter logo is representative, or so I believe, of the ups and downs of Harry’s life. The Twilight logo is like someone has painted thorns gold.
    4. The hidden meaning. What hidden meaning? If anything, twilight is a time of day. NOT meaning Jesus. Harry Potter doesn’t encourage smoking pot, It is the name of the main character.
    5. Oh, I wonder why you got a C? It wasn’t because you were late handing it in, I do that all the time and get B’s, so it was obviously because your writing was lacking in detail and substance. And, Bitch, that isn’t even Joanne Rowling. The J.K. is her middle name and her first name, and it actually sounds good.
    One thing that I would also point out is that our Bella is detailed, has a highly defined character and is psychotic and original. Your Bella is an emotionless freak who is clumsy, brainless and dull.
    Good Day.

  2. Was that a reply to me???

  3. I pretty much understood it. Lol

  4. WOW! frikin biased much? ok so you say, who believes in magic? Who the hell believes in vampires and werewolves? If your going to rant about something do it well with actually good points and not obviously biased ones.

  5. I am certainly a fan of the HP books and despise everything that twilight stands for but some of you potter fans are really stupid. This is so obviously fake and not intended to be taken seriously. shut up and stop making the general populace seem even dumber than it already is.

  6. First of all, I’m pretty sure that that woman is definitely Jennifer Aniston. Maybe you should check your pictures first before you posted them online.
    Second of all, Harry Potter isn’t about drugs! Harry Potter is a name.
    Well, there’s something you don’t know. J.K Rowling created the Harry Potter series before Mayer created Twilight. So I really think that it’s Mayer who copied Rowling.
    By the way, you said that you got a C because you wrote your passage in a “Mayer Way”. I totally understands that. Because that’s how Mayer write her books.
    Finally, I really want to know how old you are? Are you above ten or not?
    ( I don’t blame you. 80% of Twihards are like this. They speak without thinking.)

  7. Well I’m sorry if we’re standing up for a good book series.

  8. This is a joke right? Nobody can be this damn stupid.
    Stop, just stop

  9. LoL relax people, this is obviously a joke

  10. 1. Really! Are you actually comparing the box sets to see who the better BOOK is? That is idiotic. Plus you spelled elegant, are, people, and to wrong.
    2. Harry Potter was made BEFORE Twilight, so really, Twilight copied Harry Potter. Plus you spelled Sirius and Meyer wrong.
    3. You are comparing the logos, honestly. I thought you were comparing the book CONTENT, not the superficial parts. And the Harry Potter logo is better than the Twilight one. Plus its number 3, and you spelled recognizable, swirl, and activates wrong.
    4. There is no hidden meaning in the titles! Harry Potter is named like that because thats the name of the main character, I don’t even know why Twilight is named like that, it doesn’t really mention twilight, which is a part of a day. Besides finding a bong in your cousins room isn’t proof. Plus you spelled titles wrong.
    5. J.K Rowling is way more famous than Stephanie Meyer! You haven’t seen “J.K Rowling on any of the books! Seriously, there’s 7, although, you probably didn’t read Harry Potter or Twilight. Honestly, you think that the J.K in “J.K. Rowling” stands for Just Kidding, you are an idiot. And you probably deserved a C because you suck at writing. Plus, you spelled authors and obviously wrong. Based on all the errors you made, it seems that you are the loser.

  11. stupid!!

  12. I agree, but can you try not to cuss? I know it’s hard with this horrible piece of trash, but please try.

  13. I just say this pic online. It had all 4 of the DA members saying,”roses are red, violets are blue, insult harry potter and we’ll crucio you!” I was just thinking,’so true. So true.’

  14. Not all 4, sorry, but just 4 of the members.

  15. I so agree I have not even read twilight and I hate it Harry potter is my favorite book and movie series ever. HP forever

  16. What?

  17. I found this amazing christmas carol on one of the sites
    “Jingle bells, twilight smells, Edward went away,
    Bella dies, Jacob cries, Potter all the way”
    ____said like Peeves, the poltergeist

  18. Wtf?! Is this a joke?? These are the lamest points I have ever seen. Wait a moment, ppl said the same thing about a book too. The book’s title starts with and ends with a”t” and has sparkling vampires in between. What’s the name of the book again…
    1. How dare u put crosses on the faces of the two characters who’ve inspired millions and millions of kids across the globe. Bet sparkling vampires and weak and horny women like bella have never done that.
    2. The hp books come in a sleak treasure chest because they are indeed as valuable as treasure. The twilight books on the other hand come in a box that is peculiarly like the carton for toilet paper. Hmmmm…
    3. Hp came much before Stephenie Meyer even thought of jacob black. If someone copied the other ,I’m pretty sure it is Stephenie Meyer. Plus never, ever insult Sirius Black again. He died the death of a hero whereas jacob fell in love with a 2 year old. Do I need to tell who is better. Also the remark about the black actor playing a character with the surname black is frankly just obnoxious and super racist. I wonder who would be your choice for a character with the surname “green”
    4. The hp logo is a classic. Everyone can identity it anywhere. The “p” is shaped the way it is because harry has a similarly shaped scar. So I guess the “g” would be shaped the way it is because Edward looks anything but straight.
    5. The last point is frankly the stupidest. There is no connection between jesus and twilight. Personally I think jesus hates twilight just as much. I studied in a convent for some time and have learnt that vampires are actually pretty against all the teachings of the Bible. So the point works pretty opposite to for what it’s intended.
    6. I am pretty sure that that picture is of Jennifer Aniston NOT J.K Rowling. The point about you not knowing her pretty much proves all the stuff I wrote about your brilliant brain *sarcasm, if you don’t get it* . Although, I like the end coz you signed off as “LOSER”.
    In the end, twilight is a lovely book.. “just kidding”, it sucks!!!

  19. 1.) Because vampires are real. I actually love that chest, it’s really cool.
    2.) Sirius came first, and Jacob Black isn’t black either genius.
    3.) That lightning bolt on the P is the Scar from his forehead. I guarantee you that is more recognizable that that dull logo. The g looks like it was drawn by a stupid teenage girl.
    4.) Twilight is actually a period of the day just before it gets dark. That just proves you wrong. There is also not a single reference to God or Jesus anywhere in Twilight.
    5.) Jennifer Aniston did not write Harry Potter. JK Rowling did. She is richer, more famous, and has a better life story and came up with the story of Harry potter in a better way then Stephenie Meyer. She is also friends with much better people, for example Stephen King, who is one of the most successful authors I know and who downright said Meyer sucks.

  20. This is stupidity. Why did I even read this senseless ramble….

  21. I think she should be made to spend one night in professor sprout’s greenhouse with all the creepy plants.

  22. 1st of all your grammer hurts my eyes.
    1st the boxes. Thats noost a treasure chest. It’s hes bag/packing unit he used for his travel. Get your facts right. ~-~
    2nd The Harry Potter Books where writen before the Twidits books, dont believe me? Look it up. Oh, and Jacob is not black ethier. :D let that set in to your brain
    3rd Really?
    4th Twilight is accaly at Dawn and if you dont know what Dawn, It is the time before the sun sets which means it’s going to, night time ~-~. Oh and, its your cousins fault that he/she smokes weed ~-~.
    5th Are you really putting LOOKS into this. Oh and thats not JK. Rowing Thats Jeniffer Aniston, Get your facts right next time before you post some dumb shit like this on the internet :D.

  23. Like a Boss Good sir you are amazing

  24. Idk

  25. To the creator of this monstrosity: you do know that I found this only because I saw several YouTube videos about why all your reasons are stupid?

  26. Okay first of all about your spelling… Plzz
    And you got a C in English because your writing is like Stephanie meyer!! Long and boring.
    Next you talked about the box sets harry potter has class and and there are many different cover arts for a single book which shows its uuniqueness
    N hallo sirius came 9 years before jacob black which means twilight copied hp
    The swirl in the g—> WHY IS IT EVEN THERE?? whereas in hp the P denotes Harry’s scar!!
    N Plzz DO GET A LIFE JK ROWLING is the first millionare in the world just by writing books n no way can you compar stephanie with rowling…
    Ps: JK Rowling is not Jennifer Aniston

  27. I like your last sentence <3

  28. Dude, I hope you’re kidding. I’m worried about your sanity. And spelling.
    1. About the box sets, that’s your opinion. You can’t change ours. The Harry Potter box set represents the series, whereas the Twilight one shows nothing, but the lack of creativity the author expresses.
    2. “Serious” Black was mentioned WAY before Meyer wrote the Twilight series. And his name is Sirius Black.
    Also, his last name is Black. The actor who plays him doesn’t have to be black. And Taylor Lautner isn’t black either.
    3. Harry Potter’s logo is memorable and unique.
    4. Dude, both “Harry” and “Potter” are real names. What you said is extremely rude and stupid.
    5. For starters, that’s not J.K. Rowling. And the popularity of the authors have NOTHING to do with the series’ quality.
    Oh, note that she didn’t say anything about the stories, just about the appearances of the merchandise that both series sell. Congrats. Your point was proven.

  29. I apologize for your lack of understanding. The picture you have found is Jennifer Aniston, who is an A-list celebrity. I applaud your brilliant Google Image usage. Had you typed in ‘J.K. Rowling’ as I immediately did after seeing this, you would have found the correct image. However! We must emphasis on positives! Their hair colors are both blonde!
    Furthermore, the actual definition of twilight is the time of day when the sun has just dipped below the horizon, or, a gradual decline or waning. As such it does not actually signify light. Harry is a common name. It was the most popular boys’ name in 2013. Potter, too, is a common surname, and actually means creator of pottery, which you might have known had you ever dared to venture into any elementary school classes.
    Thank you for your time.

  30. How is it possible that people don’t understand that the author is joking?

  31. Reading this gave me brain cancer

  32. As a huge Harry Potter fan, I took great offense to this for the many reasons listed below. But then I realized something – this extremely faulty comparison was posted to show Twilight supporters in a bad light – as stupid and ignorant. So, I must applaud whomever posted this, as I found it very humorous (sorry Twilight fans). I mean, the whole thing is a joke … right … ???

  33. Harry Potter totally kills twilight! Twilight was rejected 14 times!!!

  34. More like 100% of twihards

  35. Filthy mudblood.

  36. MWAHAHAHA This made my day! The typical bad spelling and the ‘inability’ to keep track of the number of reasons brought the entire joke to perfection. Thanks for making my day!

  37. Deep down, I know that this is a joke and not to be taken seriously, but it is really fun to sort of contradict this.

  38. Avada kedavra.

  39. Harry Potter was writen before twillight and HP tells us about TRUE LOVE

  40. Crucio for all the Twifans,in hope they will understand why -__-

  41. This seriously the stupidest thing I have ever read! Honestly! Your cousin smokes pot cause of Harry Potter?! Are you an idiot?? Keep your family drug habits to yourself please! That’s embarrassing airing that out!
    My gosh ‘light meaning Jesus’ where did you get that from?? You should seriously do a lot of research in why twilight is better then Harry Potter cause you just made yourself sound so stupid!
    And anyone under the age of 35 who doesn’t know who J.K Rowling is is a moron!

  42. No whoever wrote this is ignorant. Harry Potter is ten times better than Twilight will ever be. First of all Harry Potter was written before Twilight so JK Rowling could not have copied from Twilight. Secondly if these books were in a was every single charcater in Harry Potter would win. JK is the best author this century and harry pottetr has always been more popular that Twilight. 400 copies sold worldwide versus 100 copie, do the math.

  43. I hope that is just a joke. A very bad joke…

  44. All twilight fans know that Harry potter is superior to twilight, but they don’t know anything, so they think that twilight is better… if they can think. I don’t even think that that is possible though, so, twilight fans are just smudges in society, and should be eliminated like mosquitos (I think I spelled that correctly) also should.

  45. It is sad to see some people have not graduated out of preschool.

  46. Written very poorly. Besides twilight is a time of day and harry potter is a name! When you said that J.K Rowling copied the name “black”the whole harry potter series was written before the first twilight book so if anyone copied black it’s Meyer. How would your cousin take drugs because of harry potter if it was never mentioned in the BOOKS!? I didn’t know who Stephanie Meyer was until you just mentioned her so she must not be FAMOUS either! The box set is supposed to have the theme of harry potter. So next time try to gather REAL information before you put it on the internet for people to criticize.

  47. I like the way you think! My thoughts exactly, I almost wrote the same thing!

  48. Don’t count on becoming a reporter

  49. How can it be racist to you if Meyer did the SAME THING!!!

  50. The information has nothing to do with the actual books, this just shows how desperate twilight fans are to find insults for harry potter when twilight is basically a death battle over a girl. Harry does magic when all Edward does is SPARKLE!

  51. It’s not racist because Jacob is ‘hot’ and Sirius black is an oldish man. NOT!!! This reason was extremely stupid and arragant.

  52. This girl does not know what she is talking about Harry potter is way better than twilight and like vampires and werewolfs are real and what do swirrel have to do with anything?

  53. Maybe you got a c because twilight is awfull #twilightisawfull

  54. And if you love jesus then you sould know that no one is flawless and reading this made me gag just wow #hpforever

  55. Got to be kidding me how is Harry potter encouraging drugs

  56. Why do you say “nerd” like it is a bad thing? A nerd is simply someone who is intelligent and enjoys learning, just like me.
    Harry Potter is not stupid, but you can have your opinion. HP is a beautifully woven story full of loss, hope, bravery, sacrifice, and love. It teaches you that there are bad people in this world who want to hurt you, and that everybody has the strength and bravery to overcome that. Twilight teaches you how important it is to have a boyfriend.
    Robert Pattinson played a brave, loyal, and compassionate character in HP, and a boy who sparkles in the sunlight and likes a girl who is 100 years younger than him in Twilight.
    So, please, think before you write something as judgemental as this.

  57. Oh my god. If I continue to read this in the summer (which it is) I will be the most stupitest (I did that on purpose,I think that’s how it’s spelled, btw) person in my class. But I guess you already are the stupidest person in your class because you read twilight.

  58. Twilight fans never change. They will always think hat twilight is better than Harry potter, no matter how many times we tell them that Harry potter is better. I sort of deal bad for them because they’re so stupid. But then again, they like twilight, so never mind.

  59. Um. That picture you used for Rowling…is that Jennifer Aniston?

  60. Firstly, boxsets don’t change the rubbish story of twilight
    Secondly harry potter was written before twilight so duh they can have copied black. Thirdly its not racist at all, its a surname and it doesnt represent your nationslity or skin colour. Titles don’t make a difference but if twilight hadnt melted peoples brains, they would know that its not a twitch, its meant to look like harrys lightning shaped scar. You can’t spell titles, sirius, swirl or elegant. The title does not refer to drugs at all and still doesn not make the story any worse. Finally, how can you not know who j.k rowling is??? Have you been stuck in a vampires cave. Jk are initials for joanne and k isnt actually part of her name. And wizards are way better than vampires

  61. Wow!! What a brilliant comparison!! Honestly!! Judging a book by its cover or box set or logos!! N please .. HP was created ages before ur twicrap was..now u know who could have copied whom! And stuff like ” HP encourages drug usage .. N a dark person should have played the role of Sirius BLACK” really cracks me up! N RACISM in HP?? Really?? There were characters like the Patil twins who were non-whites but sure were great heroes!!
    N lastly the “authers” ! U haven’t heard of JK Rowling because ur ignorant n lack general knowledge.. (Which is in fact expected from u twicrap fans). No wonder u got a C ,ur teacher even told u the reason, u wrote like Meyer!! So please gather REAL points before u think of posting such dumb articles on internet!!

  62. WTF did I just read?

  63. This article thing is a really dumb thing and is a sorry comparison. If your going to make an argument, at least make it a good argument.

  64. This argument is really really stupid. I wish it didn’t exists because its just making people even more stupid than the human population already is.

  65. Okay First Point- BOX SETS seriously your first point is the box sets OMG YOU Idiot
    Second Point Harry Potter was first so twilight copied Harry Potter not the other way around
    Third Point- Siruis was described as white so the stuck to the character description
    Forth Point- The Logos really wow just wow ran out of points did you
    5th Point- It is one thing to insult a book but to bring the writers into this just show how you twilight fans have so few arguments.
    And FYI you got a C because your writing sucked
    Thats not even J.K Rowling like idiot
    And to call her a loser thats cyber bullying and she was the first author to become a billionaire from writing
    Go and get a brain

  66. No no no no no no no no no no no just no

  67. J.K Rowling not very famous!? She’s the richest author in the world. Harry Potter promoting drug use is ridiculous. Harry Potter was written BEFORE twilight so Jason Black copied Sirius Black. Also
    Stephanie Meyer: ‘the idea for twilight came to me in a dream’
    Dumbledore: ‘it does not do to dwell on dreams’
    Dumbledore has spoken.

  68. This is a really stupid article. First of all, how is Harry Potter linked with drugs and smoking ? And how do you mistaken Jennifer Aniston for J.K Rowling ? And the “P” resembles Harry’s scar (Sorry for my English, I am Asian !)

  69. Lol. Dumbledore is wise and Stephanie Meyer should’ve heeded his advice.

  70. Sirius Black was created in 1999, Jacob Black was made in 2005. And Twilight as elegant? WTF? Oh, yeah I forgot, someone send me the memo in which sparkling vampires are sooo fancy! Vampires are known as dumb *** bloodsuckers!

  71. Wow. Just… no.

  72. AMEN!

  73. Ikr! Vampires are basically mosquitoes

  74. This is wrong on so many levels. 1. Harry Potter was written in 1997, Sirius Black was mentioned in the 1997 book, The Sorcerers Stone. Twilight was published EIGHT years later, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for JK Rowling to have copied Stephanie Meyers character, Jacob Black. And it says “or other things that don’t exist like WIZARDS? Omg dumb ppl believe in magic.” YOU believe in sparkling vampires! Okay, my rant is done.

  75. Ok. Wtf is wrong with you. I don’t know if this is a joke, and frankly I don’t care. I just want to say two things. Was Stephanie Meyer the first person to become a billionaire by writing books? NO! Was Stephanie Meyer richer than the freakin Queen Of England at one point? HELL NO! So I suggest you go smoke pot with that cousin of yours. He’s still better than you because he like Harry Potter. And you really need to work on spelling and grammar. How old are you, 8?

  76. Umm, your English is actually better than 99%of twilight fans, so, yeah.

  77. And both are sorry excuses for life.

  78. Fight!!!, Fight!!!, Fight!!!

  79. Lol

  80. Twilight is bullshit. And the boxsets of HP is just SO AMAZING. I mean, who wouldn’t want it?

  81. -,- THIS IS SO STUPID!!!
    That is NOT J.K Rowling on that picture that is Jennifer Aniston!!!
    And that is NOT a chest that is a TRUNK
    OH and Meyer copied Rowling!!! Harry Potter was published like 8 years BEFORE
    Twilight came out!
    Pure doesn’t mean JESUS!!! YOU ARE SO STUPID AND DUMB
    And NO you didn’t get a C on the project because it was late!

  82. Is no one going to discuss the fact that they think Sirius Black and Jacob Black are werewolves.
    Jacob Black was a shapeshifter, when the “lore” was described it was very obvious she was describing a shapeshifter and I think they were even referred to as that in the Twilight books at one point and yet she continued to go on and call him a werewolf when he wasn’t. Also, Remus Lupin was the werewolf in Harry Potter, not Sirius Black. Once again that is SIRIUS Black, not serious.

  83. hp came first so technically meyers copied rowling on the character name

  84. Sorry can’t hear you over our theme park

  85. I am seriously laughing right now. This post is so fricking messed up I’m laughing. Here are many things I spotted wrong with this post:
    For the box set: At least Rowling though of a cute, clever, and NOT cliché way of selling her (amazing) books
    For the Sirius Black thing: first of all you spelt Sirius wrong. And Harry Potter came out long before Twilight, plus Black is a common name. Also you got Sirius mixed up with Lupin.
    For the logos: Did you even READ the books?!?!? Harry has a SCAR on his head THAT THE TITLE REFERS TO!!!
    For the titles: There is no hidden message in the title Twilight where as The name of HP REFLECTS WHAT THE BOOKS ARE ABOUT.
    For the authors: wow… Just wow… XD!
    This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Maybe you should read more than the first chapter. I’m not saying Twilight is bad, I haven’t read it yet, but hey, at least I’m gonna give it a CHANCE!!!!

  86. Ha! Best. Response. Ever!

  87. Agreed, and you know why we have a theme park? BECAUSE HARRY POTTER IS A MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN TWILIGHT!!! So, yeah.

  88. like really how can you compare this to jesus he is not for worldy stuff he is for the kingdom of god u really are crazy and btw harry potter was made before twilight just saying mmm…how is vampires pure and christ like that really puzzels me u so blinded by nothing infact

  89. Ok, so before this, I was looking at ‘reasons why twilight is better than harry potter’ (just as a joke) and not kidding, one of the reasons was this: ‘I don’t like harry potter because rumble does has a beard and beards are creepy.’ Like WTF?!? Than I guess you also don’t like the hobbit/lord of the rings or any other books/movies with characters with beards, and I guess you also don’t like people irl with beards. So… what would happen if your dad grew a beard? Would you disown him? *sigh* twilight fans really are stupid and desperate for attention.

  90. you,ve got to be really stupid (twilight stpid)to make this comparison … for your information harry potter came first so serius black was original charachter ,by the way did you realize that was jennifer anistons picture not jk rowlings

  91. Voldemort… is that you? Wow I haven’t seen you since the last time we fought, which I won. I now see that you have turned into an Idoit who can’t get his facts straight. Where’s the Ministry of Magic when you need them?

  92. For one thing, Sirius Black was a character BEFORE Jacob Black, and for another, Jacob Black is NOT black either! Why isn’t THAT racist! Now who’s the copycat!? As for the authors, J.K Rowling is her NAME the J is for JOANNE, and she is a MUCH better writer than Stepheine Meyer who writes like a ten year old. That’s all I have to say. Thanks!

  93. BTW Twilight was rejected by 14 DIFFERENT publishers before being accepted by the 15. Does that say something to you about the writing?

  94. Do you seriously think that these are valid reasons?

  95. Can you give me another reason how Rowling copied Meyer…… OH WAIT!!! I mean how Meyer copied ROWLING! Because FYI the first Harry Potter book came out NINE YEARS before the first Twilight book. Ummmmmm you should also work on your spelling and grammar before you post something else on the internet. I’m just saying…

  96. I disagree with you. Stephanie Meyer can write like a preschooler writing a teen book. Even a 10 year old can write better than that. I’m 12 and can write a better book than twilight!

  97. This is a disgrace to society. Twilight sucks and everyone knows it.

  98. lol … lol … lol … That’s clearly a troublemaker’s page. You guys played right into his hands by trying to defend HP and very loyal of you too. He may know all the facts… may even be a HP fan … but the objective of this page is to rattle us all … well … he can’t impress me much … his fake stupidity is not even convincing to me … so I won’t defend HP … it doesnt need defending … HP FOREVER !!!

  99. Ok, no to be fair, not all twilight fans are like this. My best friend LOVES twilight, and she’s the smartest and nicest person in my grade, so it’s just people like the idiot that made this article that are destroying all the educated twilight fans.

  100. J.K Rowling told a better love story in 1 chapter than Stephanie Meyer did in 4 books

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