Gender Equality Explained: Find Out What Is It Really!

Let us explain gender equality to you, dear visitors. What is gender equality? It’s when you as a man is required to pull women’s chair out, hold the door open for her, pay for her, and be nice to her no matter what… while treating her like an equal.

You're supposed to pull my chair out, hold the door open for me, pay for me, and be nice to me no matter what! While treating her like an equal!

22 thoughts on “Gender Equality Explained: Find Out What Is It Really!”

  1. Wow, he needs to quit Karen…

  2. That’s not feminism, that’s incel fantasy. Or it might be your girlfriend is just a lazy b*tch.

  3. Is she his mother?

  4. Bravo! Pandering to the incels I see.

  5. Never met an emancipated woman like this.

  6. She knows he’s a real pu$$y, and has no respect for him.
    As long as he keeps buying her anything she wants she
    will keep the game going.

  7. A society that does not keep its women chase will be taken over by one that does.

  8. What? Gibberish.

  9. This is probably the most truthful thing ever posted on here.

  10. Anything that makes a feminist look bad is no longer feminism it’s “incel fantasies”….which is what feminism is… big incel fantasy! Girls can be incels too ya brainless wicker basket!

  11. Treating women (and men) as an equal is my baseline. Holding the door and being nice, I do for both men and women. Pulling a chair out, paying for food–those are bonuses I give to *my* lady. I have no obligation to pay for some strange woman’s meal.

  12. We’re all pink on the inside.

  13. Feminism is cancer. Look South.

  14. You are just unable to handle an independent woman. The weakling incel pandemic is the real cancer. You are pathetic.

  15. Devolution started with the millenials.

  16. Then why are Feminists just rolling over and letting men take over their spaces and sports? Independent women.. Please. Your the weak, pathetic ones bending the knee for men.

  17. As I said, millennials.

  18. Halfwits ranting about feminists not understanding what feminism is at all.

  19. Is that 3rd or 4th wave Feminism? Perhaps you could explain it since it changes so often. Thought it was about empowering women. Now it’s about letting men run around naked in female locker room frightening little girls. Some how that empowers women?

  20. That’s about transgender rights. Has nothing to do with feminism.
    It actually pushed feminism aside without regard. Looks like men who want to be women are still selfish men.

  21. So Trans BS killed feminism? Aren’t they complete opposite’s.. Trans Maoism is all that stuff is.

  22. Lol @manly man

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