10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. You’ve been imperiused, St. Mungos can’t help u and besides, Twilight promotes early pregnancy just because a flirty teenagae fell in love with Cedric diggory u idiot

  2. Ok, you are entitled to your opinion, just like we all are, but don’t post things like this on the internet. It makes you look very immature.
    1. the boxes. What does an apple, a chess piece, a piece of ribbon, and a flower have anything to do with twilight? The harry potter box set is a Hogwarts trunk, where kids put their books and clothes.
    2. Sirius Black was mentioned in the first Harry Potter book, BEFORE Twilight came out. Your comment was very racist. I know a kid who’s last name is white, and she isn’t white!
    3. A swirly G has nothing to do with the plot of the story. The letter P is a lightning bolt because Harry has a lightning scar on his forehead.
    4. There is no special meaning behind the titles. Harry and Potter are both common names. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn are all about nighttime. What happened to one person does not apply to everybody. The fact that person is a Harry Potter fan is completely unrelated. 5. THAT ISNT EVEN A PICTURE OF J.K. ROWLING!!! Her real name is Joanne Rowling, but she shortened it so boys would want to read the books too.
    Next time, have a decent argument, and get your facts straight please.

  3. Both programmes are not for men or adults with an I.q. above 30

  4. I know harry potter is stupid and for nerds

  5. Well that’s mean harry potter is not cool so we can have opinions



  8. All the same for harry potter. And it’s fans

  9. You and harry and jk are thick in the head

  10. Yes, I agree. Why do people think J.K. Rowling copied Stephanie Meyers? Look at copyright dates! If you USE LOGIC, Stephanie Meyers is the copycat!

  11. No, not really… I’m no nerd and I love Harry Potter, favorite book series ever. It’s not like Twilight is a terrible book series to me. Twilight has its good points and its bad points, so does Harry Potter. Harry Potter isn’t very stupid (maybe in your opinion x3) it’s an interesting book about a boy going through a difficult life grieving over his parents and trying to svae what he has left of his family and friends,and Twilight is good in the fact that it’s about devotion towards the one you love (oh dear lord I go on and on don’t I?) so I just think both books are good and you shouldn’t be stereotyping the type of people who read Harry Potter and jumping to conclusions about it. :) Thanks for at least reading towards this point x3

  12. Harry Potter is not stupid. You wanna see STUPID, look at Twilight. Also, it is not EXCLUSIVELY for nerds (although most of its fans are). The two most popular girls in my grade like it. And what is wrong with being a nerd? I’m a nerd! So is the person who invented the computer you typed this hideous comment on.

  13. All TRUE, 100%. Jennifer Aniston DOES look like JK though. But that’s no excuse.

  14. XD Cedric Diggory- is it just me, or does Robert Patterson look better as Cedric than Edward?

  15. Seriously “Anon”!! I agree with you Harry potter fan. By writing that comment “Anon”, you proved that you are horrible at grammar.

  16. There are men who like Harry Potter. And so do adults. Harry Potter is amazing. May I also mention that people with an IQ of 30 can’t READ?

  17. Thank you!

  18. Soooo true. The actor is Robert Patterson btw.

  19. Beautiful.

  20. Anon- And WHY is this true?

  21. 1) The Harry Potter boxed set is great. Also, pirates did exist. Also, vampires aren’t real either, and if they were they wouldn’t sparkle like fairies.
    2) SIRIUS (not Serious) came first. Also, Jacob’s not black. Also, HOW DARE YOU INSULT SIRIUS. You did a good job of pointing out how Meyer copied Rowling.
    3) The Twilight logo is ok, the Harry Potter one is beautiful. Also, the zigzag in ‘P’ represents Harry’s lightning scar. Does Bella have a swirl on her face? NO.
    4) OK, God is not a sparkly vampire. Harry is a common name, and as a Harry Potter fan who is a Christian and doesn’t do pot, this is stupid.
    5) JK is for Joanne Kathleen. And maybe your writing being like Meyer’s is WHY you got the C.

  22. Weell… Yes.

  23. 1) PLEASE I BEG YOU TO CHECK YOUR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR! If you are going to attempt to make an argument, at least have the decency to spell things correctly.
    2) you said “OMG dumb ppl believe in magic, omg 2 much!” Well, I hate to break it to you, but Stephanie Meyers’s books are filled to the brim with magic just like J.K. Rowling’s are.
    3) Does it really matter what the book cover portrays? All that matters is the story it holds within; not the “pretty artwork on the cover”.
    4) C’mon have some respect. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you can draw mustaches all over it. And I plead which you to do 5 seconds of research to spell Sirius Black’s name right.
    And how many times have Harry Potter fans had to tell Twilight fans that J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter and instroduced the character by the name of Sirius Black years before Stephanie Meyers wrote Twilight? Do we really have to spend this much time to drill it into your minds? Try not to be so incompitant and listen to some actual facts instead of your biased opinions.
    5) Why do the logos even matter to you so much? Saying the man who made the logo had a twitch is not only immature; but it is extremely rude.
    6) Are you seriously trying to say that Twilight (a book about premarital sex, pregnancy, vampires, and werewolves) is about praising Jesus? Also, just because his name is Harry does not mean the book is promoting bad hygiene. Many people have the name “Harry” and I’m sure that that is quite offensive to them. Also, because he has the name ‘Pot’ter does not mean the book is promoting marajuana use. Once again, many people have the last name Potter and this is very offensive and discriminative. Be mature. And if your aunt found a bong in your cousin’s room and she’s a Harry Potter fan, that’s a coincidence. I can assure you (and I speak for most people) that not all Harry Potter fans smoke marajuana. I certainly do not.
    7) if you haven’t heard of J.K. Rowling, that is not because she’s not famous; it’s because you don’t read Harry Potter. She has won far more awards than your dear Stephanie Meyer. If you got a C on your essay, that is most likely because it was not as superb as you thought.
    And J.K. Rowling uses the initials for her first and middle name for J.K. And you are making fun of her for her name! Don’t be a prat. What if I went up to you and went “Your name is different from mine and I don’t like it. So obviously your writing must be inferior to mine.”
    Seriously kid, be mature. Fix your grammar, keep your opinion to yourself instead of offending millions of people, and when you make an arguement, I would highly suggest using facts instead of targeting people, drawing mustaches on their faces, concluding that their writing sucks merely because you dislike their names, and being a jerk.
    So here are some final words of wisdom:
    Grow up and don’t be a prat.

  24. Twilight teaches you that you need a boyfriend to survive. Hp teaches us to do what is right even when it is not easy. It gives us hope and happiness. Twilight gives us pain with that horrible writing.

  25. Well said, but I think she should go to askaban

  26. No offense Anon… but, um… you’re quite… imbecilic…

  27. Diamond Rose- I must say, you are quite the wizard! Such a great knowledge of magic! Absolutely lovely (much greater than the Twilight fan muggles) … The brains of those muggle students… I can’t IMAGINE how they function! 100% agree with you.

  28. My friends, wizards are unbeatable. Only wizards can beat wizards, as Harry defeated Voldemort. You dare not lay a finger on me, ‘Twi-hards or whatever ridiculous fan name you have’. Twilight has no place on this Earth. Avada Kedavra! (Even the Ministry won’t send me to jail for that! :D)

  29. I honestly hope this person is a troll.
    1) First of all, it’s a CHEST. Something that’s in the books. Tell me where you see any of the pictures on the Twilight covers in the books. And pirates were and are real, thank you very much. Unlike Vampires and Werewolves, which she pointedly overlooked. (Also, it is fiction, which means ‘not real’)
    2) Harry Potter was written BEFORE Twilight. Who copied who, again? And Sirius is never described as black. Black is a common last name, and it’s really NOT racist.
    3) Yes, Twilight’s logo is very pretty. But the Harry Potter logo means something- the ‘P’ represents Harry’s lightning bolt scar, which is kind of essential to the entire story. And, I’m sorry, but I wasn’t aware that logos could be ‘dumb’.
    4) Twilight does not = Jesus. Plus, don’t you think Jesus would be against Vampires and Werewolves? And I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan and don’t do drugs and am very clean. The name was picked because it was a fairly common name.
    5) There are so many things wrong with this point. She doesn’t bring out the writer in each of us. J.K Rowling did that to me, and I now love writing and she inspired me. And I think you got a C because your writing and spelling is truly awful. Secondly, THAT is NOT J.K Rowling. THAT is Jennifer Anisiton (sorry if I’ve spelled it wrong) and she was once voted the sexiest/ prettiest woman, thank you. And J.K is her initials, which she has no control over.
    I HAVE read the Twilight saga (if you can even call it a ‘saga’) and I hated it. Whereas I am utterly in love with the Harry Potter series. I read it as a young child and still read it now. It shaped my life by teaching me to be strong and loyal and to do what is right rather than what is easy. All Twilight taught me was that I will die if I don’t have a boyfriend to protect me. Uh… no thanks. I can be a strong, independent woman, just like the female characters of Harry Potter encouraged me to be.

  30. THANK YOU! :-D

  31. You can get an F for one day late, it drops the grade 50% here. and below 67% IS AN F!

  32. Diamond Rose: THANK YOU!!! Now I know I’m not the only one who thinks that!!!! Cedric is natural, whilst Edward looks like he he took a bath in flour and slathered on his mother’s darkest lipstick :P

  33. ‘Nerds’. And HARRY POTTER is the stereotypical one. (Read that on another idiot’s blog with the same argument). Seriously, read the series before judging (no pun intended :P)!!!

  34. Thank you

  35. I completly agree with you

  36. Are you retarded?

  37. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT FOR PETES SAKE!!! Twilight was published 8 years AFTER Harry Potter so Twilight actually copied Harry Potter. Also it’s SERIUS and Joanne didn’t make the movies! Btw you have 17 spelling mistakes. And also THAT’S NOT EVEN A PICTURE OF J.K ROWLING IDIOT!!! Also J.K ROWLING IS RICHER THEN THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND!!! She goes by J.K Rowling because her full name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling and her publisher or Schooltastic thought boys might not want to read it cause it was made by a girl so she shortened it to J.K to make it sound like a boys name. GET THE FACTS!!! And also that is not a chest it’s a TRUNK! And for your information that trunk comes from the 4th book which is Moody’s Trunk. For the book sets for Twilight. I’m pretty sure that’s the stupidest thing ever made. NONE OF THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH TWILIGHT!!! Well I’m pretty sure it doesn’t. Also pure does not mean Jesus. Also good doesn’t always mean pure. Like in Harry Potter. Take the Malfoy’s for example. They’re pure blood but they’re mean and death eaters! Now the logos. Sure the Twilight’s logo looks cool and all but it doesn’t matter about looks! Now Harry Potter. The stem for Potter was suppose to have that because of Harry’s lightning bolt scar. DUH! And sure it seems big, but it’s not about looks! The Harry Potter logo looks perfect to me. God stupid MUGGLES! And if your a twilight fan your an idiot.

  38. *gets wand* no one messes with Harry Potter on Potterheads watch! AVADA KEDAVRA!

  39. Wanna know a better name for Twilight fans? Twi-losers!

  40. Also Harry Potter has their own website. Does Twilight? NO!

  41. You didn’t get a c because it was late. You got a c because it was like Twilight and Twilight is the most dumbest and stupidest thing ever made.

  42. How do I make something like this on Eatliver? I’m gonna make one with REEAL FACTS unlike you.

  43. You are awesome twilight suck (plus harry and Kingsley won’t send you to azkaban for that ) Edward sissor hand is the best Edward

  44. So true

  45. This page I hilarious. You can’t tell who is a troll and who is simply moronic.
    For the record:
    Liking either HP or Twilight does not make you stupid.
    Making fun of someone who likes either one is stupid.
    People have different opinions, deal with it.
    I have, at one point in my life been a fan of both.

  46. first of all harry potter is something you can pass on to anyone everyone will enjoy it. the idiot who posted the poster stuff and pictures you ARE A DOUCHE. “harry potter copied twilight” harry potter was written and filmed before twilight you idiot. twilight is so awkward half the time you are there like “should i look away”.

  47. Are you thick in the head? 1. The “treasure chests” are trunks, like the students use in the books. 2. Prisoner of azkaban, where SIRIUS Black first appears, was written SIX years before twilight. Taylor lautner isn’t black either, and why did you draw a mustache on a man who has a mustache? 3. The swirl in the g has no relation to the story, whereas the ‘twitch’ in the p is the lightning scar of Harry Potter. 4. Twilight is a time of day, harry potter is the name of the hero in the book. And your cousin is probably like that because they have you as a relative. 5. I don’t think your teacher was complimenting you, JK stands for Joanne Kathleen, Kathleen is her dead grandmother,( my grandmother has the same name), and that picture of “JK Rowling” is Jenifer Aniston.
    Harry Potter is about how love and friendship can overcome all evil, and twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend. Vampires don’t sparkle in the sunlight, they die, werewolves don’t turn into wolves, they turn into a blend of man and wolf. Twilight ruined vampires and werewolves, and the vampire from sesamee street is more of a vampire than edward cullen. And just think, I’m 12. Oh and:
    * too
    and twilight is dumb
    (molly is out, PEACE!)

  48. Hear hear,

  49. No harry potter is epic and twilight is for idiots

  50. Does twilight have an interactive website? No
    Does it have a theme park? No
    Do all the twilight actors like twilight? No robert patterson said he hated being edward and prefered being cedric diggory.
    Harry Potter killed voldemort, voldemort killed cedric, cedric= robert, robert= edward, so harry potter beats edward cullen.
    Did twilight have an epic final battle? No, it was about 60 people who met up and one showed another a vision of them fighting, and they shook hands and left, and in case anybody’s wondering how I know, my friends were watching it.

  51. Me: Quick! We need to get you to St Mungo’s straight away!
    ( at St Mungo’s)
    Me: What’s wrong? Is there any cure?
    Healer: I’m afraid there’s no hope, they have the twilights… it’s best that we put them out of their misery, before the illness spreads to other people and kills them. Nnormally, it only comes as a small interest, and we can cure that, but this is too strong for any healer, I’m sorry

  52. This literally made me laugh. Seriously, these are the stupidest reasons ever. To anyone who says Harry Potter has no romance, I have one word for you: Snape. Also, the Sirius Black argument is completely invalid seeing as Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban came out in 1999, six years before the first Twilight novel. If anyone is copying, it’s Meyer. I am not even going to try to explain why the other ones are wrong, because I’m not even sure if this a troll or not. If you really are serious, I applaud you. You have fooled us all with your stupidity.

  53. Even Rowling said to not dwell on dreams!

  54. :D They have the ‘twilights’… I can’t stop laughing! Absolutely true!

  55. Twilight’s characters are undeveloped, how do you know they’re so ‘gorgeous’ ? I mean, either way, they’re not, because Kristen Stewart’s face is painful to look at and none of the characters have a strong personality.

  56. Okay first off our books are supposed to look like mideval times like the girl said.next harry potter was out way way before twilight and we had the last name black and the shape shifting first. The p in harry potter is supposed to be like that to show the lightning bolt. That’s not jk Rowling that’s Jennifer aniston smart one ( note the sarcasm). And jk Rowlings real name is not jk it stands for Jo Kathleen and at least our whole fandom of people ain’t girls. So gets ur facts straight them go around talking out our fandom. Harry potters least selling movie made more money than the twilight a most successful movie so yeah.

  57. Yes. Just, yes. Please do your research before posting. Thanks :)

  58. Oh yeah because Jacob Black is a black guy.

  59. Oh my, this is so hilarious. I can’t stop laughing. Please post more stupid posts like these. I want to show this to my friends on how dumb people can be. Thank you for making me laugh for a whole half an hour.

  60. jennifer aniston has now turned into an author. You got a c because it stands for crap or other wise known as twilight

  61. Alrighty let’s get started… I don’t even know where to start, because of all of this nonsense. Honestly.. You’re ‘precious’ little Edward aka Robert, is BRITISH. So you’re obviously saying that he sucks. Second, Sirius Black was mentioned first before Jacob and his family came along. J.K. Rowling would never be desperate enough to steal other characters names (from better books)… And if you’re going to use the internet. Use it right. I mean that’s not Joann.. Seriously.. It’s like you’re asking to get proven wrong..

  62. Actually, HARRY POTTER IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN IDIOTIC TWILIGHT!!!! Now, to be fair, I’ve never read twilight, but seeing his made me despise the series even more. Good job turning a potential twilight fan into a twi-hater.

  63. Seriously, SIRIUS was mentioned in the 1st harry potter book. He was only mentioned, and it didn’t state that he was an animigus, but he was still in it. THE BOX SETS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING!!!! And also, what does Bella apperently do when Edward leaves her? TRIES TO COMMET SUICIDE!!! And also, who wants to read about a teenager complain about her problems when hey could read about a magical world and escape from their own problems? By the way, if you haven’t heard of J.K. Rowling, you have no life. And if my teacher told me that my writing was like ms.meyer’s I would’ve done a Bella and jumped of a cliff. Harry Potter is so mug better and also, not every one thinks that twilight is better fat ugly muggle pig that doesn’t deserve to like books if they like twilight. Also, twilight is sexist.

  64. And, I’ve heard of twilight fans brig like rabid animals and destroying property and HURTING people just because they don’t like twilight. It’s ok to have opinions, but this is taking it to far. I honk hat you have upset many harry potter fans. Oh, and I’m a girl, don’t have a boyfriend, and I haven’t jumped of a cliff. I mean seriously, WTF twilight? Who jumps off a bridge because their idiotic sparkling fairy boyfriend leaves them to, oh I don’t know, MAYBE TO SAVE THEM?! I mean seriously, this was offending to harry potter fans, and also to twilight fans because all the reasons are fake. Well… only one thing left to do. AVADA KEDAVRA!! Heh heh heh… I AM ONE WITH VOLDEMORT!!!

  65. Lol. Definitely!!!!

  66. Twilight has rabid fan girls while Harry potter has devoted fans who are ok with people saying hat he crap that composes twilight is better than Harry potter as long as they don’t have twilight reasons (A.K.A crapy reasons) and OMG! I think I just got stupider while reading this! Oh no! What is 1+1 again?!? NOOOOO!!! MY MIND!!! WHY TWILIGHT!!!

  67. Sorry, *that the*

  68. All twilight has for it is ‘hot guys’ (and they actually look creepy, not hot) while Harry potter has a plot and hot guys! Oh, and also, the lowest earning Harry potter movie made $90 MILLION DOLLARS MORE THAN THE HIGHEST EARNING TWILIGHT FILM!!! TWILIGHT JUST GOT BURNED!!!

  69. I know!! Harry potter has realistic love while twilight has… stalking. Yes. Very romantic.

  70. Hot guys in Harry potter: Neville, Harry, Draco, CEDRIC DIGGORY (played by Robert what ever his name is, no one really cares) and how about ALL THE GUYS IN HARRY POTTER!!!

  71. I really hope this whole thing was a joke or else you’re going to get some nasty hate mail from a lot of Harry potter fans. TWILIGHT SUCKS!!!

  72. Only, you would have to put it correctly: Why Harry Potter is better than Twilight. Then it really would have correct facts.

  73. Even my 1 1/2 year old cousin can count better than you. (Idiot Von Moron)

  74. No, but just I case it ISN’T a joke, we Harry potter fans have to stick up for the series.

  75. Also, I’m no a Christian, and I find what you wrote about the titles very offensive. MUGGLE SCUM THAT ONLY THINKS( if it can think) ABOUT 2 THINGS: HOW HOT A GUY IS , AND YOUR HAIR!!!

  76. Also, potter puppet pals. I see no twilight puppet pals.

  77. Actually, I did find one. The tittle was how to kill below swan. I know how, seperate her from her precious sparkling fairy godfather.

  78. the first mention of Sirius Black is in the “the philosopher stone” when Hagrid tells Dumbledore “Young Sirius Black lent it to me”.So it was 9 years before twilight was published. I would love to know exactly how Rowling managed to copy Meyer.

  79. Oh my god, all this time I have been trying to be nice to twilight even if I did not like it but SERIOUSLY?!!!
    Because of their logos?!! And harry potter is his name and if you really love Jesus you wouldn’t be so ignorant and rude
    That was Jennifer Aniston
    TWILIGHT basically tells people the wrong things about love
    Edward is British
    Have you been living under a rock? CAUSE YOU DONT KNOW JK ROWLING OR JENNIFER ANISTON

  80. About the Blacks:
    1. As said above Sirius was mentioned 9 whole years before the first ‘twilight’ came out. So basically everything you said is wrong (also can you try spelling Meyer right)
    2. Just because your last name is ‘Black’ doesn’t mean you have to be black.
    3. Jacob Black is supposed to be Native American not black.
    4. Taylor Lautner isn’t even black. “A bit racist? I thought so.”

  81. Oh, and by the way, it takes racism to know racism.



  84. I’m pretty sure that that’s Jennifer Aniston, not J.K. Rowliing.

  85. Ok
    Point one: the box sets there are like 100’s of different box sets you just chose one of them most are as you say “modern,elegant, clean cut, fancy and too the point” here is a link to one http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x45/thomasok/HPadultHBbox.jpg and it’s not a treasure chest it’s a luggage chest like the ones the characters use to take their things to hogwarts
    Point two: I think you will find that twilight copied harry potter as the first time we met serious black in “Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban” the book was first published in 1999 and the film first aired in 2004 while twilight’s first book came out in 2005 and wait that does not even have Jacob in it so your point becomes invalid
    Point 3: I think you will find that the stem of p in potter is shaped like a lighting bolt due to the one on harry potter forehead we’re does the cute swirl even come into twilight oh wait it does not
    Point 4: there is not hidden meaning to the title it’s simply black and white it’s about a boy called harry potter it does not tell people to take pot I think you will find your just looking in to it too much
    Point 5: well the rest of the world does no her and they worship her she has made millions and gave most of it away, I didn’t no who the writer of twilight was till I read this so does that make her not famous no she is I just don’t no her next her name, she didn’t put her name cause she didn’t want to be judged because she was female the k in the name is based for her grandma who died and was the reason j.k wrote the books
    I would like to say your points are floored and invalid so please harry potter is great in it own way I can not comment on twilight as I have not read or saw the films so plus in the future can the facts straight and get valid point thank you bye.

  86. First of all, harry potter was written before twilight so Stephenie Meyer obviously copied J.K. Rowling. Secondly, the least successful Harry Potter film made 90 million more than the most successful Twilight film! Face it Harry Potter is better!
    P.S. You spelt authors wrong; instead of calling Harry Potter work on your spelling and grammar!

  87. Ugh! I know! If I want anyone that I hate to get stupider, I will just show them this.

  88. U stupid the 1st hp book came out 8 yrs before twilight!!!
    Btw ur reasons r really valid*Sarcasm*!

  89. U say u believe in Jesus and God and u like them- well FYI GOD and JESUS use a form of magic! Also originally the first vampire who was then a human made a deal with the devil which turned him into a freakin vampire ! Sorry ppl if this offends u and my writing is confusing u :D

  90. hp comes in a treasure chest because its treasure
    meyer copied rowling
    harry potter has a lightning shaped scar that explains the p
    twilight is a time of day
    harry and potter are popular names
    that is not a picture of rowling and she’s called J.K. because her editor thought boy wouldn’t read it if they saw that her name was Joanne
    she is amazingly famous and is the only person that has became a billionaire from righting books
    p.s she is so thoughtful that she has donated so much money to charity that she has changed from a billionaire to a multi-millionaire
    a.k.a. you are 100% wrong

  91. And also, if everyone was thinking that twilight was better, than why do you only have 2 people defending it and the rest defending Harry potter? Smart move there, oh wait, I forgot, you can’t be smart. You read/like twilight.

  92. How old are you? 7?
    – The way the book covers and packaging have nothing to do with twilight supposedly being better.
    – J.K. Rowling created the The Harry Potter series before Stephanie Meyer did twilight. So, if anything, Stephanie Meyer MAY have copied Harry Potter.
    – Again, what does the marketing have to do with twilight supposedly being better. It’s just a logo.
    – You are stupid. Harry Potter is a NAME. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DRUGS!!! The name Twilight for a book series about sparkly vampires has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ. How dare you use his name in vain! How you got to that is beyond stupid.
    – The popularity of the authors have NOTHING to do with a series being better. Just because you’ve never heard of her doesn’t mean others haven’t! Do you live under a rock?!? Her name is Joanne Rowling. The publishers didn’t want her female name to stop boys from reading Harry Potter. Kathleen is her grandmothers name. The J.K. part of the name are initials. NOT ‘just kidding’.
    These are the most stupid reasons I have ever seen. Grow a brain and post some REASONABLE, unbiased points as to why twilight is better. Oh, and next time, DO YOUR RESERCH FIRST BEFORE YOU POST.

  93. This is a joke right?

  94. You are a bloody idiot. Said like a weasley!

  95. Nice. I love the weasly’s.

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