10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. I’m sorry, even though this is total troll stupidity, this is the stupidest attempt a flame war ive ever seen. Even if its just a straight joke and non-troll. This was thought out by a pre-teen or drunkered (common people who think they are funny) eatliver, why you suck now? you’ve gone to the darkside V.V
    seriously jennifer aniston tho?

  2. Troll. Nice font for a troll.

  3. Try Hard II: Try Harder.

  4. Ya, this sucks. Give me a photo of das kitteh

  5. it’s like a twilight fan would bash harry potter. spot on.

  6. #1) Asuming the box-sets matter, which they don’t in case your tiny brain can’t understand what I just typed, ok, ‘Twilight’ has the 4 lame book covers slapped on to the sides, while the ‘Harry Potter’ box set has trunks, an item which Hogwarts students use, and it is mentioned throughout the book series. It is creative, unlike the ‘Twilight’ box set.

    #2) 1st, it’s SIRIUS, which is what the Dog Star is called. Thus,the name ‘Sirius’ relates to the character, who can transform into a dog. ‘Jacob’ means undermine, and how that relates to Jacob Black, I don’t know. 2nd, Sirius Black was 1st mentioned in Philosopher’s Stone, released in 1997, and further explained in Prisoner of Azkaban, first published in 1999, and, if I’m not mistaken, the first ‘Twilight’ book was released in 2005, long after Sirius Black was introduced. If anyone copied, it was Meyer. And last names don’t have anything to do with skin color, you’re the only racist here. And Taylor Lautner isn’t black either! And PLEASE don’t argue by saying ‘He’s TANNED!!’ Also, if Meyer DID copy, she even copied the part where Jacob rides a motorcycle (referring to Sirius’s bike mentioned in Philosopher’s Stone, in case you haven’t read the books in a while) !!

    B.T.W: Jacob doesn’t even look like a werewolf, just a normal wolf. You wanna see a werewolf, look at Remus Lupin

    #3) Again, logos don’t have anything to do with the story. And WOW!!! There’s a swirl in the ‘g’!!! I haven’t thought of that idea since KINDERGARTEN!!! The ‘twitch’ in the stem of the ‘p’ represents Harry’s scar, which is only the souvenir Voldemort gave him when he tried to kill him, it doesn’t matter, does it? (In case your pea-sized brain can’t realize it, that was sarcasm.) It was only one of the things that had a major part in the main plot, no biggie, right? (Again, sarcasm.) And ‘Twilight’ clearly looks typed. ‘Harry Potter’ looks like it’s a stormy scene, and that it was written by a spell.

    #4) Well, I’m a Muslim, and I don’t know much about Christianity, but I’m pretty sure Vampires and Werewolves are considered evil, so how can it relate to Jesus? And ‘Twilight’ means the hour when the day is changing into night, you numbskull, and night is when evil creatures come out. So I really don’t understand where you got Jesus from. And the name ‘Harry’ means leader, and ‘Potter’ means maker of pots. Well, in normal language at least. But it does not mean smoking pots, idiot, and marijuana (Is that how you spell it? I don’t know, I don’t drink) isn’t mentioned in any of the 1st 4 books, and I doubt it will be mentioned in the remaining 3. (I haven’t finished the entire series yet.) Oh, and ‘Bella’ means beautiful, and ‘Edward’ means rich. Which is kind of implying you need to be pretty to get a guy, and a guy needs to be wealthy for girls to like him. Which is just shooting down everyone’s self-esteem. For proof that those little things don’t matter, look at Ron & Hermione! Hermione isn’t really a gem, and Ron couldn’t afford new robes. But they still love each other.

    #5) It’s AUTHOR, with an ‘o’ (*cough*brain-dead*cough*). And that ‘C’ was because of your spelling and grammar. “She’s soooo pretty!” Well, that’s a legit reason for why 1 is better than the other. And if you were told your writing style is similar to Meyer’s, why are you so happy? And J.K Rowling is the first billionaire author in the U.K. If you haven’t heard about her, look at the cover of a Harry Potter book (if you’ve read one). It’s right there in big letters. And read some real literature. This suggests you haven’t heard of C.S Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien or maybe even Shakespeare. And her publisher told her to use her initials so boys wouldn’t hesitate to read the Harry Potter series. The ‘j’ stands for her first name, Joanne, and the ‘k’ stands for ‘Kathleen’, which isn’t part of her legal name, but she put it there because it’s a name her grandmother loved. And really, Jennifer Aniston?

    Next time you post something like this, refer to the PLOT rather than useless things, do some research, use facts rather than opinions, and back up your research with facts. And proofread!

  7. You misspelled ‘Swirl’…
    No wonder you got a ‘C’!

  8. someone didn’t realise it was trolling..

  9. First, your spelling is atrocious
    Second, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little research about a topic that you probably have NEVER READ ABOUT!! It clearly shows

  10. ‘nough said

  11. Well done indeed.

  12. I know this is obvious troll thing but twilight refers to the short periods of time in the morning and evening when the sun is rising/setting, with it the constant changing light level.

  13. this one suck so hard, more kittens please…

  14. Nice effort but yooooo, the harry potter logo totally rocks harder. Who da hell cares about the swirl in twilight’s logo when harry potter’s logo got zeus’ lightning bolt now that’s awesome.

  15. Anti-troll trolling or just mad, bro?

  16. You funny.

  17. Jennifer Aniston Rowling?

  18. Okay, since when is the order of numbers 1, #, 5, #, #? and you should go back to kindergarten to learn how to spell and thats a picture of Jennifer Aniston not Joanne Kathleen Rowling (JK Rowling in case your to stupid to figure that out) and how could she have copied Stephanie
    Meyers if the first book that Sirius Black was in came out 8 YEARS BEFORE??!! Try harder next time hon….

  19. Very lame, many dumb

  20. “you’re”*

  21. Holy shit can u get any stupider?

  22. OMG Comic Sans. Try Comic Neue, it’s much better.

  23. Am I the only one who is thinking this is supposed to be a joke? Not trolling, but a fully intended joke?

  24. Ok, here are some reasons why your reasons are sooooo invalid.
    #1 How does the book set cover even matter? The Twilight Book looks like a regular book set cover. Where else, the Harry Potter book set looks original and I don’t think you’ll ever find one like that.
    #2 If wikipedia and my memory is correct. I believe that first Harry Potter book was published in 1997 and the third book, The Prisoner of Azkaban where he is further explained, was published 1999 which was 6 YEARS before the first Twilight book. So I think its more on Meyers side that she copied Rowling. I mean, come on! Sirius Black-Jacob Black, Turns into a werewolf and turns into a dog, rides motorcycles-rides motorcycles! Wow ain’t that original. And if you wanna know how an actual werewolf looks like refer to Remus Lupin. And the last reason was just plain racist
    #3 What do the logos have anything to do with it? At least the Harry Potter sign actually represents the movies and really a swirl at the end of the “G” in Twilight you could ask my 5 year old sister to do that.
    #4 That’s not even a valid reason. And I thought that vampires were considered the Satan’s spawn.
    #5 Wow Jennifer Aniston as J.K. Rowling? That is SOOO Impressive. And J.K. is the abbreviation of her name Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Never heard of : J.R.R. Tolkien or C.S. Lewis. Shows how shallow your knowledge is hun.
    And one more thing I’d like to mention actually two.
    Your spelling is plain horrendous. I mean, you can actually spell “swirl” as “swirrel” and what one Earth is “activiately”????
    And by the way, the next time you wanna bash on a franchise as big as Harry Potter, I suggest you research the topic a little bit before talking a bout because it shows that you basically know nothing about Harry Potter.

  25. eat slugs

  26. Are you really an idiot? Harry Potter came out BEFORE your beloved TWILIGHT!!!! MENTAL PERSON! Bella teaches us that we need a man for everything, Hermione and Ginny teach us to be strong independent women who don’t cry over boys and do what’s right (which is not flinging yourself off a cliff). As if the boxes matter! Your brain is teeny, like your beloved bella. Why can’t Edward read Bella’s mind? She doesn’t have one!!!!!!! You think Stephanie Meyer is oh so great, don’t you? Well, J.K Rowling is the 2nd richest person in Britain after THE QUEEN!!! STEPHANIE MEYER copied Jacob from Sirius, you idiot! And J.K Rowling’s full name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Joanne Rowling being her name and Kathleen her grandma’s. Twilight doesn’t even deserve to be compared to something as great, legendary and excellent piece of writing like Harry Potter! And just by the way, J.K Rowling is a hundred times prettier and more sophisticated than Ms. Meyer. Just look at her picture, will you?
    P.S: I think you should go back to kindergarten, although, I’m pretty sure the kids there will do better than you at spelling.

  27. Good one! She deserves it as much as Malfoy!

  28. i <3 you!!!


  30. Please, you honestly do have a pea sized brain because Twilight has no plot and you’re being absolutely ridiculous! Not to mention, every twilight fan I met has horrible grammar and spelling that I want to strangle them. Twilight is rubbish. It is not comparable to the legendary Harry Potter. Maybe you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, ever thought about that?

  31. Please, do you actually have no brain and do not realise this is a joke? Did you went to kindergarten to a glue factory or just had toys made of lead?
    I mean the whole point of this being a joke is how stupid this is?
    All in all internet is a great place to make you feel better about yourself – looking at all those idiots butthurted over an obvious joke I really feel like a genius…

  32. Im a Muslim and yeah I agree with you!

  33. Sure it’s a joke. Because you TOTALLY acted like it was a joke. (sarcasm). Maybe you shouldn’t be so rude to us Harry Potter fans because you know WE OVERPOWER YOU RIDICULOUS TWILIGHT FANS.

  34. Sorry, but it obviously wasn’t a joke, ‘Brat’. You’re going to have a hard time convincing people and for god’s sake, fix your disgusting grammar, it’s driving me nuts here.

  35. HAHAHA THIS IS AWESOME (assuming it actually is a joke)

  36. Commenter is spot on. I’m a Hindu, black-skinned, and don’t judge books by how pretty the author is. I don’t think you got a C because you turned it in late…

  37. You didn’t know who J.K. Rowling is until 5 minutes ago? I’m sorry, but that’s just sad. And notice how you didn’t have anything against the actual plot. Search up ‘Harry Potter vs Twilight’ and hopefully you’ll come to your senses.

  38. Facing the fact you don’t know how to capitalize I’s or spell swirl, you’re teacher must really, really hate Stephanie Meyer (and believe me, anyone with an ounce of sense is with her).

  39. NEVER INSULT JK ROWLING IN FRONT OF ME!!! *points wand at your filthy ***, and a “swirrely” tail juts out… Seriously, check your language, you itty, bitty, baby! Eat Slugs!!

  40. you suck… hard.

  41. Everyone who doesn´t know the writer of Harry Potter is just stupid. The twilight saga is about hpw important it is for a girl to have a boyfriend. wow! did you red the Harry Potter books!? I dont´think so!!! Otherwise you wouldn´t write such lies!!!!!

  42. Couldn’t put it any better. spot on.

    You are a complete THUNDERTWUNT.

  44. Okay guys, calm down. I love Harry Potter and think Twilight sucks. This is just someone trolling and messing around. I thought it was hilarious. Sure, the grammar is awful, spelling is awful but it’s SUPPOSED to be that way. Lighten up, folks! :]

  45. Lopas

  46. Please do read them! I came late to the HP party too. I started redniag them after the 6th book came out. Once I started though, I couldn’t believe I had waited so long. I think the first three are pretty good, but it’s the middle of the fourth book and onward that the series takes itself to the next level. I hope you have fun redniag them! :D

  47. Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what right in the face of adversity
    Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend- Stephen King

  48. What’s*

  49. Harry Potter finished in 2011 and it still has loads of fans like LOADS I don’t know when Twilight ended but a group of girls in my class who really loved Twilight hardly remembers it

  50. THESE MIGHT JUST BE THE MOST PATHETIC REASONS EVER!!! FIRST OF ALL, Harry Potter started waaaay before Twilight! if anything, Stephanie Meyers the one that stole from JK! do you have any idea how stupid you posts make you sound??? >:(

  51. this rant was better than anything that i could up with! hi-five!

  52. This absolute stupidity, and Twilight is a sick story about a 108 year old guy marrying an 18 year old girl who probably has enough pottential to persue education…what am I saying a clumsy girl who is incapable of doing anything without the help of her glittering fairy princess boyfriend, who gets her pregnant that is just sick…sexism is strong in Twilight, Twilight shows girls that they are incappable of doing anything without a fairy princess boyfriend while Harry Potter teaches you whether you are a girl or a boy facing you adversary grasping your strength is something you can persue (if you have the nerve).
    By the way believe it or not having a black play someone with the last name Black is just as rascist, just a way of stating that someone of darker must be most generic and anyways Harry Potter was published before Twilight so unless J.K Rowling can travel in time she can’t can’t have copied Stephanie Meyers, Sirius Black first apeared in Prisoner of Azkaban, which was published in 1999 and Twilight was published in 2005, and the boxed sets Twilight is the least creative while Harry Potter is creative and provides a sense authencity.
    And back to rascism Dean Thomas who is black believe it or not is in the movies and books.
    And how did you not know J.K Rowling if Harry Potter dated a glittering fairy princess you would have read the books.
    And the comparison between J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer first of all her name is Joanne Kathlene Rowling she is A FRIGGIN BILLIONARE who first wrote on a napkins and that napkin was translated into 69 languages and that icon isn’t even J.K Rowling you stupid troll and who ever that is I doubt she can write something as clever as J.K Rowling. You have said that you have never heard of J.K Rowling you aren’t just a stupid troll you’re a stupid troll that is culturally illiterate.
    Who the eff cares about swirls when you have friggin lightning?
    If you want people to agree with you write something intelligent but even then I won’t agree with you because Harry Potrer will always be more badass than Bella A-108-year-old-glittering-fairy-princess-got-me-pregnant.
    Thank you,

  53. Love you who ever you are
    You are brilliant!!!

  54. Wow. These are the worst reasons ever. You make your fandom look bad, and it didn’t look great in the first place.

  55. Thank you, you made my day

  56. The Harry Potter series started before Twilight… so in that case it would be twilight copying Harry Potter…

  57. Agreed


  59. thats not Jennifer anaston she just looks a lot like her

  60. You are so dumb for real

  61. Umm… That’s Jennifer Aniston. Also, if Sirius Black was in a book BEFORE Twilight, how could she copy? If you are going to bash Harry Potter, then bash the plot, not the P in his name or the boxed set. Twilight is pretty good, but Harry Potter left behind a legacy.

  62. Thank you for setting them straight, they are obviously an idiot, and can’t spell or read anything with true meaning

  63. harry potter is and will always be better than twilight. just accept no use arguing

  64. OH MY GOD! i cant believe someone can be so STUPID! you do understand you just made a fool of yourself and your “dearest Twilight” dont you? (its name itself makes me want to puke) friendly advice: do carry an oxford dic with you and stop being racist.
    P.S. avada kedavra!!

  65. Okay. I would just like to point out that you are a complete and utter Boggart-Ridkulus (I spelt that wrong for reason but your tiny little brain will not be able to comprehend) Secondly, it is extremely rude to state that someone should be black skinned just because their surname is ‘Black.’ Thirdly, Twilight was published in 2005 where as ‘The Prisoner of Azkaban’ (which is where Sirius Black was first mentioned) was fist published in 1999. Therefore it is much more likely that Stephanie Meyer piggy-backed the name from Harry Potter and NOT the other way round. Fourthly-who cares about Logos? Fifthly, how dare you refer Harry Potter to drug use. It is also horrid to add your own cousins’ personal life into this statement. 6th,I am a Christian with a strong faith. Your opinion about the title Twilight is fair enough. However-that is your opinion. Twilight is about Vampires and a girl who does nothing except fall deeply in love with one. A typical teenage romance. On the other hand, Harry Potter is about Good conquering over Evil. It shows the pure strength, courage and loyalty of true friends. Lastly, you spelt authors wrong. J.K. Rowling is a worldwide phenomenon and an inspiring woman. Like Harry, she faced many tough challenges in her life-the death of her mother and suffering from depression .etc.. THATS NOT EVEN A PICTURE OFJ.K. ROWLING! Please stop being such an offensive person. I would have been fine with it if you expressed your opinions in a less offensive, atrocious manner. Good riddance to you. I LOVE HARRY POTTER LEAVE IT THERE. WHY LIKE A BOOK ABOUT SPARKLING FAIRY PRNCESSES??? I SPENT AN HOUR WRITING THIS WITHOUT USING A SINGLE BLOODY SWEAR WORD. I USED A GOOD TONE AND MANNER WHIST WRITING THIS(EXCEPT THIS BIT). YOU HAVE WASTED MY TIME.
    thanks and I expect to not see anything like what you have done ever again.
    Case closed. harry wins.

  66. Please… Stop. I could harm/hurt you with a flick of my wand and you could only gap at my awesome skill. Bloody twilight fans.

  67. Stop being so judgmental. You’re a thousand times worse than the Dursley’s. Or even worse. Forget muggle prison, you can have a FREE pass to Azkaban.

  68. U know what I think ur die hard HP fan..
    And this troll of urs is actually scarasm towards twilight

  69. By the way… SIRIUS Black was created BEFORE your precious fake werewolf ‘Jacob Black’.

  70. You just hit the nail on the head.
    But the name thing Harry potter is like hairy pot …um never thought of that one
    Imagine if twilight and Harry potter fans got along …

  71. No Steph thought of it before

  72. I could snap your freaking wand and kill you with my super strength and my mind reading skills

  73. Yeah and Harry potter series was still going when twilight started…..so Steph could have thought of it then J.k could have stole it.


  75. What because someone is actually sticking up for twilight and not just laughing there arses of at the terrible attempts of trying to make twilight look bad?

  76. Then there not twilight fans


  78. And it shows that a girl can save her boyfriend
    It also shows how an ordinary girl can do anything if she wanted to
    And whoever wrote this is great:) however dome of the points are a bit… Odd

  79. 1- A trunk in the world of Harry Potter is something very important in the world of Harry Potter, it was a creative thing to do to carry the books easily.
    2- You should have done some reseach before you wrinting this shit, because Harry Potter is much more older than Twilight, Sirius Black was mentioned in the 1st book of Harry Potter, so if my calculations are correct it was Twilight who copied Harry Potter and besides Taylor isn´t black either.
    3- The bolt in the P is a reference to the scar on Harry Potter. Harry Potter it´s a name and where have you found the ideia for «hairy»?
    4- Twilight is a part of the day not something envolving Jesus Christ, did you knew that? I´m very sorry about your cousin, but HARRY POTTER is a REAL name. Perhaps you are the one who likes pot.
    5- J.K created an entire saga, planning for years and years how it would be the story and the plot, she´s not creative at all, Meyer grabbed the 1st thingn that appeard to her in a dream. It´s no good to dwell in dreams. That woman on the picture isn´t J.K is Jennifer Anniston. so to conclude this is the second time I answer to this bullshit, if only you had good reassons to say that Twilight is better than Harry Potter I wouldn´t write this, but you are so stupid that you can´t even find good motives to say that Twilight is better than Harry Potter. Lastly if there is a loser in this world are the Twilighters, the sparkling fairies fans, with YOU in the first place. You should get a life. Au revouir.

  80. Honestly “Melissa YES A TWILIGHT FAN”. Don’t be thick in the head. Sirius Black was first mentioned in ‘The Prisoner of Azkaban”, which came out in 1999, SIX YEARS BEFORE the first twilight book came out. And the first twilight book turned out to be rubbish and I don’t know why they would EVER publish it. And I doubt Twilight was created with any of Stephanie Meyer’s own ideas.

  81. The ways you are sticking up for this person is just lame. Both of you are trolling. Harry Potter is legendary. Twilight has no life.

  82. Twilight is abusive. Twilight is derogatory towards men. Twilight has no plot. Twilight fans have bad grammar, and should I say, spelling. And Stephanie Meyer became famous for absolutely no reason.

  83. “OMG dumb ppl believe in magic omg 2 much” …??? AND YOUR SAYING ITS NOT DUMB TO BELEIVE IN VAMPIRES OR WEREWOLVES.

  84. I can prove every single one of these wrong.
    1. They come in a box like that because it is the theme of the story. The twilight boxes have flowers and apples that have nothing to do with the story.
    2. Harry potter came before twilight. And j. K. Rowling didn’t make the movies. For all we know, she could’ve thought that Sirius was Jamaican. And Jacob isn’t black either so…
    3. The stem on the P has to do with the scar. But obviously, you haven’t read the books, or else you would know that Harry potter is way better.
    4. Do you really think Jesus has to do with vampires? I MEAN COME ON!!! COME ON!!! Plus, do you think people that make pots, aka potters, do pot? Harry has nothing to do with hairy. It is a common name.
    5. Honestly, I had no clue who Stephanie Meyers was before this. J. K. Rowling, however, is very famous. It’s not her fault she is named like that. It’s like D. J. Plus, her writing is much better than Stephanie’s. And I have a feeling you can’t get a c just for being late. So your writing sucks, just like Stephanie’s. Btw you are HORRIBLE at spelling and grammar.

  85. I totally agree,1) And I don’t think I would be too happy if MY teacher were to tell me if my paper was like Steph.2) I don’t think it was just because it was LATE.3) And btw oh the little lightning bolt is not predictable on the ‘P’ were could it have come from… Oh yeah THE SCAR ON HARRY’S HEAD! 4) I hate when people say something is better and don’t give a good reason why. 5) Why is there a picture of someone else…That is NOT J.K. Rowling! 5) Atleast I can COUNT. 6)I have seen many people with the name Harry… and I have met people with the last name Potter >:0 7) J.K. Rowling took TIME to think about how everything will be and wha spells will be what and RESEARCHED with her VERY big imagination. 8) The case is SUPPOSED to be looking like that…It is a MEDIEVAL wizard like time in a world here and everything isn’t predictable making it FUN and ENTERTAINING. {This may be long of a reply, but I am right. It is not based on the cover or the looks of the author.IT IS BASED ON THE BOOK AND HOW IT LOOKS OUT TO THE READERS!} Ok now 1) What does Twilight tell you?… Only live with a boyfriend and girls can’t do anything or get their way… What does Harry Potter tell you?… That love and trust can help one another and that friendship isn’t based on how rich a person is.(Or ‘hot’)

  86. I know right. At least J.K.Rowling thought about everything in research and took time on her stories and thought of the atmosphere using her imagination and thoughts. AND used correct grammar. Step. Myers just dreamed and wrote it. Lust = Twilight….Love = Harry Potter.

  87. I know this is wild and out of the blue, but I hate when people say things like “Harry Potter has NO love in it,” and “Twilight is romantic.” Well BAD news (Or good news to the Potter fans Aka me and us comments) Harry Potter has ALL love and Twilight…I saw NO love at ALL. For example: Edward can’t be near Bella and she gets mad and fusses about it not going her way then she… JUMPS OFF A CLIFF?!?! WHO DOES THAT?! Apparently Bella.. Now Example 2: Lilly DIED for Harry’s safety and the Weasley’s treat Harry as if he was their son. As for the 3 friends…Who can say that there is no love…Well love isn’t just kisses and boyfriends..It is TRUST AND CARING AND FRIENDSHIP. Ok that was cleared out so have a nice day ^^

  88. Ikr

  89. I have to say some things..Sirius Black wasn’t originally a black man you idiot..Jacob wasn’t black! The Harry Potter book was made a few years before Twilight. And besides we all know that The guy who played Edward (I don’t want to search I am too lazy X3) like being Cedric and didn’t want to be Edward in the first place.

  90. I think you should go to St. Mungos, but I don’t think they will be able to fix that, judging on everything you posted on this page

  91. 1does the box have anything to do with the content? havent you ever heard of the saying dont judge a book by its cover? also pirates did and still do exist and vampires and werewolves dont. 2 in case you didnt notice harry potter came out way before twighlight. 3 one the design of the logos has nothing to do with the content of the book two the stem of the p is lighting like harrys scar 4you really think either author thought of those ” hiiden meanings” when they named the books? 5 what do the authors names have to do with anythinig? and FYI J.K. Rowling is VERRY famous if youve never heard of her then you live in a hole.

  92. Well done!

  93. Was this suppose to be funny? Is this a 3rd graders blog that I have stumbled across? I will GTFO now….

  94. I seriously lost 300 braincells reading your post. From looking at this piece of cr*p, I think when your teacher said your writing was like hers, it was not a compliment. Just from the first picture, I could tell that you were a narcissistic little twit. “We were all thinking it but I said it so everyone can relax.” Seriously?! YOU, a little 9 year old presumably, can’t tell me that I was thinking that because I was CLEARLY not. You are probably a really opinionative little child who should get therapy, because you are offensive, mean, narcissistic, and rude. Here are my reasons Harry Potter is a MUCH better book:

    1) Your reason for the box set was sort of dumb. You said: “Omg ppl believe in omg magic 2 much”. Not only could a 2nd grader structure a better sentence, but do you really believe that VAMPIRES exist? Or Werewolves? The box set of Harry Potter is SUPPOSED to be magical, decorative, and creative. It’s not supposed to be “to the point.” To be honest, I’d rather have the chest because I could use it for different purposes once I finish the books (I am halfway through the last), whereas the box for Twilight is pretty much useless once you finish the series.

    2) Harry Potter DID NOT copy Twilight. The Harry Potter books were made WAY before the first Twilight book was made (Twilight was published in 2005, whereas the 3rd book of Harry Potter- when Sirus Black got introduced- was published in 1999. 6 years before the first Twilight was published!). Learn a little more before making unintelligent posts. SIRIUS (spell his name right at least!) is not a “black” character. He turns into a BLACK dog though. If anything, Twilight “copied” Harry Potter!

    3) The logos, in my opinion are fine. If I have to point something out though, is that the Twilight logo is bascially a font… it doesn’t correspond with the book’s content at all! The Harry Potter logo, however, corresponds with the book completely! Harry Potter has a LIGHTNING shaped scar on his forehead. That’s why the font is like that.

    4) Harry Potter is NOT the reason your cousin had a bong in his room. If you read (or at least researched) the series, you would know it DOES NOT promote ANY type of drug use or lack of hygiene. Harry Potter is simply a name of a fictional character and Twilight is the name of a time. It has NOTHING to do with Jesus at all. All of the books are names of times actually, so they have nothing to do with anything religious.

    5) Okay, I’m not sure how to BEGIN with this. First off, if you had to look up the author of a book you hate, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t bother to know the author. That doesn’t mean she’s NOT famous. If YOU had to look her up does not mean that EVERYONE has to. The world doesn’t work like that. (additional note: to proove J.K is much more well known than Steph, when I type in JK in the search bar the first thing that comes up in the search bar is J.K Rowling. When I look up Stephanie, I don’t see ANY Stephanie Meyers.) Secondly, get a REAL picture of J.K Rowling.. because that is JENNIFER ANISTON. Thirdly, J.K doesn’t stand for “Just Kidding”. It’s her name. It stands for Joanne Kathleen.

    I hope finally realize that posting such an offensive thing on the internet was a bad idea. Sure you could have said, “Harry Potter is not my type of style, but I’m sure some people enjoy it!”. But no, you have to scream, “EVERYBODY KNOWS HARRY POTTER IS THE WORST BOOK EVER AND TWILIGHT IS SO MUCH BETTER.” How would you like it if I burst in and said, “TWILIGHT IS THE WORST BOOK EVER! HARRY POTTER IS SO MUCH BETTER (which is actually was most people say..)!”? Not very good presumably… just adding on.. Robert Pattinson (the guy who played Edward Cullen) played a Harry Potter character as well in one of the movies and said playing Cedric (the Harry Potter Wizard) was much more enjoyable than playing Edward. So HA. Even the Twilight cast likes Harry Potter better

  95. Actually SIRIUS black was mentioned in the first ever book Joanne Rowling ever wrote about 1997. Twilight wasnt even out yet. Get your facts right before slating Harry Potter, which is a great book for people to enjoy and not take seriously!

  96. I seriously hope that the person that made this is just joking. If not, you are an idiot.

  97. Guys… Chill. It’s a troll. No one’s THIS stupid.

  98. OMG seriously? The picture of JK Rowling is Jennifer Antiston! (I think I spelled that wrong, sorry!) Also, Harry Potter was out BEFORE Twilight, so if anybody copied anyone it would’ve be Stephanie. Just saying that you came up with the stupidest reasons, too.

  99. Sirius Black was based on the constellation Sirius which was a, get this, dog.

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