Polish People Are Roleplaying as Americans, And It’s Brilliant

What is LARP? It means Live Action Role Playing where people dress up as real or fictional characters and play various scenes/events/battles etc. Once a year Polish LARP community @4thofJulyLarp comes together to roleplay as contemporary Americans. They show off their most American-ish outfits and act out various scenarios that they imagine would happen in the USA. It’s brilliant. Real American visitors of this site, please let us know in the comments if they got it right!

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

Polish people LARPing as Americans.

21 thoughts on “Polish People Are Roleplaying as Americans, And It’s Brilliant”

  1. Looks about right.

  2. Only thing missing is blacks being arrested otherwise pretty darn

  3. As an American, I can confirm that this is absolutely accurate.
    @Rotten Ron, Poland’s lack of blacks is the cause of that.

  4. Goes in the right direction, but where are the fat people?

  5. The only thing missing are the MAGA signs.

  6. When you realize the caricature of ‘Murica is America.

  7. Where in Wisconsin was this?

  8. Where is the pic of them leaving Baltimore and their replacements?

  9. All in your head, Nancy. Just in your silly head.

  10. If the 2nd election was stolen from Trump then he technically already had a 2nd term. Why is he candidate egain?

  11. To stay out of gail.

  12. This has been posted several times on eat liver! They rehashing old posts like Hollywood rehashes old movies!

  13. Like rightards rehash the old lies over and over again.

  14. No, all the signs are spelled correctly.

  15. Totally fake … people are nowhere near fat enough

  16. It’s hard to fake that. American food is mostly banned in Europe because it’s often toxic and carcinogenic.

  17. They aren’t fat enough. Outside of that it’s pretty good.

  18. I desperadosik w ręce na ostatnim

  19. Cute. It’s the Wish.com version of the south.

  20. As if Real Americans would waste their time on this Canadian propaganda site. They are far to busy being awesome! If everyone in Canada disappeared tomorrow it would take days before they would even notice. And even then, who would care? Oh no! No more maple syrup or Trudeau worshippers. So Sad. So anyway..

  21. Canadian servers must run on rightard tears as fuel. 😂

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