Did Aliens Build The Pyramids? Must Be Aliens, Right?

Did you know? The real architects behind the Pyramids weren’t Egyptians, but extraterrestrial engineers on their extended vacation to Earth! Because ancient people were dumb!

This is murder. At least people several thousand years from now will appreciate the effort and skill it took to build these pyramids. Aliens definitely built these.

12 thoughts on “Did Aliens Build The Pyramids? Must Be Aliens, Right?”

  1. Not an alien, but sure, thank me very much

  2. A depiction of slavery that doesn’t include black people. Go figure.

  3. As we’ve been telling them all along – it ain’t always about them!

  4. Son of Jacob bites the big one.

  5. Lady in the bottom pic has some pyramids of her own!

  6. Dear American Anonymous.

    You said, ‘A depiction of slavery that doesn’t include black people. Go figure.’

    The American slave industry was not, and is not the only one. However, it is one where the distinction between slaves and slave masters is literally black and white.

    It is also one that is then institutionalised into law for generations afterwards.

    It is also the one that even today people benefit from and are genetically traumatised by, whereas slavery in ancient times does not have the same effect.

  7. Genetically traumatized…You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, idiot.

  8. Please, Anonymous, explain ‘Genetically traumatized…You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, idiot.’

    Refer to all the scientific evidence that some traumas can affect people on a genetic level. Then explain how slavery, the Holocaust, and genocide don’t count because you can call people idiots online.

  9. Dear Not American –

    After 6 burglaries, 3 car thefts, Multiple illegal trespasses,
    An ongoing cocaine and alcohol addiction,
    Committing 2 violent home invasions, 3 armed robberies,
    Ingesting Fentanyl and meth (together!), Passing counterfeit money,
    Beating 4 victims senseless. and…
    Being arrested 23 times since 1998,
    George Floyd has not committed a crime in over 4 years now…

  10. Look at the first picture. That’s the America Republicans want.
    P.S.: They are the ones with the whips.
    P.P.S.: You are not. Your family is not. Your friends are not.
    P.P.P.S.: Shut up, slave.

  11. Every study that backs up genetic trauma can never seem to be replicated with the same results, kinda weird! But that’s okay because ” study suggests….” Is all ignorant people need to believe something! A bunch of research is not conducive of anything! It proves nothing! The research requires replication or it is useless! After you manage replication a meta analysis is required to draw a conclusion from all the data! Stop spreading buzz words around like they are facts, this isn’t CNN or FOX news!

  12. People sure do like to use their ancestors suffering to victimize themselves!

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