10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. And if the actor is black you must be racist.

  2. Everyone try taking the love triangle in twilight.
    What do you have left? A girl living in a rainy neighbourhood. This is why we most people like Harry Potter more.

  3. What matters most is on the inside not the outside. So, I don’t give a shit that Edward was pretty,since it does not matter. At least harry has a golden heart.

  4. Oh please, even the least earning hp film
    earned more than twilight
    So , just cry a river ,build a bridge and get over it.

  5. Robert Pattinson himself said he’d rather be Cedric and not Edward

  6. Yes lol

  7. I ssure hope this idiot nonsense is fake. It makes no sense. Harry potter came out years before twilite so they couldnt have copied it and it looks like your little werewolf isn’t black either. Pirates were real you idiot look it up and there are many boxsets to choose from which each took time consideration and thought compared to your ugly black and white one.

  8. Agree

  9. Amen to that

  10. thank you im so relieved for someone who has common sense

  11. We should shut her up SILENCIO!

  12. I hope this Twilight fan is reading these comments

  13. I a Hufflepuff too! well said my friend.

  14. So true

  15. Yeah if u haven’t heard of jk Rowling then you’ve been living under a rock

  16. Yeah

  17. Thank you!!

  18. Me too

  19. Me too 😂
    These comments are awesome

  20. 😂😂

  21. i only need one sentence to summarize this entire … thing

    this is stupid

  22. Just this!!

  23. This is a joke, right?

  24. Harry Potter taught us love and friendship and overcoming fears. Twilight taught us that women can’t live without men. I mean, Siriusly! What is Ron with you? You are being riddikulus!

  25. yes. it’s very obviously satire. Irene.

  26. First
    1 imperio to make you say sorry
    2 crucio I am torturing you

  27. In not sure anyone can be worse than umbridge

  28. I looked on Internet and in spanish People say
    Esa no es ni siquiera jk es jeniffer anniston y los vampiros no existen pedazo de pelotudo/a conchudo/a de mierda te odio como dice mi amiga… ¿Quién te parió, un dinosaurio?sabes, DOBBY HAS NO MASTER

  29. My dear brainless fool….I don’t think u are bad.. I simply pity you… Contradicting all ur points… You first point about the cover was bullshit and I can’t even comment on such a comment… Second point being sirius and Jacob, the character of sirius was created in 2000 whereas Jacob in 2005…freaking five years later… I feel sorry for u that Edward has blocked ur mind(if u ever had one) and are now incapable of managing timelines…. Not to mention ur racist comment… I hope UR Edward let u know about the famous author John green…. DO YOU THINK JOHN GREEN IS GREEN!!!!!!??????????
    Let me inform you that the font of Harry Potter was actually converted into a computer font unlike some crap like urs!!!! Plus Harry potter does not teach calligraphy, Harry potter has class and a story and power of words unlike ur story which is dependant(just like bella) on stupid things like font, book cover, wrong info, plagiarising to save it from drowning and being stabbed and crushed by other magnificent stupefying awesome books like Harry potter, Lord of the rings, hunger games, anything for that matter…
    For ur next pointless f*%@ing point… Light does not signify good…. Light damages ur retina during solar eclipse.. It kills aquatic animals living deep in the sea and “twilight” means dark… Wish u paid attention to ur first grade English class…. Twilight does not symbolise Jesus’s in ANY Manner..
    Stephanie mayer, let alone jk Rowling, jrr Tolkien would be ashamed of ur spelling of authors😂😵🤕🤒🤐JK Rowling was the first author to become a billionaire by writing books… Donating in charity and is very famous… In which stinking ditch were u living in to not know this!!!!!!!!! Shut up if u have NO VALID POINTS…. Even ur pointless points cannot save the spineless plagiarised storyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. We wish we could use all kinds of unforgivable curses on you but our wands are way above the standard of ur brain(if u have one)

  31. Umbridge is an angel compared to this mindless unidentified creature

  32. Let this person drown in that river… Atleast humanity will be saved

  33. Stupid is not the word… It is very mild

  34. You hidden meanings in the titles are soooo hidden that even the author and the rest of the world population could not figure this master puzzle out😂😂😂😂😂

  35. Your* hidden

  36. HuFfLePuFf PrIdE Also This report/article is written by a fan-girling 6 year-old.

  37. Dude, Your taste is terrible. Also use spell check PLEASE

  38. I was talking to the fan-girling 12 year old not the commentater lol

  39. Dont you mean Sirius

  40. Whoever made this is dudleys long lost younger sister who never became good

  41. Do not pity the dead, Nivi, pity the living, and most of all, those who live without Harry Potter

  42. *facepalm*

  43. What?what the? They are FEEBLE reasons to think twilight is better. I accept the fact that some people prefer it but that is no need to INSULT all of J.K Rowling’s work. Plus on the last one you said she’s not that famous. U know she is the ONLY writer EVER to become a billionaire. So my bet is she’s pretty famous.

  44. I’m going to make a list of reasons this article is absolute garbage. Ready? Let’s go!

    1. The author can’t count. Considering it’s a numbered list, counting is fairly important. If you can’t count, don’t make a numbered list. There’s 5 reasons, not 10. And you skipped over several numbers. You went “1, #, 5, #, #.” Also, # is not a number.

    2. The author can’t spell either. I understand using slang in a casual conversation between you and your friends (if you have any, although from what I gather by reading your article it’s doubtful) but it is not appropriate for articles, or any other form of writing. Not to mention the several misspelled words that aren’t even slang.

    3. Your reasons are completely invalid and moronic. Let me explain.

    – Your first reason: While the Twilight box set looks nice, this is completely irrelevant to the quality of the books. As far as the Harry Potter box set goes, that is meant to be similar to what they store quidditch balls in. It has nothing to do with pirates. Also, you pointed out wizards don’t exist. Guess what sweetheart? Neither do werewolves or vampires. And in mythology, werewolves don’t turn into dogs and vampires don’t sparkle.

    – Your second reason: Harry Potter did not copy twilight. Harry Potter couldn’t have copied Twilight because it came out before Twilight. Meaning, Twilight copied Harry Potter if anything. Get your facts straight. Also, the whole thing about not casting a black actor, is ridiculous. English last names come from lines of work, not race.

    -Your third reason: Both logos are nice. The P in Harry Potter isn’t a twitch, it’s lightning. You know, like the scar on Harry’s forehead where Voldemort attempted to kill him using the killing curse yet he survived due to his mothers love.

    -Your fourth reason: I don’t even know what to call this. There are no hidden meanings in the titles. You sound like a flat earther and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that you are one. Twilight is not supporting Jesus. Twilight refers to nightfall, which happens to be when vampires come out. Harry is a name, a very common name. His last name, Potter. Is just that: a last name, again, a very common one. The line of work it is derived from is pottery. It is in no way related to drugs.

    -Your fifth reason: Being told you write like Stephenie Meyer is not a compliment, I can infer that the C was not just because you were late but because your writing sucked. Because your writing does suck, I know because I read this article. Also, considering J.K. Rowling is the first billionare author, I’m pretty sure she’s more famous. And her name? You’re going to use her name as a reason her books aren’t good? That is completely moronic and unreasonable.

  45. No way. Twilight came out later than HP. It wasn’t copied, it was the other way round. Twilight SUCKS

  46. # is the signal that stands for (number) i couldn’t even read the rest with the fact that you don’t know average 3rd grade math.

  47. Twilight what? Sorry i don’t speak dumb.

  48. Twilight.such a pathetic reason for a book.

  49. I don’t realy like this article. First of all twilight has too much romance and Harry Potter and Devon of all, J.k. Rowling is one of the top ten most famous authors and Stephany Myers isn’t.LOOK IT UP

  50. Guys don’t bully this person, she wrote some thing that’s better than twilight (lower case intended)

  51. Don’t forget that the pic she used wasn’t even JK Rowling

    It was freakin Jennifer Aniston

  52. And I thought Umbridge was the worse person in the world…what the heck is Ron with brain?! Please don’t tell me you are being Sirius. Even Voldemort hates you!!! There wouldn’t be any Edward if there wasn’t Cedric! Harry Potter was his first movie as an actor!!! You are a foul, evil, little muggle and the wizarding world hates you!

  53. I am going to obligate you senseless, good for I’m not dark or else I will avada kedvra you

  54. Well said. 👏


  56. wtf…….

  57. I wanna see J.K’s face when she’s reading this!

  58. Guys this is satire i cant-

  59. I mean, it isn’t that hard to, but I see your point.

  60. I will aid you in the avada kedavra-ing.

  61. I pity anyone who hires you. You are quite clearly the stupidest being on Earth.

  62. You have a really good point.

  63. whoever this is I’m sorry, but you cannot be Sirius

  64. If this isnt trolling…..honey im so sorry

  65. That last picture isn’t JK Rowling, it’s Jennifer Aniston.

  66. Agreed.

  67. I guess I never saw a more dumb person than you

  68. That’s all I have to say

  69. I am so surprised at the lack of information of the writer of this article.
    And he will never know love or friendship and I feel sorry for him

  70. Him or her whatever it is

  71. Best comedy I’ve read in awhile

  72. I wanna say this person lives under a rock but that does not do them justice… they live under a pebble.

  73. I wish you could comment photos because I fixed this entire post

  74. Where’s Hermione when you need her?

  75. True that

  76. Honey, are you sure you’re not the one on pot? I mean, come on. “Hairy” from “Harry”. The zig-zag wasn’t an accident, it was to represent a scar, which in turn represented love and the way his mother was willing to die for him. Stop living in a pineapple under the sea and dreaming about glittery vampires. That’s just not gonna happen.

  77. No no no! You’re gonna take give back someones soul! Besides its “AAAvada Kedavra!” not “Avada Kedavra”

  78. No! Harry rules!

  79. THIS⬆️⬆️⬆️

  80. Sirius Black is created in 1999, Jacob Black is created in 2004. How is Rowling suppose to copy Meyer? Using a time turner?

  81. J.K is just initials. If you get the original 1st edition Harry Potter books, it’s Joanne Rowling.

  82. This article is PURE GARBAGE 🤦

  83. It MUST be a troll! No one can be THAT stupid!?

  84. maybe you should READ THE ACTUAL BOOKS! Honestly, Sirius-ly?!

  85. Ugh, just another stupid twi-hard… honestly!

  86. Umm… So you’re saying that “Pirates don’t exist” now? Ok then…

  87. No

  88. Fun fact: You’re an idiot.

  89. Pirates exist

  90. Ok, so ur telling me that pirates don’t exist? Also, twilight includes vampires and other beings that don’t exist, so what is the point of posting this article?

  91. I can’t even…

  92. I’m crying.. This is the funniest sh*t I’ve ever seen I can’t even- 🤣

  93. I can’t even with this article.


  95. What has become of humanity?

  96. I hope this is a troll, if not I-

  97. The morale of the story-

    Twilight shows us the importance of having a boyfriend. On the other hand, Harry Potter shows us that love and friendship will always overcome evil.

    The main characters-

    Edward shows us passion and SpARkeS, Bella shows us… um… idk really.
    While Harry shows us daring nerve and bravery, Ron shows us true loyalty and friendship, Hermione shows us intelligence and logic.

    P.S Harry potter came out before twilight, J.K Rowling couldn’t have copied from Twilight…. Unless she had a time turner..

  98. Harry Potter dosen’t suck. YOU suck

  99. You probably got C because you were BAD, not because you handed it late

  100. OMG guys !
    she is just telling you the hard truth twilight IS better than hary potter
    i thought it was cmmon sense!ppl!
    potterheads stink and youre just jealose that we have better content than your stupid wizard shit
    grow up!


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