Cat Owners Are Building A-Hole Forts For Their Pets

What happens when you have lots of free time and need to distract yourself? You unleash your creativity! Like these people who created funny (and a little mean) forts for their furry a-hole friends. Scroll down to see the best examples!

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

Fort a-hole.

3 thoughts on “Cat Owners Are Building A-Hole Forts For Their Pets”

  1. cats are so cute

  2. These are hilarious! Loved the “shitwaffle the great”. A-hole charging station was really clever, too.

  3. “cats are so cute”
    Yep. And Coyotes love them for breakfast.
    Coyotes are so cute, too.


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