10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. That’s not J.K Rowling
    Twilight was actually the copycat here because Harry Potter came first
    I would cry too if I wrote like her

  2. Lmao I love it. This is clearly a joke, the writer obviously likes Harry Potter. It’s super funny.

  3. Have you even read the books?

    You haven’t even got your facts right.

    # It’s ‘Sirius Black’ (and he came first by the way!)
    #Not all the books are sold in chests and may I add, it looks quite cool- nothing wrong with it.
    #Why is it racist not to cast an actor for a character who’s surname is ‘Black’?! I think you need a dictionary.
    #The Harry Potter font is more recognisable than the twilight font.
    #The word ‘twilight’ has nothing to do wit religion.
    #The words ‘hairy’ and ‘pot’ are not in the series’ title.
    #And finally, you mere flobberworm, that is not JK Rowling!

    I think Umbridge could get some tips from you for stupid ideas.

  4. That was beautiful. It explains exactly why Harry Potter is one of my favourite series of all time, and the quotes really made it a true Harry Potter fan comment. I had no idea poor Joanne had such a horrible early life! I was almost crying. I started reading HP when I was seven, and it empowered, inspired and (most importantly) made me love books. Especially fantasy. I’m twelve now, and I still enjoy these amazing books.
    You can hate HP, you can say a cheesy, sexist love story is better than the intricate and complex result of an incredible writer, you can even make mistakes in your effort to prove that Twilight is superior, but please, don’t insult JK when she has tried so hard to make her, her daughter’s and countless others lives more bearable.
    We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. To all you extreme fans out there, I understand you, but is a book/movie franchise really worth telling someone to kill themselves? Or even worse, have their soul sucked out? Just think about it.
    Mikalah, out.

  5. Dear Ravenclaws,
    It’s lucky you’re known for your intelligence, because without that you would be listening to, “Or yet in mean old Ravenclaw, if you’ve snappy tongue. Where those of rudeness and nastiness, will always lick their dung.” Honestly, you’re all about as mature as a six year old who didn’t get the toy he wanted! And that bit about brain defects, that’s highly offensive.
    We hope you earn some empathy!
    -The Hufflepuffs

  6. Merci Beaucoup! Coming from a Ravenclaw.

  7. Stephanie Mayer is U-G-L-Y

  8. LOL.

  9. First of all, this is written by the person who can’t even spell ‘elegant’ and ‘author and ‘swirl’.
    Second, Harry Potter came BEFORE Twilight.
    Third, Harry Potter has nothing to do with smoking pot and being unhygenic.

  10. /clears throat/

    ‘# lastly, the authers’
    I shall not question the dubious usage of a hashtag. Therefore, I shall only criticise the lack of capitalisation for what is obviously a title, and the mistake in spelling. One _would_ believe that _authors_ is a fairly simple word that is easy to spell. This individual may have convinced us that this belief is misplaced, had it not been for the fact that 99.99% of the population can get it right.

    ‘stephenie meyer’

    Again, the capitalisation. If one cannot spell the name of her supposed idol, how can one expect others to have respect for said idol?

    ‘1 time’

    I would like to assert that ‘one time’ is a dubiously grammatical phrase. It is most certainly not the first choice for a rational individual to be utilised in an argument that is meant to be convincing.


    Please, do give English the respect it deserves. This person writes her argument in English, and yet insults aforementioned language with her lack of knowledge on capitalisation.

    ‘my writing reminded her of steph’s and I was sooo happy’

    If mentioned writing is one that involves absolutely no knowledge of grammar and lack of respect for elegant language, demonstrated by a ‘sooo’, I am obliged to disagree. Stephenie Meyer is, in and of herself, a fairly talented writer.

    ‘I got a c on the story because it was because it was late:(‘

    This individual again demonstrates her ignorance in the usage of language with the casual representation of the grade C as ‘c’, repetition, and lack of punctuation. The expression constructed solely from a semi-colon and a bracket does nothing to refute our belief that this person is an ignoramus who holds no respect for literature or language.

    ‘OK, first of all I didn’t even know the writer of Harry Potter till 5 mins ago. I had to look her up so obiviously she isn’t even really that famous.’

    This individual presents her argument poorly, with informal language, such as ‘OK’ and ‘mins’. In addition, she continues her blatant assault of grammar, with another mistake in spelling.

    ‘2nd of all, what kind of name is “J.K.”?! Just Kidding?!’

    If one wishes to number her various statements, one might attempt consistency in the representation of the numbering. If one uses the word ‘first’ to label her first statement, it would be more pleasing, grammatically speaking, if one uses the word ‘second’ for her next statement. One would also be led to believe that the use of an exclamation mark immediately after a question mark – or indeed, anywhere – in an argument is rather uncalled for. In addition, I am obliged to ask, what, or who, precisely, granted this individual the authority to taunt another based solely on the name she chooses to go by? The initial ‘K’ in J. K. Rowling’s name was taken from her grandmother’s name, in order to conceal her identity – and therefore her gender – further in a period when prejudice against her gender as an author was prominent, as far as my knowledge goes. Should it prove to be faulty, I seek your understanding.

    ‘What are u just kidding about? “lol, I wrote a great series about wizards, J. K. it sucks”

    Yet again, this individual’s knowledge of the English language is proven to require improvement. The informal ‘u’ and ‘lol’, combined with -yet again – the lack of capitalisation, sketches the image of a poor linguist.

    ‘you think she could get a little more creative, right? LOSER’

    I am sincerely curious as to what exactly this individual suggests J. K. Rowling ‘get a little more creative’ about. One would be led to believe that she is speaking about J. K. Rowling’s name. However, it must be remembered that one cannot choose her own name, nor indeed what society chooses to be prejudiced on. In addition, ‘LOSER’ leads this poorly constructed argument to end on a dubious note, as well as strengthen our belief that the person is not well versed in language.

    Lastly, the photograph that supposedly features J. K. Rowling is not, in fact, of said author. If one cannot be bothered to research her argument thoroughly, I am professionally concerned that she may fail to convince her listeners.

    Yes, I did read the comments of Hufflepuff for Life! and I agree. It is all right that this individual may not like the Harry Potter franchise as much as some, including myself, it is not, however, acceptable to demean others for their preferences. However, I would like to add on that this person may have been crossing the line in insulting certain things about Harry Potter for irrational reasons.

    Postscript: I am a twelve-year-old whose mother tongue is far from English. Please do not criticise my writing unduly. I would love constructive criticism.

  11. What was that? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of MULTIPLE Harry Potter theme parks

  12. This Is a Troll

  13. I’m not even mad at this due to how stupid it is and it’s probably a joke anyway……. I hope

  14. THANK YOU! finally a comment I can completely agree with. But you also should’ve pointed out that Sirius isn’t even a werewolf he’s an animagus.

  15. This post is a satire, kiddo

  16. I sincerely hope this is a troll because otherwise, I will be very disappointed in the human race.

  17. first off harry potter came before twilight and if you want you can look this up the first harry potter book came out in 1977 while twilight was 2005 so who came first 1977 or 2005. second i feel like you are just looking for the most stupid reasons that twilight is better because you don’t juge a book by the authors name. i have no idea how much twilight made but J.K Rowling made 7 BILLION oh wait twilight made 1 billion thats a 6 billion diffrence. i only read a little of your ‘argument’ to get all of this and J.K rowling did not pick the people cast in the movies so if you want to argue this find the DAMN FACTS FIRST. we have our own ideas but if you want to make yours fact please actually use real damn facts

  18. oh and look up this please ‘what does harry potter and twilight teach girls’

  19. You are a smart person. Thank you for siding with the smart people.

  20. *inhales* O MY GOD


  22. So was my reply to it:)

  23. Finally! Someone who agrees with me!
    Hufflepuff out

  24. twilght sucks and so does you

  25. You know another reason you got a C on the essay, your writing reminded the teacher of Stephanie Meyer’s writing.

  26. Actually, I think it´s all just trolling, because…c´mon, all arguments, why twilight is better than HP are so poor.


  28. There’s only 5 reasons, and none of them are why the stories are better. Wow.

  29. To whoever made this:
    Hello, dumbest person who ever lived!

  30. I really wish this is written to be satiric…

  31. Amen

  32. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.If your going to go on about why twilight is better at least get your facts right.

  33. Yeah. I love how you called her a flobberworm

  34. I agree

  35. Lol

  36. ….I hope

  37. I wasted three minutes of my life in reading this waste.

  38. … and she was a hp fan

  39. You got an Outstanding for embarassing yourself

  40. “Best read on the internet” me
    “Couldn’t stop laughing” my friend
    “Embarrassed my fandom” My Twilight loving-Harry Potter verses friend

  41. I meant versed sorry guys.

  42. You know, it’s always good to be honest.

  43. Geee…your right!!

  44. nooooooooo get off the internet

  45. OMG, lol. Fred and George would agree with you.

  46. Okay, this is offensive, not only because I love the HP books, but also because my last name is Potter.
    I am NOT a pothead, if you should know.

  47. The reason you got a c was because you write like stephanie meyer.

  48. I’m seriusly worried for your education.
    By the way, your making fun of someone’s initials.
    Oh and i assume you know that hermione grangler teaches us education is important
    and that twilight is about the importance of haing a boyfriend.

  49. This kind is horrible. You could give Umbridge lessons,but wait , she is smarter than you!!!! You only like taillight because Edward SPARKLES!!!!!

  50. Ayeee

  51. thank you…

  52. Great points.

  53. BURN

  54. I mean,Serious Black?

    (Why must you hurt me in this way)

  55. Exactly.

    Potter IS a name.

    And the name Harry doesn’t mean Hairt

  56. *Hairy

  57. 1. The box is related to the book and holds the books better.
    2. HARRY POTTER CAME FIRST! And Jacob isn’t black so is Stephanie Mayer racist too?
    3. The Harry Potter font is actually related to the books and nobody would recognize the Twilight font with any other word!
    4. The name Twilight isnt even related to the book. Plus vampires are unholy so if that is the meaning, its sinful.
    5. That isnt JK Rowling! That’s a character from the old TV show Friends! Derp.
    6. Have you even read Harry Potter. Obviously NOT! And I have read both Harry Potter and Twilight and may I just say GIRL PLEASE!

  58. The theme park thing is so true! I didn’t even think about that. Also, Harry Potter has 2 theme parks, a Studio Tour, and an entire nation supporting it!

  59. PREACH!

  60. Also, Jacobs last name is Black and he isn’t black! So Stephanie Meyer would be racist too.

  61. Every Twilight is batter than Harry Potter Article is like that. I’ve read many. At my school they are all blocked. I like to think it’s because they are all full of BS.

  62. There are some good parts of Twilight but these points she makes are ridiculous.

  63. Say you have a friends who doesn’t like HP or Twilight.

    Shove a HP book in someone’s face. They would be like “yeah no thx”

    Shove a Twilight book in someone face. They will impale you with that sorry excuse for a novel.

  64. Thank you, now i don’t how to tell them how dumb they are!

  65. Now that’s just rude!
    (I love both series’)

  66. PREACH

  67. …Roasted…

  68. Yes, i feel your last friends pain *facepalm*

  69. I do realize that this article is terrible, but Twilight is more then that. (Also the rest of the fandom would love to offer you the idiot who wrote this article as a sacrifice!) – Sincerely, The Twilight and HP fan

  70. Did they say something about magic not being real? We know it is, but neither are werewolves or vampires. (Technically they aren’t werewolves but i don’t know what to call them!). P.S You disgrace the fandom

  71. Oh please muggle, at least TRY to educate yourself before trying to attack the largest fandom on the internet. If you had even had anything with worth or an opinion that wasn’t extremely selective and biased you still tried to insult the HP fandom and the goddess of writing. Please clarify how a flimsy ‘modern’ cardboard box has more aesthetic than an actual book chest. Another reason that this opinion is worth a flobberworm, SIRIUS Black was written before Jacob, and FYI it is in fact Remus Lupin who is the werewolf. Yeah a twitch, with absolutely no meaning or imagery to a lightning bolt in this book? Sure keep grasping at straws. HAIRY POTter. Really? Is that all your non-magical mind could come up with? And now you are pulling religion into a book about vampires? And finally in the hopes that no other person will ever be this stupid, are you honestly discriminating the author ( by the way, learn to spell) with her initials? Do some research, find accurate information and images and finally, stop dragging these fandoms through the mud.
    (Post script: is there an official spell to deal with stupidity?)

  72. No please don’t punish the chair!

  73. This post has restored my faith in humanity. Thank you Remus Lupin

  74. That, that was absolutely beautiful

  75. THANK YOU!

  76. Yesssss Harry Potter is better than Twiggligh


  78. Well, at least give them the credit that they didn’t use “Edward is so hot!!!” In their reasoning. Either that or “Harry isn’t really hot and that’s not good” like I have seen in several different presentations like these. I’ve still lost like 94% of my faith in humanity

  79. This person had a lot of errors. I like both but I prefer twilight.

  80. To whoever wrote this:

    Must be hard having such a thick head but only one brain cell.

  81. You are just an idiot

    that is all i can say

  82. wHaT tHE hEck iS tHIs?

  83. IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THESE TWILIGHT FANS?!?!? they need help. they’ve been so consumed on dumb, petophiliac romance that they don’t even know how to spell regular everyday words. i’ve read the harry potter series 4 times, and i’ve learned so much. the books are, yes, not a love story, but a story about love, overcoming difficulties, and so much more. the twilight series does nothing but teach that girls are nothing without a man, and looking good is everything. bella doesn’t even have a good storyline herself. she’s the most boring character EVER. in harry potter, every character has their own unique story, that J.K. somehow (and beautifully) weaves into the story and makes it an important part of it. i’m getting sick of you twilight fans swooning over a sparkly vampire. i’m twelve and i still feel smarter than you


  85. Ugh twiahrds suck dont they? First of all, Its a trunk, not a treasusre chest. Second, Sirius was there first, you bucket of slime drool. third, Harry potter is better than twilight!!!!!!!

  86. Stu-pie (adj.); People who think twilight is better than Harry Potter. Remember in #5 where you said that the person who designed the UP logo had a twitch? The “twitch” in the O is supposed to represent Harry’s scar. Did you even READ the HP books? The scar is one of the most important aspects in there!

  87. I meant to type stupid, not stupie.

  88. I just saw several typos in my comment. I apologize.

  89. I totally agree but the thing is not a chest it’s a trunk.
    But I agree completely!

  90. Omg I actually need to go to potions class to cleanse myself of this shit. I think I need to start hanging out with the ravenclaws to be around smart people.

  91. Omg y’all actually agree with this absolute CRAP?! I can’t even.

  92. wow i found this very helpful in understanding your terrible spelling,this helped me understand that twilight means Jesus and Christianity,as a christian myself,im horrified that you use these two words in a sentence,im not sirious

    im severus

  93. What came out first?
    Harry Potter- 1997
    Twilight- 2007

  94. 1. NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER! And vampires DEFINITELY exist too, don’t they?
    2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban acme out in 1999, wheras Twilight came out in 2005. Who’s the copycat now? As for racism, having the surname Black doesn’t mean you should hire a black actor!
    3. The Harry Potter font is actually related to the books and nobody would recognize the Twilight font with any other word!
    4. The name Twilight isnt even related to the book. Plus vampires are unholy so if that is the meaning, its sinful.
    5. J.K Rowling is in the top 50 most famous people ever, and Stephanie Meyer isn’t even in the top 150! Ah I get it, your C was a C because the writing was that bad. + making fun of someone’s initials is just really low

    *I copied some from Hufflepuff*

  95. No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood.

  96. 1. Vampires and werewolves dont exist.
    2. Harry Potter came out before twilight so jk surely couldn’tve copied meyer

  97. 50 points to whatever house ur in


  99. I am dumber for reading these

  100. And most important of all, HP was released before whatever its name is. So I guess you could say that moonlight or whatever is a cheap ripoff of Harry Potter!

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