Comment Section Is Where The Best Doctors Are At

Who needs real doctors with their silly diplomas, years of education, and clinical experience? We live in the golden age of the internet! Why waste your time in a sterile office when you can just scroll through the comments section of any site for free medical advice?

Who needs real doctors with their silly diplomas, years of education, and clinical experience?

13 thoughts on “Comment Section Is Where The Best Doctors Are At”

  1. Good one!

  2. Now put out one about comment section lawyers. They are very busy these days.

  3. This is the problem when all the conspiracy theories keep coming true.

  4. What, did we not land on the moon?

  5. This fellow is dying…to know what’s for lunch in the hospital cafeteria.

  6. Quick I need 300ml of epidepdrin stat, this man has his beard caught in a zipper!

  7. @house
    At least it is not his pubes that got caught….

  8. Still waiting for all those conspiracy theories “coming true”.

  9. Just read up on the current status of the Covid Jabs. EVERYTHING that was a conspiracy is now fact. Oh no! Haha

  10. When was “they will save millions of lives, with few side effects” a conspiracy?

  11. Some people don’t like doctors saving lives. That’s why they invent those conspiracies to feel chosen, entitled and in the right to kill other.

  12. Notice how every conspiracy nut has the same personality? “Haha” then “😂🤣” It’s all one idiot pretending to be multiple people, because all their friends died of covid so they have less and less support over time!

  13. That could be the actual truth. I doubt the friends part though. I don’t think he, surely a he, ever had friends in the first place.

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