Communism Explained: How Communism Actually Works

It’s not that hard to understand Communism, it’s a simple two-step process. Step 1: everyone starves to death. Step 2: now everyone is truly equal.

It's not that hard to understand Communism, it's a simple two-step process. Step 1: everyone starves to death. Step 2: now everyone is truly equal.

16 thoughts on “Communism Explained: How Communism Actually Works”

  1. The author is clearly unaware that China is communist, and the average Chinese citizen can now afford more than the average Briton. Unfortunately, Western countries are becoming poorer and fading away. When you are born in the UK, you are already in debt.

  2. How democracy works. Elect your leaders from the most base, most corrupt, but wealthiest people, then believe what they sell you.

  3. Communism is dead since the 90s. Grow up, Americans.

  4. Well, not defending Communism, but it was not quite that simple. I was born in East Gernany and I don’t remember anybody starving.

  5. @Hic sunt leones
    Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean nobody starved in DDR.
    A friend told me his mother starved 3 years before he was born.

  6. Ha ha ha.

  7. East Germany was socialism. Not as bad as communism. West Germany had a mix of socialism and kapitalism and worked the best. Still the biggest economy in Europe.

  8. Communism is a word much like “organic”! It’s used to sell dictatorships to stupid people!

  9. Awww… someone is stuck in the 1970s… cute. BTW: China is communist, not socialist, communist. OK? Let that sink in…

  10. Communists crying

  11. Is it really communist. Doesn’t smell and taste like it. It’s more like an Aristocracy and Xi is King or emperor. North-Korea for example isn’t even really stalinistic. It’s a monarchy by now.

  12. Show me a country were US did not interfere with and manipulated the politics. Munroe Doctrine, invasion, or sanctions. China runs on Central Democracy with 5 year Plenums. Don’t believe me? Google it or better yet many YT vids show the power of the system. They take the best, smartest people for the top CP positions. If you ask a US citizen to describe communism they could not. They go to the same bs as they were taught as propaganda, pure hate. I have visited every state in the US, and have visited China 3 times. I would go back to China when I can as it is safe, affordable, and living in the 21st century, US is stuck in 1970. US Imperium is dead and waiting for a civil war, or the crash of unsustainable QE debt. How many people have US killed and countries invaded since WW2? Millions. China…? **** NATO.

  13. So the Israelis are making the gazans communist?

  14. If China is affordable why are people there in debt and being crushed by costs of living? It’s a global problem caused by the 1% percent. Even in China. And Trump is their candidate.

  15. I guess China’s propaganda to convince idiots they are not commiting genocide on the Uygher people has worked on at least one clown! Also China is socialist, Not communist! Yes their government calls themselves “marxist-lenist” but if you want to believe the Chinese government, you go right ahead! I’ll leave my head outside my ass thank you!

  16. Hey Anonymous China Defender, see if you can find a book in China that tells about the Chinese involvement with the war on South Korea.

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