10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. Yeah

  2. I hate this person

  3. WTF IS THIS?!?!? YOU HAVE INCREDIBLY PATHETIC REASONS ON YOUR SUBJECT HARRYY POOOTTTEER WILL ETERNALLY RULE (BTW it’s spelled authors) in 10 years twilight will be forgotten but in 100 years harry potter will still live on and j.k. wrote Harry potter before Stephanie Meyer wrote twilight I swear to God this must have been written by a desperate 12 year-old

  4. Or other things that don’t exist like VAMPIRES?!

  5. Twilight Sucks… BEST REVIEW EVER!!!! I am not a twilight fan and no one should make unbaised opinions and put them on the frickn internet. Thanks for reviewing!

  6. This is now my boggart.

  7. So you think that Harry Potter copied Twilight. Well let me give you a great pice of life advice. Check the publishing dates before you tell something to the whole world. The first book that Sirius Black was in was the Prizoner of Azkaban and it was published on July 8 1999. And just when was your little twilight book published October 5 2005 ya that’s right I said 2005. That is a full 5 years and 3 months for Stephanie Meyer to think up her little “dream” and say ” hmm this potter book made a lot of money I think that I am going to make a character just like this Sirius black person and just give him a different name”. J.K. Rowling never mentioned if Sirius Black was a black person so it is not Warner Bros fault. Sirius Black isn’t even a dangerous dog he is a very nice dog that saves Harry and his friends many times. That is my logic on only ONE of your incorrect and hurtful posts
    Good bye and I don’t like you
    Ginny Weasley

  8. Your reasons are awful
    I put my long essay down below

  9. Hehehe
    Evil laugh

  10. It’s Jennifer Aniston

  11. But Jacob Black isn’t by a black actor either

  12. Did you siriusly say: “things that don’t exist like wizards”? I’m sorry but i wasn’t aware sparkling vampires do exist? Are you kidding me? And you know, that ‘treasure chest’ is a trunk like in the series which makes this box really cool actually. AND HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW QUEEN ROWLING?!!? Lived in a cupboard under the stairs?!?! Are you sirius?! Oh and by the way, our Bella can kick your Bella’s ***

  13. You get it! Harry Potter for lifeeee

  14. Nice name :) sorry hadn’t checked the other comments first

  15. I’m speechless……
    SIRIUSLY ?! A CHEST?! ITS CALLED A TRUNK! And, modern,fancy. What?! THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE LOOK TWICE! Nobody cares if Stephanie is flawless! Yes she is flawless but she is still not a good author! She copied HP. Jesus? Pure? Yes Jesus’ love is pure but look at a dictionary! No twilight is not dumb,HP is not dumb, You are dumb.

  16. That is not Twilight’s message…

  17. That’s awful

  18. Not liking something does not make anyone stupid

  19. Omg why are y’all so stupid? And rude? I want to burn my HP books now

  20. What the hell!! What sort of crappy excuses are those! If you judge a book by its box….then you are delusional. And… Harry Potter was published first loser….do you actually think JK Rowling had to copy to create a fabulous character? Maybe it’s your precious Stephenie Meyer that copied! God……get a life other than pointing out disgustingly rude points that are lies!! Also, that “twitch” represents Harry’s scar. What does that squiggle represent? How twisted Bella’s brain is?

  21. Yeah. Jacob “Black” wasn’t black. And who are you to criticise the cast?

  22. Lol you are so petty and gross, Harry Potter folks. I srsly used to like HP, but after… meeting the fandom… ew. Twilight is sooo much better!!

  23. Exactly, and keep in mind the Rowling became the FIRST BILLIONAIRE AUTHOR


  25. Not that means much, for Bella Swan

  26. Hell yeah

  27. Sigh. Okay, let me go into a long statement.
    It’s a trunk, it was supposed to represent the series. Oh, excuse me, I’m not sure, what was the Twilight boxset supposed to represent? An apple? At least Joanne was creative, Stephanie was not. Harry Potter COPIED Twilight? Other way around, hon. Twilight came out after Harry Potter. It’s SO stupid.

  28. OMG are you sirius??!?!?! These aren’t even proper reasons! Stephanie may be flawless but her writing is nothing compared to Jo’s! I really felt that there should be something about twilight that it is even being compared to Harry Potter & even gave the first book a try. But merlin there isnt a single thing in there!!! Im still horrified that it is even being compared! Theres not a single reason to!

  29. Im just wondering how they missed that twilight was published in 2005……and the first harry potter book was publushed in the 90’s…..they really should have done a little research…

  30. The fact that she thinks a charachter with the ladt name blak should be played by a black actor or its racist… anyone else see problem with that?

  31. …….neither books r dumb….but honestly whoever made this project needs to learn how to do some research…i get that it was probably rushed…but it would only take 5-10 minutes…..this people just make themselves look stupid…

  32. Ugh? Sorry? Kids, teenager, adults, grandpa and grandma read Harry Potter! Twi-hards are soccer desperate moms and virgin nerds who fall in love with sparkly douchebag and yet, that Edward “Marty Sparkling Sue” Cullen was invented to kept virgin nerds in love. Seriously? I thought people are better than that!
    Have that fresh dip, Muggle!

  33. Okay so, Harry Potter casts a white person as Sirius Black and it’s apparently racist yet when Twilight casts a white person as Jacob Black it’s fine!! I love Harry Potter but I would still defend the fandom from your stupid af reasons even if I didn’t

  34. I liked working in harry potter more.

  35. The troll is strong with this one. Also you spell Meyer incorrectly.

  36. OMG. Your reasons are so stupid. Harry Potter was made before twilight so most of the reasons don’t even make sense. Do you see people making a theme park for twilight. No, because the book and movies are so bad.

  37. Harry potter came out first….. Therefore twilight copied harry potter.
    It saddens me to see a post as stupid as this. By the way, I think your English teacher was insulting you!

  38. You do know that you need to capital Stephenie Meyer’s name, right? The bigger problem is that all the facts you state aren’t really facts. I wouldn’t a series by its box set and by their logo. That’s doesn’t support your reasons at all why Twilight would be better then HP. Through in my opinion, I think that HP is way better. Potterhead Forever!

  39. This crack tears to my eye

  40. Honestly, I don’t see why there should ever be any debate as to whether Harry Potter is better than Twilight. Isn’t it getting kind of obvious now? Why would anyone waste their life trying to prove Twilight is better? Do a favour to humanity and jump off a cliff.

  41. Whoever created this thing should jump off a cliff. (Like Bella). Not only they clearly haven’t read Harry Potter, they don’t know their facts either. Harry Potter came out long before Twilight, so Twilight clearly copied the former. Also, yes, this person clearly writes like Stephanie Meyer, terribly, and full of bad grammar. Their English teacher was clearly insulting them. Also, I love that they constantly felt the need to include that they weren’t gay. Lol.

  42. Agreed

  43. Ok. Can’t you even say real facts, not only your opinion about it? We all now: Hp is better than Twillight!
    And if you didn’t now how J.K was, that only proves how stupid you are.

  44. No debate necessary, HP would win.
    Stephanie Meyer’s idea for Twilight came to her in a dream…
    “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live” ~Albus Dumbledore
    The P in the title is supposed to represent Harry’s lightning bolt scar… What’s the swirl supposed to be? How messed up Bella’s brain is?

  45. I could drone on and on about why Harry Potter is better, but I’ll just leave it to this ^^^^

  46. You know nothing Sirius black was created in 1999 and was killed in 2003.jkr is only author to earn $ 1 billion from writing and title is only the name of the hero and is only a name book set giv s a feeling of going to Hogwarts and toilet doesn’t have a theme park and HP is super popular just check the facts before writing HP rules

  47. I can’t I just can’t .

  48. I totally agree. My meesage to the writer: uh….that isn’t the most logical.

  49. True

  50. Excuse me but who are you to judge Harry Potter fans? Just because we don’t sparkle wherever we go doesn’t mean our fandom is worse, the HP fandom is winning this battle like it or not. And to those people who shall read this comment look at the person who said HP was eww, she has bad grammar and writing obviously Twilight fans are as dumb as Bella

  51. This is very frustrating and funny

  52. I think that the person writing this, was ironic. So you don’t have to make such a big deal out of this;)

  53. this website is stupid

  54. And BTW that isn’t J.K Rowling that is Jennifer Aniston

  55. Soooiooooooo tru

  56. And not to offend ur cousin she has taste unlike u… I don’t know why she has a pot in her room but it has nothing to do with Harry

  57. Avara kadabra

  58. No something better.
    Avada Kadavra!!!

  59. Go jump off a cliff.

  60. Harry Potter is way better, and it came out before Twilight so Joanne didn’t copy Stephanie. AND that picture isn’t even of Joanne!! It’s Jennifer Aniston!

  61. Just because you like ur stupid dumb throw away box and for your information harry potter was released in 1997 and just because his name is black doesnt mean he’s black. Take charlie brown from peanuts for example. Your logo was drawn by a kid who didnt know alphabets. The potters are a real family who were neighbors of rowling. I only know stephane whatsit because of my hate towards twilight

  62. Agreed

  63. You are an idiot. Don’t jump off a cliff. That’s suicide. But remember, Harry Potter is better than Twilight. Plus, that’s not even J.K Rowling!

  64. Robert pattison hated his role in twilight he said he would rather play the guy who dies in harry potter than playing the lead role.

  65. Unmmmmmm Stephanie Meyer stole her character Harry Potter was published first. Get ur facts straight

  66. shut up twilight is so much better than your stupid hp.

  67. Shut up Riz

  68. I really hope whoever wrote this was kidding

  69. HP always wins. always.

  70. Was that even a picture of J.K?

  71. I’m a Twilight Fan and thinks it’s somewhat better than Harry Potter, but GOD these reasons are not proving that Twilight is better. :/ I’m almost ashamed.

  72. Is that Jennifer Aniston?

  73. I agree

  74. I almost cried when i read the titles part. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? And only when i read this post, i realized who wrote twilight… Also, the twilight books are kept in a tiny box but hp books are kept in a realistic, cosplay type chest. Twilight teaches us NOTHING
    Harry Potter teaches us friendship, love, and so many other stuff….

  75. Same

  76. 1. When Hermione’s love left her, she continued supporting her friends and she never let them down. Yet, when Bella’s love left her, she curled into a fatal position and months later jumped off a cliff. I guess the logo is your opinion, as well as the books. And since you have no idea who J.K. Rowling is, you have NO right to insult her. I’m guessing that you have never even read Harry Potter, but give it a try, you might end up loving it! #NoHate

  77. This has to be the dumbest of posts ever created on this earth. You clearly know nothing about the world or anything in general. I was embarrassed to have read this – also embarrassed for the person who wrote this (whoever you are!)

  78. I do not care if my comment gets moderated. I will never stop saying that these reasons are stupid and dumb!

  79. Hey Riz, honey? Go find someone who really cares. Your whole cast and your author have dumped your fandom.

  80. Sweetie, join the winning side

  81. Pirates were real.

  82. I totally agree. They have posted Jeniffer Aniston’s photo instead of J K Rowling and it is all false!

  83. Yeah but he sucks so

  84. At least twilight has romance and it teaches you about protecting your family,acceptance,love, and about how there is good inside of you no matter what. I am a fan of both but this is stupid the HP fans need to back off we didn’t come around and start hating on your series did we? No! We were just minding our own business loving our series and then you muggles show up trying to take away our beloved series!!!

  85. First of all, We have better role models, and I’m sorry stupid TWILIGHT has nothing to DO with JESUS, Twilight is against him in like every way with their stupid zombies, ONE OF THE ACTORS IN HARRY POTTER

  86. I agree!! If she really looked jk Rowling up she would have found out that J.K stands for Joanne Kathleen but Kathleen isn’t actually her name but anyways if ur a potterhead u should no and also the pic of her was Jennifer aniston

  87. In ur dreams Riz Harry Potter is way better!! HP has adventure, action, friendship and lots more!! Twilight has a girl who can’t live without her bf

  88. The comic sans, pic of Jennifer aniston or something, pot, jesus, and bad writing and color choices make it obvious that its a joke here. HP fan or twilight fan, if you’re taking this seriously you’re just making your fandom look stupid :)

  89. Omg..this is the funniest thing I have ever read…seriously ???? I am still laughing…

  90. Siriously, Robert Pattinson hates Edward! Who else heard about shiny vampires before?

  91. Why Bella never smiles and why Jacob rarely wears a bloody shirt?!?

  92. So wizards don’t exist? I’ll show you not existing you stupid mudblood!Tell me have you seen a vampire in real life?Who agrees?

  93. And also that means Harry Potter is a treasure!

  94. Mudblood* I meant muggle!

  95. You know, I read both series, and I don’t understand why the fans can’t just enjoy both books in peace. Jesus Christ. The two have nothing to do with each other, why create such a stupid fight that will actually solve nothing. So idiotic

  96. Agree.

  97. Yes, this is so right. WTF this person doesn’t even have facts, and they obviously didn’t read the books. Good job.

  98. 50 points to griffindor

  99. You don’t need to write all this just because you’re jealous
    We all know that you wish you were Jo don’t pretend otherwise

  100. There is tension between hp and that pathetic excuse for a book because Harry Potter is the best movie on earth and jk Rowling is the best author on earth and people just can’t seem to accept that

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