10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. Plus she got the colors screwed up, lol. Its GOLD for Harry Potter and SILVER for Twilight! If your defending a book at least get the facts right.

  2. Im CRYING right now!! XD

  3. Omg. This is literally the dumbest thing I have ever read. Is this some kind of joke, or are you really that dumb? That teacher that told you your writing reminded her of Stephanie Meyer. She meant it as an INSLULT. That’s why you got a c. Because your writing is so terrible it reminded her of the worst author ever on earth. Not because it was late. Anyone agree with me?

  4. me (xD)


  6. I wholeheartedly agree.

  7. All of you are so amazing! I read every. Single. Comment. and I totally agree with you! Go HP fans! (also if you were wondering, I am in Gryffindor and I have just started my first year at Hogwarts. I use my Time-Turner so I can keep up with my muggle education as well. Ta – ta!

  8. Thank u for making my day. I was about ready to break my phone out of anger about this stupid post. Harry Potter is a million times a billion times better than Twilight

  9. Well, first off, check your spelling before posting, second off all The P in Potter is the scar in Harry’s forehead and the “swirrel” if that is how you spell it, has nothing to do with the books same with the covers. Third off all It is a trunk not a treasure chest. Love and Always Harry Potter.

  10. I’m pretty sure this is a troll…one person can’t be THIS stupid


  12. Yeah, it’s Jennifer Anston…

  13. We’ve got our own lipstick shade, your argument is invalid.

  14. Uh…I’m pretty sure the thing that your English teacher said was not a compliment. No offense but Stephanie Myer is a really bad writer. Seriously, stalking people in their sleep is cool now? What the ****?also check your freakin grammar and spelling before you post.

  15. It’s a joke, read the website title. They find stupid stuff on the Internet and post it. but that’s what I thought too

  16. It’s not real it’s making fun of people ….. I hope… Either that or she so stupid.

  17. Hahahahaha, First off, Bella Swan is a Mary Sue. I did math guys.
    Swan=Bird, usually described as ‘beautiful’ and ‘elegant’
    Bella+French= Beautiful.
    She is popular for no reason, gets asked the the prom a lot even though she is ‘plain’.

  18. Yeah, and J.K.Rowling has blonder hair and much less tan. How could you get them mixed up?

  19. 20 points to whatever house you’re in.

  20. You have made me very happy.
    I have a few more things to add to your post.
    7. Someone doesn’t have to be black to have the last name BLACK! Just by saying that you sound kind of racist.
    8. Pirates exist. They’re not made up.

  21. Troll is a successful one, but if you’re actually Sirius, then you… I have no words for you. Maybe one. Muggles.

  22. Well…you’re a moron.
    P.S. That’s Jennifer Aniston…stop confusing Friends with Harry Potter….moron…

  23. Omg. I actually love you right now. You are my spirit animal XD. I, like many other people on this website was practically in tears (of anger). Until I read your beautiful post.

  24. Im a TwiHard! Not
    Harry Ptter is acyptailly better the villains are WAAAAYY BETTER Voldermort and Bellatrix are awesome twilight Bella acts like a princess waiting for someone to save her BTW this is science you can’t argue with ITS SCIENCE

  25. Wtf is wrong with you so let me see where do I start
    1.please learn how to spell
    2.Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban came out before twilight so she copied JK
    3. JK are initials the J is for Joanne her name and the k is for Kathleen her grandmothers name
    4. The box is very nice and clean
    5. Harry Potter has so much meaning to it and symbols you learn a lot of lessons and you grow up with the character as they grow with
    6. Harry Potter has a great storyline while in twilight it’s just a girl waiting for a boy to save her
    7. That’s not JK that is Jennifer Anniston
    8. Honey you got a C for a reason not because it was late we both know
    9. Are you seriously judging the logos and if anything the Harry Potter one is better the way the p is written is for Harry’s lightning scar and it is very interesting but twilight regular letters with no capitals so yea
    10. JK was one of the first authors to make billions of dollars
    I have more things to say but it will take to long
    BTW This is true it’s science so you can’t argue with it


  27. well i’m glad hp fans have raised their voice at last.

  28. Of course wizards arent real in the other hand sparkling vampires are real i just saw one yesterday (in case you are a twilight fangirl yes, this is sarcasm).

  29. 50 points to the houses of every one that commented.

  30. That is so true

  31. So true. I doubt she’s even read hp

  32. Burnnnn so true

  33. Harry Potter is actually the #1 best selling book series EVER. Like in history I looked it up

  34. Yea I know right. Stephanie moron I mean meyer was sent by the God of writing. Jk didn’t send anyone whats wrong with u

  35. She is so mental she reminds me of Professor Lockhart. St. Mungo’s. That’s all I have to say dear.

  36. Yep and we are a Harry Potter community. Bound by fate and love of the wizarding world and nothing as dark as sparkling vampires can bring us apart. GO HP

  37. Did u guys know that the least successful HP movie made 90 million, more than the most successful Twilight movie. Sorry person who has no brain but Harry Potter is everyone’s life. We r a HP community and u can’t break that up so goodbye and good luck with ur life

  38. U r so right it’s not even funny

  39. She is racist and her cousin smoking pot reason is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. This person needs to grow up and get a life (and some grammar lessons)

  40. Don’t let idiot like these get u down. Hogwarts will always comfort u in time of need, unlike where ever the heck Bella goesnro school

  41. So true. She is the mudbloodiest muggle
    i have ever seen. Potterhead for life

  42. That is so true

  43. Yea i totally agree Ron. She needs to sort out her priorities

  44. Thats great but plz say u dont agree with the argument shes making. I have nothing against u i just have something against idiofs

  45. That is sk true

  46. I Love This Comment.

  47. Yeaaaaaa. This is so true!! Do not insult Harry Potter. Sorry I know this comment was kinda late but I was busy riding the Harry Potter roller coaster. Maybe I should go to Twilight world, or right, u aint got one.

  48. Oh yea im a 12 and a 1/2 year old Gryfinndor girl XD

  49. We’ve all gone through it. as for Twilight STAKE IT!!!

  50. Uh no she’s obviously six. AND a half. Naw five and a half.

  51. Plus she was the first ever person to be billionaire by writing books and every 30 seconds someone starts reading Harry Potter. And there are boxes that are not treasure boxes but are EPIC art of dragons and Wands!!! Does Twilight have a whole theme park with real working wands???!!! HMMM???

  52. THIS IS BAE!


  54. I don’t want to be mean or hate or anything, it is just that I think S.M. Is like J.K.’s little sister. Tries to be good at the same thing J.K. is good at, but just has a different talent.

  55. I totally agree


  57. she is -9999999999

  58. Thank you. Now im not trowing away my laptop.

  59. honey, do your research before you make these websites. these reasons are totally not legit. harry potter was written waybefore stephanie had her “dream” about twillight.

  60. And as an add-on, the chest is actually unique and shows that J.K. Rowling put a lot of thought into Harry Potter. She spent FIVE YEARS deciding what her characters could and couldn’t do. Stephanie Meyer boasts that she wrote Twilight in three months, and look at the piece of crap it turned out to be.

  61. I’m soooo glad that know stupid twilight fangirls are commenting on how much Twilight rules. Harry Potter was made before Twilight. If anything, twilight copied HP. These reasons are the most blow-headed ones I’ve seen yet. And I’m twelve. (Btw that isn’t even a picture of J.K Rowling.) Muggle….

  62. Also, whoever wrote this is just making Twilight look worse than it already is

  63. How come Jennifer Aniston made it here?

  64. Yeah, honestly no one gets an C because it was late. As a very irresponsible student that always turns in her projects late the lowest you can get is a B. At least in my school.

  65. If you are going to trash Harry Potter, at least use proper spelling and grammar. Also, that picture of ‘J.K. Rowling’ is Jennifer Aniston. Another thing, you said that you hadn’t heard of Harry Potter before 5 minutes ago, therefore giving you no chance to read it. I personally have read both series and I think that they are amazing. Stop the hate, they are just books.

  66. This is so try hard, you couldn’t even come up with GOOD VALID reasons why Twilight is (not) better than Harry Potter. The excuses are lame. Harry Potter’s better than any twilight fan could ever imagine, deal with it. BTW that last picture of ‘JK Rowling’ isnt even of her, it’s jennifer aniston.

  67. Since when was Jennifer Aniston JK Rowling dumbo (and I don’t mean the cute innocent baby elephant) in what world possessed you to write such stupid reasons and the reason your teacher gave you a C is not because it was handed in late it was because it was as terrible a Stephanie Meyer (and judging by this your spelling) how old are you? 6 mths old. I am a massive fan of Harry Potter but I wouldn’t mind you insulting it if you had valid reasons

  68. Also you must be suffering from wrackspurts (invisible creatures that make your brain go fuzzy)

  69. Why aren’t you in Azkaban for being so stupid or at least St Mugos permanently because you obviously suffering from stupidity and are therefore a danger to us all. Sirius Black’s cell is empty you can have it, it’s all yours as we can’t let other prisoners catch what you’ve got

  70. Reasons we hate Twilight:
    Everything else about Twilight

  71. Me

  72. This made my day, this is the bed explanation so far, when i first read the article i was thinking someone explain to this poor girl about the Harry Potter nation and her stupidity

  73. Jingle bells Twilight smells Edward ran away Bella dies Jacob cries Potter all the way

  74. Crucio!!!!

  75. Sirius black was introduced over a decade BEFORE Jacob Black so if anyone copied its Meyer.

  76. Dear writer,
    I will pray to God that you never mention your name and get stuck in an elevator someday with a hp fan.

  77. You people that hate Harry Potter can go die In A hole being rained on by Harry Potter books with no food and no water cause you guys are stupid hp is 1!!

  78. and if anyone is racist its you

  79. I totally agree with Hedwig is mine, Harry Potter is way better than twilight, hp has been around longer too, so HP haters gonna hate, and a little advice for the writer, do research on what you are posting before you post it you idiots!!! have a nice day HP fans

  80. Yes!

  81. And by pointing out the Sirius Black and Jacob black thing makes YOU the racist.

  82. That’s not even a picture of JK Rowling!!!

  83. No wonder you got a C not because it was late but because you wrote as terrible as her. And BTW (because apparently this is how you get through school: with terrible grades) OMG J inJK dosnt mean just kidding it means Joanne and the K is her grandmamas name. So crawl into a hole, get buried by Harry Potter books and die! Ps. The P in Potter was not “someone who can’t write” it’s representing the lightning bolt scar that Harry has. You’re stupid. Get research first.

  84. Or a twitch you dumbo. Get a real brain in your noggin, and then you’ll be screaming “I’m not worthy!” By the way what grade are you in? I can spell much better than you and I’m in sixth grade.

  85. Twilight sucks

  86. Oh my god this is so dumb I’m laughing my head off XD

  87. All I was thinking while reading this was that how stupid I think you are.

  88. As in the person that made this not the comments

  89. I hope you go to hell.

  90. By the way, a candle has light, a candle is not a good person, and a candle certainly isn’t Jesus. I’m good (except for now) but I was never light because only lamps have light, I am not pure, because good does not mean pure, and I certainly am also not Jesus.

  91. this is so stupid first that is not even jk rowling its that girl from friends second harry potter was first so twilight is copying harry potter and also the guy who plays Jacob black is white too so yeah

  92. The harry potter box set is creative. Harry potter came before twilight. The p in harry potter stands for the lightning scar. The name twilight has nothing to do with the story. You are just stupid if you didn’t know J.K Rowling was the author. And it stands for Jennifer Katherine. She just shortened it to J.K to appeal to male readers. Get your facts straight. Overall: HARRY POTTER IS BETTER THAN TWILIGHT!

  93. That’s jennifer aniston lmfao. You also really need a spellcheck. I hope this is b8.

  94. No

  95. No offense but I can tell you that harry potter come out BEFORE twilight, therefore it didn’t copy twilight. AND also, the deepest message in twilight is that no girl can live without a man. The shallowest message in Harry Potter is that a mothers love is eternal, and that you need to stay up for what you believe in..

  96. I’m sorry are you stupid?
    have you forgotten that the harry potter series were written before the twilight saga?
    So most of your reasons about copying are wrong, you just said that twilight copied harry potter, also your saying that all harry potter fans are pot heads in reality, most harry potter fans (like my entire family) are people who like the books and dont give much thought about the title. Harry POTter okay so your calling every one named harry a unhygenic slob, and have you forgotten about pots? also known as pottery, vases are pottery and they’re beautiful. By the way, have you seen all the videos with crazy twilight fans crying about the wierdest things like she says she was normal, Harry potter teaches kids they dont need to be scared about things and if your brave everything will be fine, twilight is about finding love and only caring about that.

  97. The problem with people who are so stupid is that they are tot stupid tot know they are stupid!

  98. That is a picture of Jennifer Aniston. Harry Potter was written before Twilight. Taylor Lautner is not black. In the Hary Potter logo, the P represents Harry’s scar.

  99. J.K stands for Joanne Kathleen. :)

  100. I totally agree. How old is this person? Even I know that you have to have proof, or evidence, to back up your opinion. I had a whole almost essay about why you’re wrong, and I had FACTS. So shut up. It’s sad that people that are stupid can’t see that they are stupid.

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