10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. what is wrong with you? you dont even know how to spell sirius black its sirius black not serious black and FYI i think you are soo outdated bcos most people know JK Rowling and you dont even know her and who knows Stephenie meyer?

  2. Firstly, Twilight doesn’t even know about werewolves and that is insane!! Werewolves unvoluntarily transform on a full moon night. Jacob Black is merely an animagus, I repeat, merely an animagus that has not even

  3. Gr8 troll m8 I r8 8/8!!!
    But if this is serious,um… 911, someone need help!!!!

  4. Oh my you have the same nickname as me. Actually, mines Crayfish. Still.

  5. Hehe I’m talking to myself online. Too much tea.

  6. Its just a troll

  7. I really hope you guys aren’t taking this seriously. This is a hilarious article, and I had an extremely fun time reading. You know this is a joke, right?

  8. I agree both series are good! You don’t have to start a war about it!

  9. Yeah this article is so stupid and a waist of time

  10. This article in pointless and stupid! Such a waist of time!

  11. hp is no.1

  12. Im a slytherclaw. Half slytherin half ravenclaw. Mostly ravenclaw though

  13. I lost faith in humanity when i turned 11 and i didnt get my hogwarts letter. I sat by my mail box for 3 hours and i cried so hard my mom promised me extra cake if i came inside. I am always continuing to lose faith in humanity

  14. You too? I didn’t get cake, though…

  15. thank you!

  16. you absolutley correct

  17. Im pretty sure its supposed to be funny

  18. Yes!

  19. I’d rather believe in wizards than sparkling bloody vampires.

  20. May I offer you a cough drop?

  21. I agree at people have their own opinions, but the person who wrote this post just bashed and insulted Harry Potter, it’s fans, the author, people who have either the name Harry or Potter, and just people in general. Some things just need to be kept unsaid.

  22. This is unrealistic. You may have lost your mind

  23. AGREED. I’m twelve, and even I can tell that the plot of Harry Potter is way more sophisticated. J.K. Rowling managed to create, to me at least, PEOPLE, not just characters. You want to know why? She makes them believable without making them…not good (I mean they’re still human; they have flaws), it feels as if the reader knows most of them personally. I cried when I read about (SPOILER) the deaths of Sirius, Dumbledore, Hedwig, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, Fred, Lupin and Tonks, and…Snape. I felt so horrible after I found out who Snape really was…

  24. Plz people, check your work before posting it in the Internet. All these reasons that twilight is better than hp are ridiculous and stupid. First hp was written way before twilight. So there is no way J.K Rowling had copied twilight. And if you donot know J.K Rowling, it is your fault. She is one of the most famous writers.

  25. Harry Potter came out June 1997. Twilight? 2008. Harry potter sure did copy twilight … And yeah, sure, wizards don’t exist. Sparkling vampires DO.

  26. This is a joke, right?

  27. thanks for the trolling. good use of comic sans

  28. ROFL… OK, this was absolutely hilarious. Please get back to me if you ever read this comment. Your reasons are as dumb as you. I mean, what age are you? 4? 5?

  29. I thought so too until I realized the person that wrote it is just really, really stupid. For a big head she has a remarkably small brain.

  30. Is this a joke? I’m sorry, I don’t want to be mean, but CHECK YOUR DANG PUBLISHING DATES.

  31. Harry Potter was written way before Twilight, so how could J.K Rowling copy Twilight? J.K Rowling is extremely famous. Harry Potter is the name of a character, it is not promoting bad hygiene or the use of pot. You spelt Sirius’ name wrong by the way. How is it racist that Sirus Black wasn’t played by a black person? The books never said he was black. So, you’re saying people are dumb for believing in wizards, I’m pretty sure sparkly fairy vampires aren’t real either. Plus, the chest for the books is way cuter than a freaking BOX.

  32. You will notice that this post is not to be taken seriously. It’s a poke towards Twilight-Fangirls who are too dumb to be real.

  33. First there’s Kingsley in Harry Potter, who has got dark skin and this must be a joke …..jennifer anniston as jkr ?;)

  34. You are soooo stupid. First of all, how DARE you cross out the faces of two of the BEST characters in the history of literature! Twilight has no deep meaning at all. 2) The boxsets: Why should this even COUNT as a point? But anyway, yes they are in a treasure chest because the are LITERALLY GOLD, plus they represent something in the Harry Potter book. They are worth so much in over half the population’s hearts. I also realize that you put down that wizards dont exist but, ahem,SPARKLING FAIRY PRINCESSES(a.k.a Twilight vampires) and BIG PUPPY DOGS(a.k.a Twilight werewolves) don’t either. And as far as I’m concerned, Wizards will ALWAYS exist in my heart. And the werewolves and vampires in Harry Potter are a little more realistic and a little(I’m being generous with the little)less, I don’t know, STUPID. 3) I have no idea why being compared to Stephanie Meyer is a good thing because, honestly, there are deeper things than sparkling.(No offence to Stephanie) I’m suuuure you got a C because it was turned in late(BTW that was sarcasm) And anyway, if you spelled and used grammar on that assignment like you did here, that’s DEFINITELY not the reason you got a C. Also, you spelled Sirius wrong. AND, that is not a picture of J.K. Rowling. That is Jennifer Aniston, a lovely actress. Also, you spelled the last name of your own favioret author Stephanie MAYER.Really, I’m concerned for you. And your grades. 4) Sirius black was created in 1993. I’d love to tell you when Jacob Black was created(definitely sometime in the 2000’s), but I don’t pay attention to idiotic stuff like that. Also, Jacob Black isn’t black. You just saying that makes it racist. And last names have NOTHING to do with appearances. 5) I have nothing against the logo of Twilight EXCEPT for the fact that it has NOTHING to do with Twilight. The g doesn’t mean a thing. Now, the P in Potter is shaped like a lightning bolt, signaling Harry’s scar. And, of all people, YOU should not be calling it dumb, because, as I and many, Many, MANY others have pointed out, you’re not too bright yourself. Heck, you’re not bright at all.6) As for the titles, sure, Twilight has light in it, but Twilight is a time of day, and this particular time of day is when it’s getting DARK outside. Does darkness have to do with God and Jesus? Didn’t think so. Also, you can’t judge a book by taking apart it’s name. Who does that? And Harry, Hairy have different spellings. IT’S A NAME OF A PERSON FOR HEAVEN SAKES. And for the cousin thing, every Potter Fan is different, and it doesn’t mean it’s because of Harry Potter. And please, never put “proof” after something that is irrelevant and poorly thought.
    Now, quick question, you must have known that people would defend their fandom if you insult it, right? ‘Cause who knows, maybe you are smart, but, honey, let me tell you a little secret. If you INSULT, DEGRADE, IMPOWER, OR DO ANYTHING OF THE SORT TO OUR FANDOM(THE MIGHTY HARRY POTTER FANDOM),WE WILL RETALIATE!! BECAUSE THIS, MY FRIEND, IS THE HARRY POTTER NATION, AND, HONEY, YOU’RE LIVING IN IT!!!!!!!!

  35. Erm, no, Twilight copied Harry Potter. Harry Potter came out first

  36. Okay, for the “J.K. Rowling copied the name black” Serious Black was made up before Jacob Black was, so I would have to say Stephanie copied.

  37. Taylor Lautner isn’t even black he’s aboriginal and check your publishing dates before posting stuff online

  38. OMG! you re awesome i was going to die when i heard what this stupid person as saying about harry potter but your words calmed me down! i am HP’s no.1 fan. I luv daniel radcliffe, rupert grint and emma watson

  39. OH SNAP!

  40. harry potter rules twilight sucks

  41. You get that this is a joke right?

  42. harry potter is much better than twilight no question
    BTW check your spelling, hater!
    don’t go spelling Sirius’ s name wrong and saying that JKR is racist i don’t think that Jacob Black is black either so get your facts right.
    and what do you mean J.K Rowling copied Stephanie Meyer because harry potter was made before twilight. maybe that is one of the million good things about harry potter ITS ORIGINAL!

  43. HELL YEAH!!

  44. I was so angry after reading what that person wrote about our beloved Harry Potter but after reading what this HP fanwrote i calmed down alot. So i thank people like this for proving that harry potter is alive in vain and in our hearts forever.

  45. Thank god someone said it! I’m not even gunna mention the spelling! “Elligant”

  46. Oh god you MUST be joking, your “points” are ridiculous! Seriously “the Harry potter logo is bulky and DUMB, yes that’s right you spell it with a B

  47. Don’t you think twilight is kinda sexist?! Bella can’t do ANYTHING for her self, but in Harry potter, hermione is independent, intelligent, doesn’t need a man to save her, and knows what she’s doing all the time! Bella is an idiot and has annoying breathing patterns. Not to mention “serious black’s” name is spelled SIRIUS black, and it’s just his last name! He doesn’t need to be black, LOOK at JACK BLACK!!!!! I suppose he’s racist too?!

  48. This is DUMB!!!

  49. Thank you!!

  50. I get how you got a C, it wasn’t because you were later it’s because your writing resembles Stephanie Meyer’s and her writing causes brain cells to die. And your teacher was nice enough to give a C not a D

  51. Nah, I’ve seen 4 year olds that can produce better than this (and spell better than this).

  52. First of all learn how to SPELL!!!! I have a few thoughts about this that I’d like to share .. First of all .. J.K stands for JOANNE KATHERINE you stupid person!! Do you not realise the picture of J.K Rowling is JENNIFER ANNISTON?! Another thing is you think it’s racist that Sirius Black wasn’t cast as a black male HOW COME JACOB BLACK ISNT BLACK?!?! And the “treasure chest” that has the Harry Potter books in it is a trunk that is featured in the film, where as I don’t see a piece of card with a frayed ribbon, a person holding an apple and rose petals with blood on them in any of the twilight films also how could J.K Rowling have copied Twilight when Harry Potter was published 8 YEARS before twilight was I have MANY MANY MANY more problems with this article but it is a waste of my time to bother helping your poor grammar and false accusations you wasted everybody’s time by posting this article

  53. I so agree with u lol, I wish I cud high 5 u rite now!

  54. Omg so true!!

  55. Oh my god u made my day

  56. This article isn’t meant to be taken seriouslyIt’s meant to take the mick out of twilight and its fans

  57. True, truest thing ever. Like cmon sparkling vampires? Stupid, really.

  58. Did you eat your twilight book and vomit this out?

  59. Wow I read so many comments and every one that I read was against Twilight .It is now proven our fandom is stronger! (Btw her name is Joanne for j, Kathleen for k, and of course Rowling)

  60. Yes and about J.K Rowling not casting an African American for Sirius Black NETHER DID STEIPANIE MEYER. (And intill I read this I had no idea who she was… So there) Also J.K is J.K. Rowling’s initials.

  61. As a poem I heard from one of my best friends goes
    Griffendor is red
    Ravenclaw is blue
    Insult Harry Potter
    And I’ll CRUTIO you
    (Crutio is the torture curse)

  62. When Harry left Ginny she led the DA and when Cedric’s look alike Edward left Bella she jumped off a cliff.

  63. Vampires burn in the sun, they’re not glittery sparkling … and they don’t exist, it’s a fiction, muggle

  64. I would love to say yes but some people are really this stupid.

  65. Omg. I guess people with the actual last name Potter go around telling people to be potheads, and I guess J.K. Rowling just isn’t famous enough, being the first writer to become a millionaire off her books. And I guess the fact that the books come in a treasure chest, actually has anything to do with the book itself. Man you’re retarded.

  66. That’s not even JK Rowling in the picture!

  67. OMG this is the most retarded post I have ever read. The spelling and grammar suck and that’s just the beginning. Wow. I’ve never even READ the Harry Potter books, and I did enjoy the Twilight books, but I know that HP is much better.

  68. I knew it wasn’t Rowling in the picture

  69. There’s not even 10

  70. Okay this is dumb
    Who gives a crap about the box set? It’s the inner book quality that matters (and that is something Twilight doesn’t have)
    Even the actor that played Edward Cullen (also played Cedric Diggory in Goblet of Fire HUFFLEPUFF FOREVER) said he’d rather be in the Harry Potter movies.
    Your argument is invalid.

  71. Lol ikr

  72. Yeah Rowling’s hair has a bit of curl

  73. True dat
    And nice name, Albus

  74. Apply cold water to the burn

  75. Amen!

  76. And I shall tell Lupin when I get to heaven to murder the epic fail of a werewolf in Twilight. It’s an insult to him!

  77. Guys!!! You shouldn’t be attacking this girl, you should be pittying her!!! She’s obviously suffering from a extreme case of stupidity, I always feel really bad for air heads so lets not tease them! Just because this girl is amazingly dumb and idiotic does not mean we should attack her for it. I mean really, its not her fault she’s so stupid and ignorant, maybe Twilight has that affect on people, maybe she hit her head on something, maybe her parents dropped her as a baby, maybe she was drunk while writting this which would explain the atrocious spelling and grammer. Let’s give her the benifit of the doubt that she’s obviously not in her right mind. Poor girl…

  78. sirius, his name is sirius how can you be a harry potter fan and not know how to spell sirius’ name?

  79. I think a D is giving them way to much credit.

  80. You put five points that do not have any credit behind them you understand.

  81. Hahaha! Nice one! You had my laughing for 20 mins. Wait, you weren’t joking were you?

  82. That’s not J.K Rowling . That’s Jennifer Aniston

  83. now this my friends is 100% correct

  84. JK actually became the first billionaire, but gave money to the poor to help them, but either way, harry potter is way better

  85. Name, it’s funny enough as it is

  86. lol, there are only 5 reasons :P

  87. Thank you sooo much for saying that i was just about to myself

  88. where do I begin to say how much I hate this!? first of all boxsets!? like who cares and its treasure chest for pirates and wizards that don’t exist?!because vampires and werewolves totally exist.*rolls eyes * #2 harry potter came first so twilight copied OUR characters so BOOM # 3 logos curly g that is regcognizable well the lightning bolt p would never stand out #4 twighlight is full of dark magic which is ungodly so. and lastly the pic of jen Anniston honestly

  89. My brother is 7 and is a huge HP fan and he has been since he was 6!

  90. Lol first of all Harry Potter came out first. Second the least successful Harry Potter movie (Prisoner of Azkaban) made at least 90 million more dollars than the most successful Twlight. Thirdly, J.K.Rrowling was the first person to become a billanoare from writing books. Ummm so I’d say Harry Potters better.

  91. Harry Potter teaches you to be brave, to try hard, not to give up, stand up, fight for whom you love and what you love: Twlight teaches you how “important” it is to have a boyfriend.


  93. I could write a whole book series on how bad this is and it would be better than the twilight books and this garbage. #harrypotterforthewin

  94. HOW TO LOSE YOUR BRAIN: Read Twilight.
    Seriously, guys it works. We have a wonderful example right here, on this post.

  95. Thank you every Potterhead writing comments!!!! Firstly, how about you READ Harry Potter before making judgements, huh?? Honestly, I laughed really hard reading this because it’s so ridiculous, until she insulted JK Rowling. Come on, get your facts straight!!!

  96. OH YEAH!!! Thank you for reading my mind!!!

  97. Why are all the Potterheads so mad then?? Better start on those apologies.

  98. Pattison (it’s fine)


  100. Absolute nonsense. This is so very stupid and incorrect. Shame.

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