10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. IKR? I am seriously pissed off right now

  2. Or go back to the 1st grade

  3. Yes and her agent or something told her to use initials

  4. I do not understand how Harry Potter can encourage kids to do pot. That’s like saying Edward is promoting war. It’s bogus! Furthermore, Twilight actually references heroin, when Edward says that Bella is his personal brand of heroin. If you’re going to troll, at least do it correctly.

  5. Preach! So we’re adding Stephen Myers to the not saying her name list? Along with Justin Beiber…

  6. I’m just taking it you have 5 brain cells, live under a rock and just sit there with your boring Twilight book set, rocking back and forth foaming at the mouth because you thought a wolf was Jacob silently uttering ‘My precious’… Wait,I’m sorry… that’s a insult to The Lord Of The Rings

  7. Please tell me this is a joke. None of ur points even make sense (read the other comments) I used to like twilight when I was like 12 but then i realized how stupid it is. Harry Potter is like the meaning of my childhood and I still love it.

  8. Um… Just so you know… Jk Rowling is the first author to be multi- millionaire

  9. Actually, Miss Rowling was the fist person to become a BILLIONAIRE purely through writing books.

  10. That’s just stupid twilight came out a decade after Harry potter. And it’s very offensive to think SIRIUS Black would be really well,black! I disagree with everything you said. Well,typed.

  11. Sorry, we can’t hear you over our theme park. >:{

  12. You got a C on your story coz your writing was like Stephenie meyer not because you were late in submitting it >:). Anyway I don’t want to waste my time correcting this crap

  13. You are sooo right

  14. JK Rowling wrote a better love story in 1 word than Stephanie Meyer did in 4 books, and that word was “Always”

  15. You are such an idiot. Have you actually ever set foot in the outside world? Obviously you haven’t. Oh yeah tell Stephan Mayonnaise or whatever her name is good job on the plastic surgery. It almost covers up her fake personality. Personally, I think you should keep your idiotic nose out of something you clearly have now experience in. Twilight is just another series that teaches girls you need a boy to be successful. Harry Potter teaches people that love, compassion, and determination will help you become successful. BTW, not everyone likes books that are so angsty that you want to puke. Oh and tell Stephanie Mayonnaise that vampires don’t sparkle.

  16. Harry Potter came before Twilight stupid, and it’s not a treasure chest.

  17. OK let take it from the top :
    1 That is a TRUNK plus it has more boxsets than that
    2 First of all it’s SIRIUS and Joe wrote Garry potter in 1997 and Twilight was first published in 2005 so technically Stephany copied JK rowling
    3 So apparently you Hav’nt read Harry Potter
    The P is meant to be the scar plus there are more logos that is the american one
    4 Before JK Rowling wrote harry potter there was actualy a man named Harry Potter so are you suggesting the he is a potthead ???
    5 a Her name is’nt JK it’s Joe and that’s the abriviation, like DJ in Full House
    b Thats the piicture of Jennifer Aniston : she played Rachel on the hit TV show Friends
    c You havn’t read Harry Potter so don’t judge it
    BTW I’m 16

  18. When, the ‘treasure chest’ box set makes it look totally awesome. It draws your eye, where the Twilight box set is black and boring.
    BTW, The original Twilight zone is way better in my terms. Who cares if it is in black and white?

  19. 1. Ok, maybe you don’t believe in wizards… but WHO BELIEVES IN VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES?!? WTF!?
    2. Nope, Twilight copied Harry Potter.
    3.The Harry Potter logo is so much better than the Twilight logo.
    4. Maybe some people don’t believe in Jesus Christ, and Harry Potter is a fricken name! Not a cheesy hidden meaning!
    5. J.K. Rowling is so much more creative than this Meyer person.
    Lastly, Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity.
    Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.

  20. Hey will someone please explain to the she who must not be named that harry potter has nothing to worry about because honestly bella relies on guys to do all the work and ginny and hermione both stood up to the dark lord when harry and ron left them. yeah lets just all let the guys do the work, just shoot me if it ever comes to that.

  21. You insult JK Rowling…you WILL pay!!!! Plus, what does Twilight teach teenage girls? Oh yeah, if a boy breaks up with you, jump off a cliff! And what does harry potter teach you? “It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.” BTW Twilight is way too serious. Stephanie Meyers should think about adding a witty pair of brothers (twins, maybe) to brighten it up. Haha

  22. Seriously? You’re calling Harry Potter fans dumb? This made me laugh. Magic is WAY more realistic than believing in vampires and werewolves and junk. Twilight SUCKS. Yup I said it. You are stupid.

  23. If harry potter was made before twilight then how could J. K Rowling have copied Stephanie Meyer. The box set is creative for the Harry Potter series whereas the twilight one is really boring. You talk about magic being bad and stupid but sparkling “vampires” isn’t exactly realistic. Also take the live triangle away from harry potter and you’re left with a school that teaches magic. Take it away from twilight and you’re left with a girl that moves to a state with a lot of rain

  24. BTW harry potter was written first and twilight copied some stuff. And the picture you put for JK rowling is jeniffer aniston and you are just making fun of her name. Her name was joanne and the k part comes from her grandmother. Also harry potter is much better than twilight because its magical and not about vampires andstuff. Magic owns vamipres and the plot about harry potter isbetter . Takethe time to rethink these stuff . PS the first one is not a treasure chest it is trunk

  25. THIS IS THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER READ!!! What kind of Vampires Sparkle? And seriosly, you are basicly calling Harry Potter fans are DUMB. No one insults my role model J.K. Rowling. And seriously, J.K. Rowling did not copy Stephanie Meyers when it came to Sirius Black. Plus I just got that book set is Beautiful. And I’m 11!

  26. omg hate this harry potter is way better than twilight twilight coped harry potter BOOM!

  27. you are right animus43 i would say the same thing #harrypotter4life

  28. If you were smart you would have known that twilight was made years after harry potter! And that harry potter won lots more awards than twilight! Twilight if you hunk about it is very very stupid and doesn’t even have any meaning to it. One minute she’s with him and the next with another! I stopper reading it in the middle and I feel guilty if I leave a book in the middle! And plus Robert Pattinson also hated twilight! And liked Harry Potter better.

  29. That’s right! She who should not be named! Whoever made this should know that twilight is a bunch of nonsense!

  30. Also, there is more lore on vampires and werewolves, than there is about wizards, and you say,”she could be more creative.”

  31. When you say “dumb people believe in magic” are you saying that movies such as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, and basically every Disney princess movie is dumb, because there is magic. You are saying that Harry Potter fans are dumb, when you’re believing in this just as absurd. Vampires and werewolves. Please check your facts first.

  32. Also, Twilight appeals to teenage white girls, and forty year old moms who think they need a guy.
    Harry Potter. Appeals to people from age ten to forever. Think about it.

  33. No, in the series they clearly said WEREWOLF NOT animigus.

  34. is that a picture of Jennifer Aniston as J.K Rowling?!?!? I am soo done with the internet HARRY POTTER 4 EVER

  35. I think she (is obviously she,because no boy would ever read twilight,not even gays and before someone accused me I have nothing against gays.) didn’t get her teachers comment because she doesn’t know how sarcasm works. And if she bothered to read HP before bad mouthing it she would have realised it’s not something she should brag around. because lets face it Harry is as sarcastic as it gets and we love him for it

  36. Twilight is for losers. Jk rowling is amazing. Meyer copied rowling. Vampires don’t sparkle. Check out vampire diaries. Sirius is an agnimus.

  37. First of all, get your facts straight. WHO CARES ABOUT THE CASE THE BOOKS COME IN! What matters is the material inside; Twilight is completely trash, and HP is about friendship and finding a way through your doubts and surviving not about an albino vampires.

  38. Hahahaha! YES! A Very Potter Musical!

  39. @LunaRocks, he dies in the first book. I think?

  40. Yeah, in the HP movies, you can actually see the spells and everything. You can even see Lupin transform. But in the twilight movies, you only see Jacob transform once in like the first movie.

  41. This thing is absolute poo.
    I firmly believe it is destroying people’s souls.
    You see, in the HP fandom, we like our books because of the plotlines and characters, not the fact that there are two semi-hot guys and a whiny, helpless “role model” in the lead.

  42. Amen.

  43. AVPM:):):) thank you.

  44. Okay, let me point some things out.
    1. Nothing you mentioned here actually has anything to do with the plot of either of the books.
    2. Harry Potter came out before Twilight, so when you say that JK copied Meyer you just sound stupid.
    3. If you think Harry Potter encourages drug use you’re just an idiot.
    4. The P in Potter is supposed to look like Harry’s scar.
    5. That isn’t JK Rowling.
    6. Her real name is Joanne, she was just afraid boys wouldn’t like her book.

  45. Harry potter is WAYYYYYY better! Just because the twilight logo has a swirly”g” in it doesn’t mean it’s better

  46. First if all, you should make at least a little bit research! But I have to say that I don’t understand why people have to start a fight just because they like different series! I like both of them! And if you don’t like for example Harry potter, well you don’t have to say it to the whole world! Cause there is people they likes things that you don’t like!

  47. EVERYONE GET ASIDE HUFFLEPUFF TALKIN HERE O.K so 1. is irrelevant since this is about BOOKS not presentation. 2.is stupid since Harry Potter was written first. TWILIGHT copied HARRY POTTER. So called no. 5(it’s supposed to be 3) is incredibly dumb because the “P” of Potter is supposed to resemble his scar.4. is silly since you are insulting everyone whose name is Harry or Potter. 5.is damn idiotic since firstly,that is a picture of Jennifer Anniston and she called herself J.K because her name is Joanne and she wrote J.K so boys would also read it. GOD YOU MADE A HUFFLEPUFF ANGRY!!!

  48. I’m also 11 :) whic house are you in?


  50. you make me laugh
    thank for trolling
    have a nice day
    ps: thats jennifer aniston

  51. 1) The Harry Potter boxset was creative, the creators made it look like the trunks Hogwarts students take to school. However, Twilight’s boxset was very uncreative, just the covers of the books, Harry Potter is unique.
    2) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (the one where Sirius is introduced) was published way before the first Twilight was published, so Meyer copied Rowling.

  52. It applies to people ages 8-forever, if not less.

  53. Spelling?! Tittles? Swirrels? Serious? Elligant? Get it right! Even though it was pointless trying to convince us. It will never work. Why are you refering Jesus to Twilight? Who loves it anyway? Twilight, not Jesus

  54. Wow, I’ve just found Goyle’s long lost sister!
    By the way, Potterheads, there is now an OFFICIAL font script for the Harry Potter’s Title. It’s called ‘Harry P’, it’s really cool. So much for a bulky and dumb font, right?

  55. I really want to find the person who made this so I can give them a lesson in punctuation and spelling as well as beat them up.

  56. I lost numerous IQ points just by reading this….

  57. I’m 13 and in Hufflepuff. I looked up twilight vs HP because I was bored and wanted people to badmouth twilight, and get some laughs at how awful twilight is. This is what I found, but this is sh*t and I still obviously thing HP is way better

  58. Also, Lupin is a werewolf.

  59. Amen

  60. The ones that I have left are in agony from this guys sh***y argument.

  61. Why is this even up for discussion? Every sane person knows that Harry Potter is better. I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan and to me Harry potter is trash compared to LoTR, and I love Harry Potter as much as any fan. I am currently reading Twilight, and reading it upside down and backwards is even better than reading it normally! It is that bad! Compare the Volturi to the wizards of Hogwarts, or the armies of Gondor and Rohan! Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings have way better endings! This will go on for a while…..

  62. Ok, first of all, Harry potter OWNS Twilight , and second of all, what right do u have to make fun of her name, It’s not HER fault is it! Or did she SOMEHOW start talking when she was born and then named herself! Harry potter is SO much better than a stupid story about SPARKLING VAMPIRES! I mean, Harry potter isn’t just a pathetic love story with absolutely NO plot whatsoever and personally, Harry Potter cast MUCH hotter guys in their movies, when I watched twilight and saw edward and Jacob I was like, “Is that IT!” J.K. Rowling is my IDOL, anyone else who thinks otherwise is completely mental!

  63. What kind of GARBAGE is this!!!

  64. umm… SORRY!! I have alot of things to say about this! 1. What right do you have to INSULT another human being by making fun of their name! There is NOTHING wrong with J.K. !
    2. Harry potter came BEFORE twilight
    3. Harry potter teaches children that they can be independent, not like Bella who just TOTALLY depends on Edward for EVERTHING, I mean girls who read twilight are probably going to Committe suicide when the guy they like rejects them, while girls who read Harry potter will be independent and strong (like hermione).
    4. Harry potter isn’t ALL about ‘love’ it’s actually has depth and Twists
    5. I have SI many more but if I wrote out them all I’d be here for the rest of my life, and I’m only 14

  65. I completely disagree with this. Harry Potter was created first, and I personally love the logo especially because the P represents Harry’s lightning scar… and no, it doesn’t represent bad hygiene! Harry is a very common name, even up here in Canada, and it doesn’t resemble pot, I mean, look at the author Beatrix Potter, creator of Peter Rabbit! Fab, a children’s author that I love has the the word pot in her name… how clever of this online person.

  66. i never really understood the concept of twilight but harry potter has a correct plot. i love harry potter books.

  67. do u know it?

  68. I seriously love harry potter.I never get bored of reading them . But when i started twilight i had to force my self to complete it. By the way does twilight teach anything to people . Harry Potter has many proverbs and shows people faces of friendship , courage etc. i seriously accept this that Harry Potter is a far way better than twilight . J.K.Rowling is great.

  69. If you want to fight on attractiveness, sparkly vampires are NOT hot. Weasleys are.

  70. Isn’t this a joke? I thought so. The picture of “J.K. Rowling” is a picture of Jennifer Aniston, so I assumed it wasn’t real.

  71. Oh god! Please please please tell me this is just a troll!
    If not, my faith in humanity is lost.

  72. *facepalm*

  73. Twillight was written after Harry Potter, If any one was coping a book at all, it was Stephenie Meyers.

  74. Exactly, I mean Harry Potter came out BEFORE Twilight!

  75. Seriously! The BOXSETS? F.Y.I. It’s not a ‘treasure chest’ it’s a TRUNK.
    HP SO did NOT ‘copy’ twilight! Hp was actually written FIRST! If ANYONE copied someone it was Stephanie Meyers! J.k. Is actually not the casting director for Warner Bros btw. And Taylor Lautner is not black either so that point was completely WORTHLESS. Light doesn’t necessarily mean ‘pure’ and J.K. Is ALOT more famous that Stephanie Meyers, you just hasn’t heard of her. Also I’m sure MANY potheads like twilight, if your cousin is a Harry potter fan, than she wouldn’t become one just to relate, if fact, not ONCE is that sort of stuff mentioned in the books. Harry Potter charecters are also ALOT better role models for people. Twilight just teaches girls that their no one without a man, while as Harry potter teaches girls to be strong and independent.

  76. Preach it! I personally found this extremely insulting, and have gave the link to many of my friends. Also, Harry Potter came out first. What, did J.K.R. Look into the future? I think not. And I’m related to a pirate.

  77. I personally found this insulting. You have obviously never read the books, and Harry Potter came first. So it’s impossible for J.K.R. to have copied Stephanie! Seriously, use logic before posting ridiculous nonsense. The box set is made to look like Harry’s trunk. The squiggle in the “P” is for Harry’s scar. Our lead female character is a much better role model for young girls. I rest my case.


  79. So Siriusly true

  80. This is just sad. Here’s why: Number one: Harry Potter’s box set is original and creative. Twilight’s is unoriginal and boring.
    Number two: Harry Potter came WAY before Twilight. Also, Black is a very common last name.
    Number three: Is just rubbish. I have a friend named Potter who doesn’t do any of those things. And Twilight promotes the idea to girls that they have to be completely dependant on men.
    Number five: The P is meant to be Harry’s scar. The swirly g signifies nothing, and is totally pointless.
    Lastly: J.K. Is not her real name. It’s her initials. DUH. And if you didn’t know who Rowling was, you live under a rock. Let me tell you something: J.K. Is a role model for all of us. She began homeless and poor, and now she is making over a million dollars a year.

  81. Never. Ever. Insult J.K Rowling. EVER. First, the box sets? Twilghts box set is simple boring and mainstream. The Harry Potter Series’ box set is in a TRUNK resembling the ones that the students at Hogwarts use. Second,Sirius and Jacob? No dear, Harry Potter was written BEFORE Twilight. The idea for Sirius was completely original of J.K. As for the casting? There’s plenty of black actors in Harry Potter and to be quite honest Rebecca Black isn’t black, how very racist of her parents? I didn’t think so. And no offence but Taylor Lautner isn’t actually black so that point is actually irrelevant. Third, the logos? Tell me, what reference to the story line does a swirl in the g have in Twilight? The jaggedness of the P in Potter represents Harry’s scar. Fourth, the “hidden meanings” actually Twilight, I’m guessing is because that’s when the werewolves transform on full moons? Maybe I’m wrong, Harry Potter? That’s his name. Beatrice Potter doesn’t glorify smoking marijuana so why should Harry Potter? Lastly, the authors? Excuse me but in an interview in February of 2009 Stephen King said : “Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people. [. . .] The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.” I’m guessing your C was actually for your appalling writing if it was similar to Stephenie’s. J.K stands for Joanne Katherine, not just kidding, she didn’t come up with her name, that was her parents. She put J.K so that boys would also read them. Also, that picture of J.K is Jennifer Aniston, well done. P.S well done, your grammar is ridiculously incorrect. As I said, do not insult J.K Rowling, especially with a Ravenclaw present.

  82. also, wizards aren’t real? Neither are sparkling vampires. -_-

  83. Preach it gurl
    Harry Potter is and forever will be my fav book series Hunger games and Percy Jackson were great but they won’t ever take the place of Harry Potter.

  84. This is funny because it’s bad in an extremely-over-the-top way. Bad grammar, unbelievable generalizations, AND incorrect information? I’m willing to bet this is a Harry Potter fan trying to make Twilight fans look ridiculous. Keep calm accept it for its hilarity.
    (A thousand pardons if, by a minuscule chance, this was not created ironically. If so, I have nothing to say.)

  85. Haha well said!

  86. Ikr when I saw that picture I was like : …but that’s jennifer Anniston lmao

  87. If this is a joke it’s hilarious! If it’s not a joke then, well, I guess this is proof that humanity is doomed as a species.

  88. Thank you! Twilight is literally Bella doing nothing about anything and her fairy princess boyfriend doing everything. Harry Potter is about an incredible fantasy world for witches and wizards who fight to defeat the dark lord, all the while learning how to be themselves and finding bravery in the darkest of times. Also, half of those weren’t even reasons! They were random opinions that had nothing to do with the books themselves. Which one is better? Oh, I don’t know, maybe, HARRY POTTER!

  89. Ravenclaw agrees. Amen sister! Amen!


  91. So very true! Preach it

  92. It’s a troll. I mean, it’s got to be…right?

  93. I know right? These are the most ridiculous reasons I’ve ever heard of. The fact that you are comparing it’s logo and what case it comes in proves that Twilight is a stupid, sexist, shallow series that only talks about who’s hot or not. Harry Potter has brave, selfless, smart, kind, funny characters, an amazing plot, and incredible movies. Oh, and you want to know something else? The Harry Potter movies made $934. 40 million dollars. Twilight movies made $142 million. Take that!

  94. Tell me about it! Harry Potter is three hundred times better than Twilight. Twilight teaches girls that they need a sparkling boyfriend to survive. Harry Potter teaches girls to fight and stand up for what’s not right. Which is a better moral? THE SECOND ONE!

  95. Sigh… wow. I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone more than I hate you right now. Are you actually comparing Twilight to Harry Potter? And saying it’s better!?!? There is really no comparison. I’ve read the Twilight saga, and it is mediocre at best. Also, Harry Potter was made BEFORE TWILIGHT!!! WHO CARES ABOUT THIS WHINY, PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A CHARACTER WHEN WE CAN READ ABOUT SIRIUS BLACK!!! HOW DOES THE NAME “HARRY POTTER” HAVE ANY RELATION AT ALL TO POT?!?! AND HOW IS THE WORD “TWILIGHT” RELATED TO JESUS?!?! HOW?!?! And finally… THAT IS NOT J. K. ROWLING!!! THAT IS JENIFFER ANISTON, IMBECILE!!! WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE YOU ALLOWED TO WASTE OUR PRECIOUS OXYGEN?

  96. I’m not even gonna….

  97. This article is so stupid to begin COMIC SANS

  98. Gryffindor is with ya

  99. Riddikulous.

  100. PREACH(George;))

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