The Funniest Comics by Work Chronicles

The corporate swamp is a vast, unending expanse of soul-crushing monotony and mind-numbing jargon. It’s a place where ambition goes to die, slowly suffocated by layers of bureaucracy and endless meetings that drain the will to live. Scroll down to see some of the best comics by @WorkChronicles Instagram account and have laugh through tears!

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

Funny comic by Work Chronicles.

8 thoughts on “The Funniest Comics by Work Chronicles”

  1. Tldr and not funny

  2. All true.

  3. While we’re all here, I’d like to congratulate George Floyd on the 4th anniversary of his sobriety.

  4. Someone just found Dilbert

  5. TORist Bob, Congrats to you for finally reaching an IQ level consisting of a double digit number. Now time to work on some class.

  6. Its always nice when someone who can’t spell questions another’s IQ!

  7. There is still the warming hope TORist Bob might die alone and in fear. Slowly.

  8. Kinda like you now? Just doing nothing with your life, letting it slowly slip into the abyss while better people accomplish more in a day then you have in your whole life. Youre busy though, here on eat liver, hoping some stranger dies!


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