Pumpkins Meme: Where Are All The Nice Guys?

Ready to step up and be the nice guy that takes care of her three kids from two different fathers? She needs a proper man for once in her life!

Ready to step up and be the nice guy that takes care of her three kids from two different fathers? She needs a proper man for once in her life!

13 thoughts on “Pumpkins Meme: Where Are All The Nice Guys?”

  1. Too late, all you’ll find now are deadbeats like yourself.

  2. Common 12 year old babe we can party under the bridge for the rest of your life

  3. 1st picture: Trump before prison
    2nd picture: Trump after prison
    Hm, he already looks like after prison. Fellon for life.

  4. Seems someone has been to a lot of parties and hasn’t found a nice partner.
    And now, like in the second picture, has a lot of free time.

  5. Don’t drop the soap, Donald.

  6. Trumps not going to prison. He’s going to the White House to replace dementia Joe. Sorry 😢. Maybe Joe can run to replace socks since he’s losing politically also. Nothing but Bots here now. Sad.

  7. So, we can add dementia to the list of topics you know nothing about.

  8. The trump supporter using all the emojis is clearly a Facebook mom! Have some red wine and vicodin, youre not you when youre sober!

  9. You’re not youre! More proof our educational system has failed us.

  10. You’re, not youre! Watch your punctuation Karen.

  11. They will pull Biden from ticket. They have to. He’s just to far gone. It’s elder abuse at this point. If you really can’t see that you’re either lying, not paying attention or you’re retarded.

  12. Biden is just old and shaky. He falls a lot. But his mind is clear.
    Trump is the one with dementia. It already showed during the last months of his presidency. It’s typical for patients to become more aggressive and erratic. It’s getting worse from event to event. His narcissism doesn’t make it better. You can watch his mind crumble live on TV.

  13. But his mind is clear. Okay Biden Brain. Kamala Harris for President right..

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