AI-Generated Pics: Donald Trump & Joe Biden as Best Friends

We know how much you love to fight in the comments about politics, but wouldn’t it be great if we all could just come together as best friends and put our political preferences aside? Just imagine the world where Joe Biden and Donald Trump build a snowman together or feed each other fistfuls of spaghetti! Wouldn’t it be amazing? Scroll down to get inspired, fill your heart with joy and love for your fellow men!

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

Biden and Trump - the best friends ever.

32 thoughts on “AI-Generated Pics: Donald Trump & Joe Biden as Best Friends”

  1. What was Trump doing to that swan.

  2. What he does to anything with a lady hole.

  3. Did you notice it too? The AI has no problem with Trump’s face. But Biden always looks fake and distorted. This is proof that Trump is an artificial lifeform send to Earth to destroy us all.

  4. I remember way back in the day, when human beings produced our memes, with hard work and photoshop and real intelligence…

  5. And this is just the part they do out in public, with the lights on… 💘

  6. Derangement Syndrome is real. Get some help. It’s just sad now.

  7. You are now in the comments; Graphical reality has resumed its shape. All is as it was before. Many such journeys are possible. Let me be your gateway.

  8. Derangement accusations by the deranged. Can’t make this up. Not even if you are deranged.

  9. A deranged man walked into a meeting and called them all deranged. I just made that up! Seems sir you are a liar!

  10. This is the new Canada. Read it and weep. Thanks Justine. Justine.. 🤪🤣😂

  11. Fat man is one day closer to prison. Wonder if he has to supply his
    own adult diapers, or is the tax payers on the hook.

  12. Either way he’s going to be the leader of the free world. War monger Joe and the Leftist anti semites are unelectable and there is no one else who could win. Like Justine’s 3 ethics convictions it won’t matter. No body will vote to put a Democratic in that office except the Maoists and there isn’t enough of them. So the US will have a corrupt leader, like Canada. Who cares.

  13. Trump’s never been a leader. And he won’t be. He’s a parasite. All he does is making America sick.

  14. One of the most peaceful leaders they have had in decades. Then Joe gets in and it’s WWIII. Coincidence? I think not!

  15. Is thinking really one of your strong points?

  16. So not doing the job is peaceful… Yeah.
    You should do less drugs.

  17. Imagine if Churchill and Roosevelt were peaceful, What Europe would look like today.

  18. Threatening North Korea with nuclear armageddon is peaceful?

  19. @Just sayin!
    Not just Europe. Don’t think Hitler’s desires would have ended at the shore line.
    The only ones threatening with armageddon are the Noth Koreans. Have you ever seen their news broadcasts? The threatenting with armageddon is part of their daily political agenda.

  20. Well at least Trump isn’t an anti semite like people on the Left. People don’t want him as President, but the other choice is far far worse. The circus is only going to get worse in US politics. 🍿

  21. Trump doesn’t see Jews as Americans. He considers all of them citizens of Israel.

  22. He knows where the money and power is. If you want to know who rules over you, just see who you can’t criticize. 🤔

  23. All he knows is that he is in deep sh*t, finally being punished for 80 years of lying and misbehavior.

  24. Judges now rule over him, but that doesn’t stop him from criticizing them.

  25. Mental breakdown is coming. Then the poor man will be in a wheelchair in front of the court. Justice is so cruel to him. All he wanted was to be above the law. Was that too much to ask… ok, he didn’t ask.

  26. Nope. He’ll be President and serve from jail. Which is fine in the US.

  27. He’ll be king.

  28. The US doesn’t have those. Wouldn’t work there. They bow to no one, ever. Unless you’re Obama then you bow and grovel to the King of Saudi Arabia like a weak Lil serf. Sooo embarrassing. Him and poopy pants Biden are the worst in that countries history. But.. ORANGE!

  29. They bow to know one? The Republicans bow a lot to get f… in the butt by Donald. He’ll be king. He and his party of political wh*res will just change the law and scat on the constitution like they did before. America is dead.

  30. I’m just so upset with what’s happening in Namibia. Their upcoming elections are so important to me personally even though I’ve never been there.. it’s all just so stressful to me. I can’t stop talking about how they run their own country. I think I need medication I’m so upset by it all.

  31. Welcome to Eatliver.

  32. who are these people?

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