Cat Mullets: Weird Instagram Cat Haircut Trend

The 1980s are coming back! There’s a weird trend among cat owners: mullet style grooming. It’s even gaining some traction among viral Instagram trends under #CatMullet tag. Now even our poor pets won’t be able to avoid this crime against haircuts.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullets.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

Cat mullet haircut.

46 thoughts on “Cat Mullets: Weird Instagram Cat Haircut Trend”

  1. Some of them look like Trump and it’s rather unsettling.

  2. You can give a squirrel a gnarly Jerry Curl.
    You can perm a hairy pacyderm.
    You can even try to mow a hawk.
    But baby if you please,
    don’t offend my feline sensabilities…
    Oh, don’t shave my cat, my achy breaky cat.

  3. Trump, really.. first comment? Get some help man. Read the new study published by the British Pharmacological society about how screwed the vaccinated are. That’s a REAL issue. Thousands of people are dying and many more to come. But all you people talk about is Orange Man Bad! Reeeee! It’s pathetic. Maybe that’s why the powers that be did this. Maybe they were right to do it.

  4. How you can tell Trump is lying. He is smiling and his lips are moving.

  5. This alarmist yapping about vaccine deaths has built himself to a
    frenzy. Someone should tell him to settle down, and stop believing
    all the bull crap he’s been reading.
    Settled down – – – good boy, now get out there and get your Covid

  6. Just to be clear , it’s not a vaccine in any shape or form .

  7. Alarmist huh.. but don’t bother actually reading the science. The British pharmacological society isn’t the Justine News Hour-brought to you by Pfizer. What happened to following the science? And no, Im not upset, just know that you don’t get honest news in Canada and you should know. It effects you and your kids. I wasn’t fooled by it, and never took it. Especially when they violated the nuremberg code forcing people to take it. You Pro Death Jab people never mention that part. Vax up. There’s a new one. What is this.. 5..6.. all for a virus with a 99.4 survival rate. You can’t fix stupid.

  8. Alarmists alarm. That guy is a troll and he trolls.

  9. And a fool.

  10. A moron.

  11. Over 13 BILLION jabs have been given and over 70% of the people on the planet have at least 1 Covid vaccine. If there were side effects, we’d know it by now….like at least thousands of confirmed deaths maybe?

    Compare that with almost 7 million (6,972,152 ) confirmed deaths from Covid…. and the death rate started falling dramatically as soon as we started taking the vaccine.

    It’s pretty obvious that vaccines are a good idea, unless of course you are an idiot or a conspiracy theorist who doesn’t care if people die.

  12. Vaccine Bad! Reeeee! It’s pathetic.

  13. People dying is good for his ego. Every death validates his delusions giving him the boost to get through the day.

  14. and it’s true: Orange Man Bad. And Mad.

    White House material obviously. Well if the Reps screw up longer electing a speaker, there is likely not much left to do in the white house by 2025.

  15. Have to agree with Steph… the first post. Some of these cats do look like trump… only, I’m sure, they’re a lot smarter and much easier to be around and listen to.

  16. But nothing refuting the science. Hmmm… Only meaningless ad hominem attacks. The Lefttards usual method. But what can you expect from Hamas supporters. Be sure to get your new and improved Fall jab. Safe and effective just like before. And don’t forget the kids!

  17. If you say so. Don’t think anyone here falls for your sorry attempts to troll. People just use you as a distraction posting some posts. You are not intelligent enough to troll “good”. Repetitive and easy to debunk. Therefore quite boring.
    Why argue with you when you don’t want to? You want to be insulted. That’s why you are here, not discussions. Makes you feel good, like a martyr. But everyone else just rolls their eyes. I’m waiting for something right now for excample. That’s why I write a post to you. Boredom.
    Yet, when I call you “moron”, it actually does have a – very deep – meaning. Deep as the sewers.

  18. “Antivaxxer-I want to lick Trudeau’s toes boy” there is just one of the jokes on Eatliver. 🤣🤣

  19. Nobody is refuting that the vaccine, like any medicine, has rare side effects. To quote from the comments by the British Medical Journal on the article you previously mentioned on vaccine related heart problems: “Number of cases low and relatively mild” and “findings must be considered alongside overll benefits of vaccination”. You are making a mountain out of a molehill.

  20. So tell me.. what are the “proven benefits” of the gene therapy? And you can’t say that “if you get Covid it will milder because of the therapy” because there is absolutely no data supporting that. In fact, the opposite is what the UK and US date is showing. So what do these multiple jabs do for you?

  21. Trolling, trolling, trolling.

    Boring, boring, boring.

  22. The data provided by many states and countries show that the death rate per 100,000 unvaccinated people is about ten times as high as that per 100,000 vaccinated people. Oops, we disproved another of your “facts”.

  23. Stop trying to convince the idiotic anti vaxxers to take the vaccine! Let good ol darwinism take over! We dont really need those people do we?

  24. Mindless vaccinated sheep. Good luck with that.

  25. Ok. Go away and never come back.

  26. Ironically, those who yell “Science!!!” like a Thomaas Dolby song, when you mention vaccines, pee themselves and scream like frightened children when you mention GMOs.

  27. The probability of you carrying covid in your DNA is much larger than that of me carrying vaccine in my DNA. Please, google the net for 1) reliable information and 2) a shrink in your local area.

  28. He is not interested in information.

  29. I am still pissed over that $10,000.00 fine.

  30. You should complain more.

  31. When they said shaved pu… I wasnt expecting this.

  32. The CDC has recommended that vaccinated young men should avoid sports or any type of “physical exertion”. And they did that because… the vaccines are safe and effective right? 🤣😂. It’s right in front of you! But… as always.. Its easier to fool people then it is to get them to admit that they were fooled. YOU. WERE. FOOLED. And you are officially and scientifically a GMO. I wonder what effects that has on the brain of the Jabbies. See above. It’s all lies! Even when the science shows it’s not! STFU! I… ack… uhg… collapses like the 1000’s of perfectly heathy athletes have for no apparent reason. I know.. it’s all a big conspiracy. That’s why the new jab has a 1% uptake rate.

  33. But the CDC still has to update its website to report this, right? From what is on there: “The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination continue to outweigh any potential risks”, “Severe reactions after COVID-19 vaccination are rare.” Fool.

  34. One should always avoid sports for some days after a vaccination. The body will treat the vaccine as a real infection and fight the antigens. Idiot doesn’t understand science.

  35. That’s right, “No vaccines and no antibiotics ever.” Demand it from your chicken, but hate your fellow man…

  36. From your chicken?

  37. Your vaxxed minds are ruined. You still cling to “If your vaccinated you can’t spread Covid”. Which is and always was an lie. But not taking it means you “ hate your fellow man”. The pyop is over now. It’s not working. Go jab your kids. I guess you can put it in babies now. Not sure who would be that dumb but hey. Jab, Jab, jab right. 🤣😂

  38. Wow, it’s all in your head. Crazy. Textbook case of covid brain damage. 😵‍💫

  39. We were told from the beginning that vaccinated people are less likely to spread covid.

  40. Emphasis on “less likely”. No one with scientific authority ever said “can’t”.
    That guy obviously has no kids or he would know of the benefits of vaccines and how they protect one’s children.

  41. More Propaganda. Joe Biden and Justine Pierre Trudeau, or murdering socks, both said can’t. Over and over. So did 99% of the Media. And HOW does it “protect one’s children”. With myocarditis.. It’s like dealing with a hive mind.

  42. Unlike you, I don’t get my medical information from politicians, nor from social media.

  43. Trump isn’t a politician. Just a con man.

  44. Man 44 comments! That’s why the site pays me to troll. Drives traffic up.

  45. You wish. All you get is… well, nothing. Same as us.

  46. Has PETA seen this?

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