10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,759 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”

  1. Yes, that is Jennifer Aniston… How would somebody think that Rowling look like that…

  2. Lol. Ultimately correct.

  3. In posts titled something like “Reasons Harry Potter Is Better Than Twilight,” the reasons are always plausible, there are barely any grammar/punctuation/spelling mistakes, (if any), and you can tell the author of the post did a lot of research. In posts titled “Reasons Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter” it’s usually the exact opposite.

  4. Harry potter can’t copy twilight because harry potter came out first so twilight copied harry potter. Sirius black was before Jacob Black!!!

  5. I know you think you’re all that and a bag of chips but this is just wrong. I’m disgusted by you’re accusations. My older sister has read the Harry potter series 12 times. Then, she read the twilight series ONCE and said it was cliche. Also, you spelt Meyer wrong she’s not john Mayers wife. Also, you were very biased when pointing things out. ‘Stephanie Mayer is flawless and brings out the writers in each of us.’ That alone is a biased accusation. If you were a smart person, take that down and post something less biased and more factual.

  6. But the thing is, shes not smart.

  7. Liar!!! Harry Potter is the best series in the world, and ur just jealous of how much better harry potter is than twilight. You’re a troller. Plus, harry potter has a THEME PARK at Universal Studios. I don’t see Twilight having one.

  8. HP is the best book ever! You say HP encourages drugs, but Bella from Twilight jumps off a cliff just to hear Edward’s voice! That’s suicide! You’re just jealous that people like HP better! Plus, I don’t see twilight with a theme park visited by millions of people each year. Also, the lowest grossing HP film made more than the highest twilight film, which proves people like HP better. HP is relevant to all ages whereas twilight is just read by people with no love life, apparently which is you. People say they like twilight because of love, but guess what? Hermione’s love for Harry allowed her to continue their quest even when Ron left. Molly’s love for her daughter gave her the strenght to kill Bellatrix. And Snape’s love for Lily led him to protect her son nearly all his life, and even die for him. Twilight isn’t a love story! It’s just a dumb story about 100 year old people who watch girls sleep! And I’m glad you got a “C” on that paper, especially if your writing is anything like Meyer’s :P

  9. why would you even begin to think that Twilight is better than Harry Potter? i mean seriously. Bella does absolutely nothing except cry and she acts completely helpless. and Edward SPARKLING? enough said. Twilight has no plot or anything. i don’t blame the actors. i blame the story. Twilight is dumber than Crabbe and Goyle. I’d rather be attacked by a dementor than watch or read that series. HARRY POTTER FOREVER!!!

  10. Anyone who even begins to think that HP is worse than twi*barf* (sry, can’t even get the whole word out) has obviously been hit the a stupefying spell!
    Twilight has nothing original in it! It’s just some really old people watching other people sleep! *barf*

  11. Literally the stupidest dumb duck thing I’ve ever read. And I’ve read twilight so that’s really saying something. Also I love how all the comments support hp

  12. Wowwww…
    Harry potter was written BEFORE your beloved twilight and it’s kinda racist to think that just because someone’s last name is Black they need to be black.
    And the title of each of the Harry Potter books tell you something about each of the books the word twilight was mentioned like once in twilight.
    (Oh and the reason that you got a ‘c’ is because you wrote like Meyer

  13. That is not a picture of Jk. It’s a picture of Jennifer Aniston

  14. Just because YOU didn’t know J. K. Rowling, doesn’t mean she’s not famous. FYfriggin’I, J. K. does not mean ‘just kidding’ it means Joanne Kathleen. BTW, not everybody thinks Twilight is better than Harry Potter.

  15. Dislike this post for Hermione. Like this post for Bella. I saw a similar experiment like this on Facebook once.

  16. Okay, Okey dokey. Let’s get started!
    Soooo firstly, she states that everyone likes twilight but no one says they do. I would just like to point out all those Harry Potter fans out there who absolutely love Harry Potter and they don’t keep quiet about it! If people really loved Twilight then they would tell the world about it! The least successful Harry Potter movie (Prisoner of Azkaban) earned $90 million dollars more than the most successful twilight movie.

  17. Just saying… The least financially successful Harry Potter film made $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie.
    You are entitled to your own opinion, but that does not mean that Harry Potter is bad… I’m guessing that you have never seen the movies or read the books, so you don’t know. I think you should take the time to read the books and see the movies, before you judge.
    Also btw, Sirius black was related to the Malfoys, and in the book and movies, he and Narcissa were cousins, so their parents would have been sisters. This means that if Narcissas mother would not have been coloured, so her sister would not have been coloured too. This means that Sirius would not have been coloured.
    Like I said though, you should be more understanding of we potterheads, and we should not be horrid to you, sorry.
    Sarah out!

  18. Sirius isn’t actually dangerous in dog form. All other mistakes in this post have been covered.

  19. I was laughing so hard. I mean did a six year old write this. Please. The person who made this is an idiot and a racist. Twilight sucks!

  20. Justin Black or whatever his name is, isn’t black either. So maybe YOU are the racist. I know why you got a C. You are the worst speller ever. I just don’t know why you didn’t get an F. Jingle Bells Twilight smells, Edward ran away. Bella died and Jacob cried Potter all the way, Hey! Potter 4 Eva!

  21. Pirates ARE real, Frickin’ Dumas!

  22. Yes

  23. Want some Butterbeer? I said that because YOU don’t have a drink available to the public.

  24. Next, She goes on to discuss the box sets. She talks about how the Twilight box sets are modern and to the point, but the Harry Potter ones come in a “treasure chest”. Okay, FYI It’s a TRUNK that actually comes up in the books. Unlike Twilight: Correct me if i’m wrong, but there are no apples, blood drenched roses, frayed ribbons and incorrectly coloured chess sets (that have significance) in the books. She also says that “dumb people believe in magic” (She has atrocious spelling, or just can’t be bothered to type like a normal person). People who believe in Twilight believe in sparkling vampires, for goodness sake! Harry Potter was the first of it’s kind and the characters are an inspiration to children all over the world, including me. The depth of Harry potter compared to Twilight! Please take a moment to think about this.

  25. WHAT KIND OF CRAP DID I JUST READ!?! she just said that harry potter’s fans are dumb because we believe in wizards then she is the stupidest person in the world believing in vampires and stupid werewolves.

  26. R.I.P Spelling in this entire thing

  27. That isn’t even a picture of J.K. Rowling

  28. In case you didn’t know J.K. Rowling wrote the book Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban before Twilight was real.

  29. Ok now… This is just a whole bunch of crap. 1) Its a TRUNK not a treasure chest, and trunks are what the students take to Hogwarts. 2) Both the Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone and the Prisoner of Azkaban were published BEFORE Twilight was real, therefore Meyers copied JKR. 3) The P in Potter is meant to look like Harry’s scar, unless I’m very much mistaken. 4) So are you saying that because Harry Styles’ name is Harry he’s promoting bad hygiene too or something? Because NO neither of the Harrys are promoting bad hygiene! And also, I’m a huge Potterhead and guess what? I DON’T SMOKE POT AND I NEVER WILL! 5) I feel sorry for you, being compared to Meyers is NOT an accomplishment. And that’s not even a picture of JKR!
    Get your facts right before you post something like this please :)

  30. Excuse me but did you call J.K Rowling not famous?!? Have you been living in a freakin hole your whole life? Because you may not have known this but J.K. Rowling is the first person to become a BILLIONAIRE by writing books. And also “what kind of name is J.K. ?” Um hello ever heard of initials? Btw that picture isn’t even J.K. Rowling (as if you had the brain cells to know that)

  31. Thank you

  32. Moving on, her third point is about how J.K Rowling copied Stephanie Meyer in many different ways. I CAN NOT explain in WORDS, how wrong she is, but I will give it a try. She gave an example: Sirius Black vs Jacob Black. J.K Rowling COULD NOT and WOULD NOT copy Stephanie Meyer. Why? Because Harry Potter CAME OUT several years BEFORE Twilight. J.K Rowling came up with the character and put him in the third book: The Prisoner of Azkaban. Which came out 1999 whereas Twilight came out in 2005. So, it would have been impossible for J.K Rowling to have copied Stephanie Meyer, and if you still want to

  33. I agree with you. Stephanie Meyers created blatant Mary sues. She tried to teach me that I’m nothing without a boyfriend. Bella is the biggest setback in feminism since… I don’t even know! Joanne Rowling created characters with depth, love, and feeling, that gave me joy, love, sorrow, and an amazing experience. And I’m sorry that you don’t like that Harry Potter is named that. The title is the CHARACTER.
    Also, Rowlings doesn’t have a middle name. She used her grandmothers name as her middle name for initials, so people would read it. She became a billionaire by writing books. The least successful Harry Potter movie was 90,000 DOLLARS MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TWILIGHT MOVIE. Also, all Stephanie Meyers has Bella notice is OOOOOH, EDWARDS EEEEYYESS. THERE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
    When the love of Hermione’s life left her, she continued to try to destroy the most powerful and dangerous wizard in the world.
    When the (sparkly fairy princess) love of Bella’s life left her, she curled up in the fetal position and went numb for months, then jumped off a cliff. Great example.
    I started to read twilight, then stopped, then read it to make fun of the sparkly fairy princess vampires. JK Rowlings had mythical creatures with a original twist, Meyers had mythical creatures with a weird, bad twist. Robert Pattinson said he’d rather play Cedric, (From [awesome] Harry Potter) than (sparkly) Edward Cullen. He said that if he weren’t an actor from twilight, he’d mindlessly hate it.


  35. Even umbridge would expell you!

  36. Yeah

  37. If your writing is like Steph’s, you deserved that c. Also, TWILIGHT didn’t have a black person be Jacob black either. And the point of being a werewolf is that you transform on the full moon. Jacob is just a shape shifter who can only change into a dog. We have animaguses.

  38. I’m TEN and I could counter get reasons.I started to read twilight, then stopped, then read it to make fun of the sparkly fairy princess vampires. JK Rowlings had mythical creatures with a original twist, Meyers had mythical creatures with a weird, bad twist.

  39. Right.

  40. It takes one to know one.

  41. She’s right

  42. You sound like Hermione :)

  43. I totally agree. Right now I’m reading the Harry Potter series… Again, for about the millionth time.

  44. Vampires are cool… But not sparkly fairy princess vampires who don’t have fangs.

  45. I agree TOTALLY but please don’t cuss.

  46. Yeah, he (obviously) came back as a ghost, and got one of his Death Eaters to type this up. Our enemy until the end.

  47. Hey, I’M a ten year old, and I write better than her. She writes like a nine year old.

  48. Everyone was thinking it, And now you said it. XD

  49. I mean, some are just hysterical teenage girls. Others are brilliant awesome people.

  50. Well I read the series to laugh about it and make fun of it. Who says a conversation about a motorbike is interesting? The series is Riddikulus!

  51. Edward is a stalker. It’s not romantic, it’s creepy!

  52. He CAN be, but he’s a good person, so he isn’t.

  53. 1. HP doesn’t promote drugs. It is merely a coincidence that you cousin does drugs and is a HP fan as well. Plus, if you did your research, (which obviously you didn’t) you will know that there is a drug called “twilight”.
    2. Harry Potter is relevant to ALL ages. Twilight is pretty much for teenage losers who flunk out of school, do drugs, are a disgrace to society, and have no life.
    3. The MOST successful twilight movie made 90 MILLION dollars LESS than the LEAST successful HP movie.
    4. HP has a theme park. Can someone give me directions to the twilight theme park? Oh wait, THEY DON’T HAVE ONE! I wonder why? That’s because HP is better than that trash of a book Twilight.
    5. HP is British :) . Enough said.

  54. J.K Rowling stands for Joanne Rowling. She was afraid young boys weren’t going to read the books so she decided to have two initials instead of having her full name. She never had a middle name so she added ‘K’ (which stands for Kathleen) as her second initial.

  55. this is so STUPID. and just because someone’s last name is Black doesn’t mean they have to be Black.

  56. accuse someone of copying, accuse STEPHANIE MEYER… Oh and I nearly forgot about the racism part. You don’t have to have dark skin to have the last name Black, like you don’t have to have light skin to acquire the surname; White. For example: Barry White. I find that by saying, someone has to have dark skin to have the last name of Black, racist.

  57. Next. The Logos. The jagged stem of the P is meant represent the scar that Harry Potter has. But the swirl in the tail of the G, where is there a swirl in the books? What is it meant to represent?
    The titles and their HIDDEN MEANINGS: Okay, hun i’m sorry to break it to you but you are completely and utterly WRONG. No.1 There are many different religions in the world, and not all of them believe in Jesus Christ. No.2 Pure does NOT mean Jesus, but Jesus was pure. But still I think you may have gotten a little confused because I don’t think anyone else could deduct that meaning from the title Twilight. Next, Harry Potter: Harry Potter is a NAME and the statement about your cousin is not “PROOF!”

  58. Okay, so the Authors. Stephanie Meyer is an average author whereas J.K Rowling is a unique author who knows how to capture the attention of a large audience. Twilight is mainly for teenage girls and… and that is about it. On the other hand Harry Potter is for children ranging from 6 and up, as well as adults. With Twilight, a young teenage girl would be able to deduct pretty much the same thing/storyline/plot as an adult would from reading the books. But in Harry Potter everyone takes away something different. This is good because all young children learn in different ways.


  60. So true. So true.

  61. Yeah.

  62. Thank you for this gem of a post…..I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my eyes…u have made me very happy indeed

  63. You upset people are stupid, this is an obvious satire bit. Calm down.

  64. Is anyone actually taking this thing serious? It’s obviously someone just making a joke so all haters of the thing just chill and start laughing.. it’s easier to read it that way ;)

  65. Exactly. Also, JACOB Black had the last name black, and was SUPPOSED TO BE NATIVE AMERICAN. Sirius was described that way in the books.

  66. Hey, I TRIED to read Twilight. The first book, all it talked about was Edward’s eyes. I’m on team Tyler’s van. Tyler’s van (sadly almost) crushed Bella.

  67. Yep.

  68. Yep. Jennifer Aniston.

  69. Me too. My dad was awesome, and how was HIS NAME promoting drug usage? I know why Voldemort was evil. He read twilght.

  70. *talking in a high teenage snobby voice* modern, clean cut, and to the point.
    More like, boring, unoriginal, and cliché.

  71. :)

  72. And maybe some Harry Potter fans don’t believe in it, and just like the STORY! (Not me, though. I’m still waiting for the owl on my 11th birthday.)

  73. I personally was inspired by Joanne Rowling’s amazing story.

  74. Especially not me.

  75. Yep.

  76. OBVIOUSLY so that’s means she copied JKR

  77. Firstly at least Harry Potter has uniqueness placing their books… and wtf Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was published first and that’s where Sirius Black ffirst seen and obviously Twilight copied Harry Potter or so on and so forth… and hellooo the font their symbolizes something the ” P” symbolizes the scar of Harry Potter and fyi the font is neat compared tot he others… Well hidden meaning woah… your minds are too advance seriously did the authors think first about hidden meanings huh use your mind… authors funny… we don’t judge people by their popularity it’s within them we judge and who are you to judge people… are you GOD and HARRY POTTER ID ABOUT CONFRONTING FEARS, FINDING INNER STRENGTH, HOW FAMILY IS IMPORTANT, LOVE AND DOING THINGS RIGHT IN FACE OF ADVERSITY WHILE TWILIGHT IS ABOUT LOVE AND HOW IMPORTANT IS YOUR BOYFRIEND.

  78. PEOPLE I’m here to makeep a fight… and mind you that don’t judge the books… the books are all nice… they are all wonderfull

  79. Totally agree with you! All the points I was going to say!

  80. True story.
    For example:
    Jack Black is not black.
    And Barry White is not White.
    Racist much? I thought so.

  81. Either way, you’d be going for Harry Potter. Whether it’s for the Death Eaters or the D. A…. That remains to be seen.

  82. And Jaxon Black was supposed to be Native American in the book! If you want to accuse people of racism, accuse Stephanie Meyer. Also, she isn’t flawless. She wrote twilight!

  83. am i the only one that sees the sarcasm in this post?

  84. Wow. You so called “Twilight Fans” are stupid. Obviously Most Harry Potter books came out before “Twilight”. I think the way they package the HP books are creative!( Although I never got that ) The “Twilight” box set is so…so…blah.
    When I saw this post and I was in TEARS. You just ruined the dreams of a young girl who’s so close to finishing the Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.
    Thank you so much “Twilight Fan”!

  85. Moony! Prongs! Back me up here!!!

  86. You’re kinda a bit mentally challenged…. Do you want me to refer you to a Psychiatrist?

  87. Even though this is fake, -loads gun-, I’m going to be right back >:3

  88. HATE YOU.Harry Potter is an Era , Twilight is an Error so shut up. Actually , i never say bad things about Twilight by respect , but you have no respect for the fans , for the autor who sacrified her life for her book , for the actors , for all of that !

  89. And Harry Potter was writting before Twilight
    1991 : Harry Potter
    2002 : Twilight

  90. seriously? is the person who made this really THIS stupid? I guess she is if she even thought that this was a good idea. *sigh* are hope for humanity is lost if more people decide to ‘think’ like her.

  91. Okay. So many mistakes I want to bang my head on a wall. First of all, you didn’t even spell Sirius Black’s name right. He’s named after a star, like all of the Blacks besides Narcissa. You also couldn’t get a a picture of J.K. Rowling. You got Jennifer Aniston. J.K.’s name is that way because her name is Joanne. Good job. Not gonna hate on Twilight, though, trust me, there are plenty of reasons to do so, but actually read the freaking books. I have been reading them since 2nd grade (8th now) and seeing this broke my heart, because those books and movies were a special part of my childhood. :*(

  92. You are exactly right.

  93. Farewell spelling… I’ll miss you!

  94. I’m coming Padfoot! These people need to really look up the definition of a werewolf. We can’t change at will, that’s an Animagus people.

  95. • Elegant*
    • Sirius*
    • Swirl*
    • Are*
    • ACTIVIATELY?! I don’t even know how to correct that!
    • OBIVIOUSLY?! Ditto!
    • That’s Jennifer Aniston, not Joanne Rowling.
    • Your teacher was probably insulting you saying your writing is like ‘steph’s’.
    Guys, you say this ‘ruined your childhood’. That’s like saying you want to commit suicide because someone said they don’t like donuts!

  96. i know right? she spells wrong i don’t think that she’s normal its like listening to your sister talk about how fairies are real

  97. she needs to visit her doctor

  98. that picture was Jennifer Aniston

  99. she’s worst than the author herself

  100. so why wasn’t jacob black a black person? THAT’S NOT EVEN HOW YOU SPELL SIRUIS

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